Mayor Daley: “I understand the situation and I understand. What I’m saying is all of us have to understand that guns is not the answer to problems we see in homes and on the streets of America. It’s just has simple as that.”

The armed intruder, Anthony Nelson, had a 13-page rap sheet -- a number of drug and weapons convictions dating to 1998.
“For a guy who uses the word “understand” three times in two sentences, Daley seems to be the one whose understanding is a bit foggy.
Perhaps he was confused about the question, but when asked “with what can 80-year-old man who walks with a cane best protect himself and his family from a young, fit, armed home invader (and career criminal), who has already illustrated his ruthlessness by firing twice?” a gun most certainly is the answer.”
“Mayor Richard Daley refused to say today whether an 80-year-old Army veteran who shot and killed an intruder will be charged under the city’s handgun ban.”
“As an 80-year-old Army veteran, his wife and great-grandson slept in their Humboldt Park … [Anthony Nelson] busted a basement window … and made his way up winding stairs to an enclosed porch.
“…as the man got off a second round, the homeowner, who had a handgun of his own, fired a single shot, killing the intruder, a police source said. ‘He missed, (but) my daddy didn’t,’ said the 80-year-old’s son, Butch Gant.â€