Posts Tagged gun control

YouTube Starts Crackdown On Gun Videos

From The Truth About Guns:

On Tuesday, Kinman, joined on video by his son and business associate John, announced that a new YouTube policy is making up to 95 percent of Hickok45 videos inaccessible to his fans.

“Some of you may have seen that YouTube changed their policy on gun videos on June 18, and we were not aware how much that was going to affect us until very recently when we talked to our Google rep,” John Kinman said on the video. “And you may notice that our videos posted since June 18 have been removed.”

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Gun Advocates Stick To Principles After Assassination Attempt

From Bearing Arms:

 … the media is filled with stories about how the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump should prompt gun control. So far, no one in the Republican Party is saying any such thing, though. That’s not overly surprising since, as I feel obligated to point out far too often now, they didn’t fold on guns after the shooting in Alexandria, Virginia.

But it seems the folks over at Vox are upset that Republicans aren’t changing everything right now in how they view guns.

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Anti-Gunners Use Trump Assassination Attempt To Push More Bans

From Bearing Arms:

After narrowly dodging a bullet from an AR-15 rifle, former US President Donald Trump, now vying for the 2024 presidential bid under the Republican banner, may find himself pondering anew on his stance regarding gun rights. The attempt on Trump’s life at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday night casts a significant shadow over the upcoming Republican National Convention, set to begin on Monday in Milwaukee. Trump has often championed the cause of citizen gun ownership, yet amid mass shootings events before, there were fleeting moments where he entertained the notion that some form of regulation might be prudent.

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Idaho Credit Union Still Scrambling After User Agreement Debacle

From The Truth About Guns:

There’s a credit union in Idaho that’s been feeling some heat lately, and thanks to feedback, they’re seeing the light. The Idaho Central Credit Union felt the heat of TTAG’s story yesterday about their member agreement that precluded ammo and gun purchases with ICCU accounts as of a few days earlier.

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Anti-gun Justice Sotomayor’s Bodyguard Uses Gun To Prevent Car Jacking

From New York Post:

Two deputy US Marshals shot a would-be carjacker who pulled a gun on him while they were guarding Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s home in Washington, DC, authorities said.

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Body Armor Ban Challenged BY FPC

From The Truth About Guns:

The fact that some states like New York ban the private ownership of body armor basically tells me just one thing—they want to be able to kill you without you having any protection to avoid that. Such laws are absurd, making anyone who owns body armor for any reason a criminal.

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California Now Requires Sales Code For Gun Stores

This new law is a workaround to the Fourth Amendment by requiring companies to “tattle” on their customers to the government.

From The Truth About Guns:

As reported earlier, a California law went into effect today that mandates credit card networks like Visa and Mastercard to assign special retail codes to gun stores, enabling banks to track their sales. Advocates believe this measure could help identify suspicious purchases and prevent mass shootings.

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FPC CEO Discusses Rahimi Decision

From Bearing Arms:

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Surgeon General Says Guns Are A Public Health Crisis

From Bearing Arms:

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NY Comptroller Says ShotSpotter A Failure

From Ammoland:

ShotSpotter has failed to live up to its promises in another major US City, according to the Comptroller of New York City. The Comptroller’s Office recommended that the City not renew its contract with the David Chipman-linked company when it expires in December.

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Gun Groups Want Repeal Of Post Office Ban

From Bearing Arms:

The Firearms Policy Coalition and the Second Amendment Foundation are teaming up once again, this time to take on the federal statute that treats all postal facilities as “sensitive places” where guns are banned. 

In a new lawsuit filed in a federal court in Texas, the Second Amendment groups, along with two Texas gun owners, allege the prohibition on firearms is a direct infringement on the right to bear arms. 

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Human Ingenuity Always Beats Laws


Sadly, several states do not properly respect their citizens’ constitutionally guaranteed right to bear arms. Luckily, a few companies out there make unique designs for Eugene Stoner AR-style rifles that stay in compliance with unconstitutional state laws and allow folks a chance to exercise their Second Amendment rights.

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Uvalde Families Suing FedEx and UPS, Blame Everyone Except The Shooter

From Ammoland:

We also learn from the Tribune story that “This lawsuit was filed on the same day families of victims and survivors filed wrongful death lawsuits against Instagram parent company Meta, the maker of the Call of Duty video game ‘Activision…’” They’re coming after everybody they can, and not content with eviscerating the Second Amendment, their attack on “marketing” and other media takes aim at the First.

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Hunter Biden Verdict Splits Gun Community

From The Truth About Guns:

The case has led to an interesting split of opinions among gun rights advocates. Figures like Eric Blandford and CJ Grisham argue the law used against Biden is unconstitutional and that his prosecution sets a dangerous precedent for gun owners. They admit they face pushback from conservative circles, where supporting Biden is seen as controversial. Blandford explains, “Of course, people are going to say, ‘Why do you support Hunter Biden? He’s the enemy.’”

In contrast, the NRA supports Biden’s prosecution, stating it exemplifies the need for firearm prohibitions for drug users. John Crump over at AmmoLand notes the division within the gun community: some advocate for equal legal treatment, while others oppose prosecuting anyone under what they see as an unjust law.

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Private School Has Had Armed Teachers For Over A Decade, Defying Propaganda

From Ammoland:

When Eddie and Claire Speir founded Inspiration Academy 11 years ago, not arming teachers wasn’t even a consideration.

Today, Speir has more than 200 students and dozens of teachers, coaches and other professionals. His staff is armed and dedicated to protecting their students.

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