Washington Times Editor Finally Gets Handgun Permit

Senior editor Emily Miller has been on a quest, determined to navigate the insane bureaucracy of Washington, D.C. to get a handgun for self defense. Even after the Heller case it is still a nightmare.   You can read the final installment of her series here.


When I first started the “Emily Gets Her Gun” series, I thought  I would be waiting in long lines and filling out lots of paperwork. I never could have imagined that the D.C. gun laws made it so unearthly difficult to get a legal handgun. However, I also never could have believed that this newspaper series would encourage change in Washington’s gun laws.

Now, this series is far from over. As I’ve found, the hurdles placed before gun owners do not end here. I need to figure out the laws on getting ammunition and transporting the gun to a state that allows practice shooting.

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