Posts Tagged civil rights

Supreme Court To Hear DIY Gun Case

From The Truth About Guns:

The case, VanDerStok v. Garland, challenges the Department of Justice’s 2022 Final Rule that redefined important legal terms dealing with guns, including “firearm,” “receiver” and “frame,” making the longstanding American tradition of building personal firearms pretty much a thing of the past. Back in April, the court voted 4-3 to consider the challenge.

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Marijuana Legalization Puts Gun Rights In Jeopardy

From The Truth About Guns:

As more states increasingly legalize the recreational use of marijuana—24 states according to CBS News currently do—the move has put gun owners who like to toke and can legally do so according to their state’s permittance into a legal conundrum when purchasing a firearm: How to honestly answer question 21(f) on ATF Form 4473 without committing perjury and leave the store with their firearm? The answer is, they can’t.

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YouTube Starts Crackdown On Gun Videos

From The Truth About Guns:

On Tuesday, Kinman, joined on video by his son and business associate John, announced that a new YouTube policy is making up to 95 percent of Hickok45 videos inaccessible to his fans.

“Some of you may have seen that YouTube changed their policy on gun videos on June 18, and we were not aware how much that was going to affect us until very recently when we talked to our Google rep,” John Kinman said on the video. “And you may notice that our videos posted since June 18 have been removed.”

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Anti-Gun Senator Convicted Of Bribery

Menendez, a Democrat who represented New Jersey’s 13th Congressional district from 1993 until he stepped up to the Senate in 2006, was indicted on corruption charges last year and found guilty by a federal jury this week on 16 different charges ranging from extortion and conspiracy to bribery and wire fraud. This sets up the sitting lawmaker for as much as 223 years in prison if sentenced to the maximum penalty. 

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Make Sure Your Gun Owning Friends Are Registered To Vote

This is surprising, shocking, and altogether unacceptable. Voting is a Sacred Right and a tremendously important responsibility. The Arbalest Quarrel looked into the failure of millions of gun owners to register to vote. We learned that Ten Million American gun owners have not registered to vote in the 2024 U.S. Presidential election. This is no small number and can have a decisive impact on the outcome of Federal Elections.

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Veterans Administration Refuses To Abide By Legislation

From Bearing Arms:

We’ve covered the fact that the VA is inhibiting some vets from exercising their gun rights, reporting those who get fiduciaries–people who help them manage their money–and making them ineligible to exercise their gun rights despite no actual due process.

And to make it worse, officials claim they will not comply with legislation that would prevent that.

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Anti-Gunners Use Trump Assassination Attempt To Push More Bans

From Bearing Arms:

After narrowly dodging a bullet from an AR-15 rifle, former US President Donald Trump, now vying for the 2024 presidential bid under the Republican banner, may find himself pondering anew on his stance regarding gun rights. The attempt on Trump’s life at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday night casts a significant shadow over the upcoming Republican National Convention, set to begin on Monday in Milwaukee. Trump has often championed the cause of citizen gun ownership, yet amid mass shootings events before, there were fleeting moments where he entertained the notion that some form of regulation might be prudent.

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Idaho Credit Union Still Scrambling After User Agreement Debacle

From The Truth About Guns:

There’s a credit union in Idaho that’s been feeling some heat lately, and thanks to feedback, they’re seeing the light. The Idaho Central Credit Union felt the heat of TTAG’s story yesterday about their member agreement that precluded ammo and gun purchases with ICCU accounts as of a few days earlier.

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Anti-gun Justice Sotomayor’s Bodyguard Uses Gun To Prevent Car Jacking

From New York Post:

Two deputy US Marshals shot a would-be carjacker who pulled a gun on him while they were guarding Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s home in Washington, DC, authorities said.

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Body Armor Ban Challenged BY FPC

From The Truth About Guns:

The fact that some states like New York ban the private ownership of body armor basically tells me just one thing—they want to be able to kill you without you having any protection to avoid that. Such laws are absurd, making anyone who owns body armor for any reason a criminal.

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How Will Chevron Affect The ATF?

From Bearing Arms:

The Supreme Court’s decision to scrap the Chevron Doctrine doesn’t automatically mean that the ATF’s rules on unfinished frames and receivers, pistol stabilizing braces, and who is “engaged in the business” of dealing firearms will be thrown out by the federal judiciary, but it definitely makes it more difficult for the DOJ to defend the rules going forward. 

No longer can the agency reliy on judges giving the agency the benefit of the doubt when it come to interpreting supposedly ambiguous language. Unless the ATF is strictly adhering to the underlying statute when crafting its rules (which has not been the case in recent years) the odds are good that the rule will fall

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California Now Requires Sales Code For Gun Stores

This new law is a workaround to the Fourth Amendment by requiring companies to “tattle” on their customers to the government.

From The Truth About Guns:

As reported earlier, a California law went into effect today that mandates credit card networks like Visa and Mastercard to assign special retail codes to gun stores, enabling banks to track their sales. Advocates believe this measure could help identify suspicious purchases and prevent mass shootings.

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Democrat Tries To “Own Republicans” By Promoting Black Gun Ownership

From Bearing Arms:

Normally, gun control involves taking guns away from people, but one Texas lawmaker is endorsing a plan to push for a gun ban by giving AR-15s away. State Rep. Ron Reynolds told Houston news anchor Isiah Carey that “desperate times call for desperate measures”, which is why he’s all in favor of a plan to give Black men semi-automatic rifles; convinced that conservative Caucasians will be so freaked out that they’ll almost immediately fall in line behind a gun ban. 

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FPC CEO Discusses Rahimi Decision

From Bearing Arms:

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Surgeon General Says Guns Are A Public Health Crisis

From Bearing Arms:

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