Posts Tagged handgun

Semi-Auto 9mm 3D Printed Handgun

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Waiting Periods Don’ Reduce Violence

From Politifact:

A study done by one researcher from Georgetown University and one from Duke University that was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2000 examined the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, a 1994 federal law that established a nationwide waiting period and background check for handgun sales. (The waiting period provision was later removed.)

The study concluded that the law’s waiting period was associated with reductions in the firearm suicide rate for people age 55 and older, but not associated with reductions in homicide rates or overall suicide rates.


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Ignorant Congressman Doesn’t Understand Guns, Bullets or the Purpose of the Second Amendment

From The Journal News:

The only people who should have access to these bullets are law enforcement and the military. There is no conceivable reason for anybody else to need access to a handgun round that can pierce body armor. It is our responsibility to do whatever we can to keep law enforcement safe – to protect them while they protect us. And when the gun industry fights to keep ammunition like this on the street, we must stand up.

Hunters and law-abiding gun owners have no need for a compact, semi-automatic firearm with ammunition that punches through body armor. Deer don’t wear Kevlar. Yet over and over again, we hear the gun industry lobby arguing to ensure that civilians have access to cop-killing bullets.

Why do police need armor piercing bullets? How many crimes have been committed by people wearing body armor? Every .30 caliber rifle round can pierce soft body armor. If you are truly against “armor piercing ammo” then you should want all rifle ammunition banned. Hunting is a false argument, the second amendment never mentions hunting. At the time of the War of Independence the citizens of the colonies were just as well armed as the Redcoats. There were even towns that had their own armories stocked with cannons.

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New Leupold Products for 2015

Leupold Products

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Kyle Lamb’s Opinion on Glock vs M&P

Glock vs M&P

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Surefire V Series Lights

Our new dual-spectrum V-Series lights produce intense infrared illumination for use with night vision devices and they also generate tactical white light from the same all-LED head. Simply push and twist the knurled bezel on any SureFire “V-Series” model to select the light spectrum that meets your mission requirements. This is the world’s most extensive line of white/IR-capable lights. Highly versatile. Combat ready. Guaranteed for life.
The New V-Series
Shop All New Models Now!
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Tactical Reloading – Paul Howe

Tactical Reloading – Paul Howe – CSAT

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Nightline Reports On Glock

The overall tone of the report in negative, but not as bad as I was expecting:

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Gun Talk TV Reviews the Smith & Wesson Shield

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Mythbusters Test Knife vs Gun

The guys at and were not satisfied with how the test was conducted. Mythbusters is a fascinating show, but they some times show their naivete with tests like these.

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Getting A Gun In D.C.

An editor at the Washington Times is documenting her attempt to attain a handgun in the nation’s capitol.

My quest to get a legal handgun in Washington, D.C. feels daunting. I went to the D.C. Firearms Registration office two weeks ago to start the process of getting a legal gun by picking up a 22-page packet of forms and instructions.

The second amendment says “…the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”. The rules and regulations do just that, infringe. These laws are intended to keep guns out of the hands of criminals, but why would any criminal attempt to get a gun in such a manner when they could go buy one on the black market. Laws never prevent anyone from committing an act, they are only used for punishment after the fact.

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Gunfighting in the “Red Zone”



Red ZoneThe basic premise for The Red Zone, a one day class I recently attended in Camden, Tennessee was that during an actual life or death encounter there are far more things that should not be shot than those than should be.   Johnny Jihad is evil and can shoot up the landscape.  You are the good guy and cannot do so.  David Biggers former U.S. Army Officer and dedicated student of the gun led a dozen men and women through several drills designed to force the shooter to fire their defensive pistols in a deliberate and discriminating manner.

Up Close and Personal

The FBI compiles the most thorough statistics of actual gunfights in the United States. According to the 2009 stats, 19 of the 48 officers murdered in the line of duty where a firearm was used were 0-5 feet from their attacker.  We’ve all accepted the 21 foot average, but the truth seems to be that 21 feet is more likely to be the outer limit than the minimum.


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Gun Talk Television – New Shooters, Part 4

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American Handgunner: 1911 100th Aniversary

1911 History
Custom 1911s
Factory 1911s
.45 Revolvers
Ruger’s New SR40

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Smith & Wesson Governor Revolver

Smith and Wesson has introduced a new revolver chambered in three calibers: .45, .45 Colt and .410 shot shell.

Smith and Wesson Governor

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