Posts Tagged california

Two Reps Move To Ban Handgun Registries

From The Truth About Guns:

Republican U.S. Reps. Elise Stefanik of New York and Darrel Issa of California have introduced new federal legislation to prohibit states like the ones they represent from maintaining unconstitutional handgun rosters that require firearms to adopt costly, unnecessary features making it nearly impossible to sell new handguns. 

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Western States Need To Take Their Land Back From The Feds

From The Federalist:

Tuesday’s legal effort underscores a decades-long tension between western states and the federal government, as they wrestle over control of vast land areas. For years, locals have sought permission to utilize the land for harvesting timber, oil, and gas, grazing animals, and pursuing other opportunities, but Washington bureaucrats have blocked their efforts. The lawsuit filed by Utah raises issue with “unappropriated” land held by the Bureau of Land Management, noting that 34 percent of “total state territory” is unappropriated land under federal control.

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Bill Would Ban Excise Taxes On Guns and Ammo

From Bearing Arms:

Idaho Sen. James Risch and California Rep. Darrel Issa are the primary sponsors of the “Freedom from Unfair Gun Taxes Act”, which Risch says would block states from imposing new excise taxes on the sale of firearms and ammunition that channels the revenue to gun control efforts. 

In a press release, Issa stated, “For years, extreme state policies and governors, including from my home state, have targeted the fundamental Second Amendment rights of our fellow Americans. California’s new imposition of a ‘sin tax’ on firearms and ammunition equates a core constitutional freedom with gambling or drug use. Enough is enough. That’s why Sen. Risch and I are joining forces to introduce this key legislation and stop any state tax that seeks to raise the price of self-defense out of reach for any American.”

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California Now Requires Sales Code For Gun Stores

This new law is a workaround to the Fourth Amendment by requiring companies to “tattle” on their customers to the government.

From The Truth About Guns:

As reported earlier, a California law went into effect today that mandates credit card networks like Visa and Mastercard to assign special retail codes to gun stores, enabling banks to track their sales. Advocates believe this measure could help identify suspicious purchases and prevent mass shootings.

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The Undermining Of The American Military and Police

From The Federalist:

One of the numerous reasons for the decline of the Roman Empire was an overreliance on foreigners serving in its military. American leadership would be wise to heed that lesson.

Rather than learn from these past mistakes, America’s political leaders seem destined to repeat them. Case in point: the halls of Congress, where Democrat Rep. Pat Ryan of New York and Republican Rep. John James of Michigan introduced legislation earlier this month to fast-track a path to citizenship for foreign nationals who sign up to serve in the U.S. military. Both congressmen indicated the measure was crafted to alleviate the military’s recruiting crisis.

LA Police Using Illegal Immigrants:

The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) is hiring illegal border crossers with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals status and equipping them with guns to police American citizens in California.

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CA To Require Gun Question From Insurers

From The Truth About Guns:

The bill, AB 3067 by Democrat assemblyman Mike Gipson specifies: “In addition to existing regulations, an application for homeowners’ or renters’ insurance shall include questions regarding all of the following: (1) Whether there are firearms kept in the household, including in any accessory structures, and if so, how many. (2) Whether the firearm, if any, is stored in a locked container in the home, including any accessory structures, while not in use. (3) The number of firearms kept in a vehicle located on the property subject to the applicable insurance policy, and if any, whether they are stored securely in a locked container while not in use.”

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Credit Card Companies To Start Using Tracking Codes In California

From Bearing Arms:

Major credit card companies are moving to make a merchant code available for firearm and ammunition retailers in order to comply with a new California law that will allow banks to potentially track suspicious gun purchases and report them to law enforcement, CBS News has learned.

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California LEOs Refuse To Enforce New Laws

From Bearing Arms:

The first cracks in the wall that Gavin Newsom and his fellow Democrats have erected around the right to carry appeared on Wednesday afternoon, when Sutter County Sheriff Brandon Barnes and Sutter County District Attorney Jennifer R. Dupré released a joint statement that encouraged “citizens to obey the law” while vowing to use their discretionary power to not criminalize “constitutionally protected behavior”.

