Archive for April, 2010

War Stories

Generation Kill

Black Hawk Down

Jawbreaker: The Attack on Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda: A Personal Account by the CIA’s Key Field Commander

Joker One: A Marine Platoon’s Story of Courage, Leadership, and Brotherhood

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“What I know about Islam” – Pat Condell

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Latinos converting to Islam

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CAIR = Front group for Hamas?

“The Department of Justice has presented evidence to four inquiring Congress members to support the agency’s belief that the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations was founded as a front group in the U.S. for the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas.”

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Censorship in Miami

Think you still have freedom of speech? Well, maybe as long as you don’t say anything that upsets Muslims.

“Miami’s transit agency censored advertisements offering a resource to Muslims desiring to leave Islam after the Council on American-Islamic Relations complained and government officials worried the message “may be offensive to Islam.”

“This is living under Shariah (Islamic) law,” said the group behind the ads, Stop Islamization of America.”

“So Muslims can run bus ads all across America inviting the clueless to convert to Islam, but we cannot make information available to Muslims who want to leave Islam,”

Congratulations, Miami, on caving in to CAIR in less than 48 hours.

Maybe the US should be concerned about all the Christian, Jews, Pagans and atheists who are offended by this:

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Shooting Ranges

Find a shooting range near you to practice your firearm skills.

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Firearm Network News

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Lt. Col. Dave Grossman

Lt. Col. Grossman has written several books including On Killing, On Combat and Warrior Mindset.

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Arizona Endorses Immigration Curbs

“While pressure increases on the Obama administration for a long-anticipated and much-promised overhaul of the nation’s immigration laws, Arizona is moving ahead with anti-illegal-immigrant legislation widely considered among the most stringent in the states. It would hand the police in the state broad power under state law to check the legal status of people they reasonably suspect are illegal immigrants.”

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Aggressive Defensive Solutions

Firearms training for civilians, law enforcement and military.

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Recreational Shooting In Houston

American Shooting Centers provides a large area near Houston for recreational shooters.

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Kyrgyzstan and the Russian Resurgence

This report is republished with permission of STRATFOR

By Lauren Goodrich

This past week saw another key success in Russia’s resurgence in former Soviet territory when pro-Russian forces took control of Kyrgyzstan.

The Kyrgyz revolution was quick and intense. Within 24 hours, protests that had been simmering for months spun into countrywide riots as the president fled and a replacement government took control. The manner in which every piece necessary to exchange one government for another fell into place in such a short period discredits arguments that this was a spontaneous uprising of the people in response to unsatisfactory economic conditions. Instead, this revolution appears prearranged.

A Prearranged Revolution

Opposition forces in Kyrgyzstan have long held protests, especially since the Tulip Revolution in 2005 that brought recently ousted President Kurmanbek Bakiyev to power. But various opposition groupings never were capable of pulling off such a full revolution — until Russia became involved.

In the weeks before the revolution, select Kyrgyz opposition members visited Moscow to meet with Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. STRATFOR sources in Kyrgyzstan reported the pervasive, noticeable presence of Russia’s Federal Security Service on the ground during the crisis, and Moscow readied 150 elite Russian paratroopers the day after the revolution to fly into Russian bases in Kyrgyzstan. As the dust began to settle, Russia endorsed the still-coalescing government.

There are quite a few reasons why Russia would target a country nearly 600 miles from its borders (and nearly 1,900 miles from capital to capital), though Kyrgyzstan itself is not much of a prize. The country has no economy or strategic resources to speak of and is highly dependent on all its neighbors for foodstuffs and energy. But it does have a valuable geographic location.

Central Asia largely comprises a massive steppe of more than a million square miles, making the region easy to invade. The one major geographic feature other than the steppe are the Tien Shan mountains, a range that divides Central Asia from South Asia and China. Nestled within these mountains is the Fergana Valley, home to most of Central Asia’s population due to its arable land and the protection afforded by the mountains. The Fergana Valley is the core of Central Asia. Read the rest of this entry »


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The Tenth Amendment Center

The Tenth Amendment Center is a national think tank that works to preserve and protect the principles of strictly limited government through information, education, and activism. The center serves as a forum for the study and exploration of state and individual sovereignty issues, focusing primarily on the decentralization of federal government power as required by the Constitution.

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“To a soldier or a pilot, it can look like life or death.” Psychologists Explain Airstrike Video

“In recent days, many veterans have made the point that fighters cannot do their jobs without creating psychological distance from the enemy. One reason that the soldiers seemed as if they were playing a video game is that, in a morbid but necessary sense, they were.

Military training is fundamentally an exercise in overcoming a fear of killing another human, said Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, author of the book “On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society,” who is a former Army Ranger. ”

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Mass Casualty Incident bag

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