Posts Tagged police

NY Comptroller Says ShotSpotter A Failure

From Ammoland:

ShotSpotter has failed to live up to its promises in another major US City, according to the Comptroller of New York City. The Comptroller’s Office recommended that the City not renew its contract with the David Chipman-linked company when it expires in December.

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The Truth Behind The Decline In Crime

From The Truth About Guns:

One factor, according to Lott, is that when crime started increasing dramatically during the pandemic, many big cities, in an attempt to hide that trend, simply stopped reporting their crime figures to the FBI. In fact, 37% of police departments, including those in big, crime-ridden cities like Chicago, Los Angeles and New York City, no longer report their crime data to the FBI.

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Police Officer Fired For Helping Family Transfer Firearms

From The News Tribune:

Sgt. Larry Whelan was summoned to the 600 block of 1st Street for a welfare check after it was reported the sick man’s dog was running loose and a neighbor spotted the blood. Bill Johnston, the 72-year-old homeowner who Whelan knew, had cancer. He was lying inside near the door in filth with an apparent stomach tumor but reportedly able to talk with Whelan.

Whelan, a 33-year veteran of the town’s dozen-member Department of Public Safety, was fired in February for his actions in the aftermath of the Aug. 19 welfare check, according to investigative records obtained by The News Tribune. The records detailed the circumstances that led to the veteran sergeant coming under scrutiny.

The gestures Whelan said were intended as acts of goodwill were red flags to some within his own department, records show. The transfer of firearms particularly raised concerns, three members told Thomas. They found it problematic that Whelan hadn’t authored a report, documented any gun serial numbers or taken the firearms into the station.

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CBS Criticizes Police Departments For Selling Guns To Citizens

From The Truth About Guns:

The report is a synopsis of a larger, previously posted report called, “Police departments sell their used guns. Thousands end up at crime scenes.” In that report, the author nearly got to the truth about how the guns wind up in criminals’ hands, but also left out the most important part.

“Once sold by a department, weapons enter a secondary market where they can be resold to members of the public or other dealers,” the report stated. “By the time they turn up at crime scenes, the guns may have been stolen, traded or resold multiple times with little documentation. They sometimes still have the departments’ name stamped on the side.”

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GOA Shows ATF’s Decades Of Misconduct

From Gun Owners of America:

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Guns Sold By DC Police Found At Crimes

From Bearing Arms:

That much was reported at the time, but now the News4 I-Team has the federal documents proving a concerning number of guns the Metropolitan Police Department helped bring into the District ended up at crime scenes. So many guns recovered at crime scenes, in such a brief period, that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives placed D.C. police into a program designed to give extra scrutiny to dealers with higher levels of so-called crime guns.

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You Are Responsible For Your Own Safety

From Ammoland:

In Pittsburgh, police staffing shortages are currently so critical that the Department has just announced its officers will no longer respond to calls involving theft, harassment, criminal mischief, burglary, etc, during the hours of three to seven am. That time gap is, of course, already expanding as staffing continues to decline and will soon embrace the entire day.

In plain English, police officers will not be arriving as a result of any call from a City resident unless shots are being fired and there are dead bodies lying around!

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The Undermining Of The American Military and Police

From The Federalist:

One of the numerous reasons for the decline of the Roman Empire was an overreliance on foreigners serving in its military. American leadership would be wise to heed that lesson.

Rather than learn from these past mistakes, America’s political leaders seem destined to repeat them. Case in point: the halls of Congress, where Democrat Rep. Pat Ryan of New York and Republican Rep. John James of Michigan introduced legislation earlier this month to fast-track a path to citizenship for foreign nationals who sign up to serve in the U.S. military. Both congressmen indicated the measure was crafted to alleviate the military’s recruiting crisis.

LA Police Using Illegal Immigrants:

The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) is hiring illegal border crossers with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals status and equipping them with guns to police American citizens in California.

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Breakdown: Two Female Cops Unload Into Apartment

From Mrgunsngear:

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Ring Will Not Automatically Cooperate With Police Requests

From Electronic Freedom Foundation:

Amazon’s Ring has announced that it will no longer facilitate police’s warrantless requests for footage from Ring users. This is a victory in a long fight, not just against blanket police surveillance, but also against a culture in which private, for-profit companies build special tools to allow law enforcement to more easily access companies’ users and their data—all of which ultimately undermine their customers’ trust.

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Policing vs Expanded Gun Rights

This academic paper discusses how police will have to change due to the widespread acceptance of concealed carry.

This Article examines how the rapid deregulation and rampant possession of firearms
is likely going to impact policing, and the constitutional law that governs it. For the
longest time, lawful gun carry, concealed or open, was exceedingly rare. For a police
officer to see a gun was both to see danger, and a crime in progress. This link among
guns, danger, and unlawful possession has shaped much of the law of policing. But
now, this understanding of the world is in its last stages of unraveling.

In nearly all states, guns are no longer unlawful to own and carry by default. In many,
they are barely regulated. Recent Supreme Court Second Amendment decisions like
New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen serve only to hasten where
state laws already were headed. For police, however, the harm guns can do exists
irrespective of what the law has to say about the legality of carrying them. As a result,
the nation’s gun laws are on a collision course with the practice and law of policing.
This Article explores how the constitutional law governing policing is changing and
will change in the face of gun legalization.

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No Special Privileges For Police Over Civilians

From Reason:

The magazine ban attempts to divorce today’s common arms of law-abiding citizens from today’s common arms of law enforcement officers, including sheriffs and their deputies. The divorce, contrary to the wishes of both parties, endangers citizens and officers alike.

The arms of ordinary law enforcement officers are carefully selected for only one purpose: lawful defense of innocents in civil society. Throughout American history, many citizens have looked to law enforcement for guidance in choosing arms for the same purpose. Denying those arms to citizens and to retired law enforcement officers  endangers them for the same reasons that denying these arms to active law enforcement officers would endanger them. The most important reason is the necessity of reserve capacity, as detailed in Part II.

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Why Won’t Gun “Buybacks” Accept 3D Printed Guns

From The Truth About Guns:

The security theater grifters who put on “buybacks” never bother to defend them as being effective, taking the Fifth whenever they’re challenged by the public. But, unlike a court of actual law, we’re totally free to use their silence as evidence against them.

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The Problem With The FBI

From Robert Barnes:

Full video can be watched here

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Evidence Mounts That Jan 6 Was A Fedsurrection

From The Federalist:

In a closed-door session with the same committee, Steven D’Antuono, former assistant director-in-charge of the FBI’s Washington field office, allegedly conceded that he lost count of the number of confidential human sources who joined the protest.

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