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California Sued By SAF For Requiring Video Of All Gun Sales

From The Truth About Guns:

The Second Amendment Foundation has filed a federal lawsuit in California challenging that state’s law requiring firearms dealers to video record all transactions, calling it a violation of First, Second, Fourth, Fifth and Fourteenth Amendment rights.

“Requiring firearms retailers to video record their transactions is not only an egregious violation of privacy,” said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb, “it involves an expense that is both cost-prohibitive, and could literally drive small dealers out of business. In addition, it would be impossible to record such transactions at gun shows, because at such events, dealers are merely vendors, operating in a large facility where such equipment would be impossible to install.”

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Court Rules California Can Continue Revealing Gun Owner Information To “Researchers”

From Ammoland:

“California’s Department of Justice had been permitted to share ‘identifying information of more than 4 million gun owners’ collected by the state during the background check process for firearms purchases with ‘qualified research institutions,’ ostensibly to aid in the study of gun-related accidents, suicides and violence.”

The “personal information” includes “names, addresses, phone numbers, and any criminal records, among other things.” What “other things”?

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Are Gun Rights Are Winning Because Of California?

From MSN:

Fast-forward to 19 October 2023 and a case titled Miller v. Bonta, and, better late than never, that aforementioned common sense finally prevailed, as San Diego-based U.S. District Judge Roger Benitez ruled, based upon the U.S. Supreme Court’s (SCOTUS) June 2022 Bruen decision, that – hey, whaddya know – the AWCA was indeed a violation of the Second Amendment and therefore unconstitutional. As Reuters correspondent Nate Raymond reports, “Benitez issued an injunction blocking the law, but put that on hold for 10 days so the state could appeal…Benitez in his decision wrote that there were “no founding era dead ringers or historical twins” for California’s assault weapons ban, and that the state could point to no historical laws before it adopted its ban that restricted rifles as they advanced technologically.” 

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Judge Benitez: California Law Unconstitutional

From Bearing Arms:

U.S. District Judge Roger Benitez delivered another scathing rebuke to the state of California on Thursday, just weeks after declaring the state’s ban on “large capacity” magazines unconstitutional. This time around it was the state’s ban on “assault weapons” that was before the judge, in a case known as Miller v. Bonta. Benitez was unsparing in his criticism of the law, which he says bars ordinary Californians from possessing commonly-owned arms that are protected by the language of the Second Amendment.

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Judge Benitez Strikes Down Another CA Gun Law


After years of pinballing around the federal courts, California’s two-decade-old ban on magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds was once again torpedoed last week. 

Judge Benitez observed: 

One government solution to a few mad men with guns is a law that makes into criminals responsible, law-abiding people wanting larger magazines simply to protect themselves. The history and tradition of the Second Amendment clearly supports state laws against the use or misuse of firearms with unlawful intent, but not the disarmament of the law-abiding citizen. That kind of a solution is an infringement on the Constitutional right of citizens to keep and bear arms. The adoption of the Second Amendment was a freedom calculus decided long ago by our first citizens who cherished individual freedom with its risks more than the subservient security of a British ruler or the smothering safety of domestic lawmakers. The freedom they fought for was worth fighting for then, and that freedom is entitled to be preserved still. 

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Ninth Circuit Says Anti-Marketing Law Violates First Amendment

From Bearing Arms:

A California law ostensibly aimed at restricting the marketing of firearms to minors infringes on the free speech rights of adults, according to a three-judge panel on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. In its ruling handed down on Thursday morning, the panel vacated a lower court decision denying an injunction against the law’s enforcement and delivered a resounding win for both First and Second Amendment advocates.

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California Goes All In On Gun Banning


The state Senate on Wednesday approved a measure to amend the U.S. Constitution to spread California gun control mandates coast to coast.
The Democrat-controlled body easily passed Senate Joint Resolution 7 in a 24-11 partisan roll call, sending it to the California Assembly for likely concurrence. The measure is the first legislative step to the adoption of a U.S. Constitutional amendment, calling for a rare Convention of States to study the proposal. 

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