Posts Tagged internet

Chatbots Full Of Anti-Gun Bias

From Bearing Arms:

The CPRC study examined 15 popular AI chatbots, including ChatGPT and Elon Musk’s Grok 2 (Fun Mode), analyzing their responses to a series of questions about crime and gun control. The research highlighted a disturbing shift: almost all chatbots demonstrated liberal views, particularly when it came to gun control issues. This finding is alarming for those who value a balanced perspective, as the chatbots’ influence continues to grow across media and educational platforms.

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Skeet Shooter Banned By Meta

From The Truth About Guns:

Just last week, NSSF highlighted the Big Tech bias against the USA Shooting, when YouTube and Meta shadow-banned McKenna Geer, a Paralympic shooter who will represent Team USA in Paris for the 2024 Paralympics.

“I have always feared the day the media would censor my sport and speech just because I use firearms,” Greer wrote on Instagram after her account was blocked. “That day has finally come.”

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YouTube Starts Crackdown On Gun Videos

From The Truth About Guns:

On Tuesday, Kinman, joined on video by his son and business associate John, announced that a new YouTube policy is making up to 95 percent of Hickok45 videos inaccessible to his fans.

“Some of you may have seen that YouTube changed their policy on gun videos on June 18, and we were not aware how much that was going to affect us until very recently when we talked to our Google rep,” John Kinman said on the video. “And you may notice that our videos posted since June 18 have been removed.”

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Car Makers Spying On You And Selling Your Data

From Electronic Frontier Foundation:

In a recent New York Times article, Kashmir Hill reported how everyday moments in your car like these create a data footprint of your driving habits and routine that is, in some cases, being sold to insurance companies. Collection often happens through so-called “safe driving” programs pre-installed in your vehicle through an internet-connected service on your car or a connected car app. Real-time location tracking often starts when you download an app on your phone or tap “agree” on the dash screen before you drive your car away from the dealership lot.

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Armed Attorneys On YouTubes Gun Censorship

From Armed Attorneys:

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YouTube To Crackdown On Gun Content, Destroy Livelihoods

From Bearing Arms:

“Restricting access to adults only—for content that depicts wholly legal and constitutionally-protected activity—is wrong, and it aims to push a sinister narrative to minors that firearms are evil,” said Erich Pratt, GOA’s Senior Vice President. “In turn, as younger generations come of age, they will not question or push back on further violations of our Second Amendment rights.”

“Alvin Bragg and his anti-gun friends have been aggressively pressuring YouTube to censor and directly prohibit certain content related to guns for years now, and sadly they just succeeded and free speech has once again become the victim,” said Aidan Johnston, GOA’s Director of Federal Affairs. “Congress must demand answers from YouTube on how influential DA Bragg and gun control groups were in facilitating this change in policy and determine whether the Biden Administration or it’s White House Office of Gun Control was weaponized to force the censorship of Second Amendment content.”

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DHS Colludes With Gaming Companies To Monitor “Extremist” Gamers

From The Intercept:

The exact nature of the cooperation between federal agencies and video game companies, which has not been previously reported, is detailed in a new Government Accountability Office report. The report draws on interviews conducted with five gaming and social media companies including Roblox, an online gaming platform; Discord, a social media app commonly used by gamers; Reddit; as well as a game publisher and social media company that asked the GAO to remain anonymous.

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Bill Attacks First and Second Amendment By Calling For CAD File Ban

From Ammoland:

The bill reads: “It shall be unlawful for any person to intentionally distribute, over the internet or by means of the World Wide Web, digital instructions in the form of Computer Aided Design files or other code that can automatically program a 3-dimensional printer or similar device to produce a firearm or complete a firearm from an unfinished frame or receiver.”

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Canada To Regulate Podcasts

From Breaking Points:

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Armslist Banned By YouTube

From Ammoland:

YouTube told AmmoLand News directly that it shut down the channel for “facilitating” gun sales, violating the YouTube terms of service (TOS). The TOS prohibits selling guns or linking to ads for gun sales.

Although the Armslist site contains classified ads for those wanting to sell guns, the Armslist YouTube page did not sell or link to the Armslist site. The latest video showed how to paint your rifle using spray paint. Thousands of videos on the platform show the same process, which does not violate the YouTube TOS.

Did the New York Times influence YouTube with this hit piece?

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Interview With Print Shoot Repeat

From Skillset Magazine:

Whenever the subject of cool and unique 3D-printed guns comes up, the name Print Shoot Repeat will follow soon after. The undisputed king of 3D-printed guns on YouTube and social media, well at least when it comes to getting banned and deleted anyway. 

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The Case For Banning Surveillance Ads

From The Electronic Freedom Foundation:

The behavioral advertising industry claims that it can deliver more value to everyone through this surveillance: advertisers get to target exactly who they want to reach; publishers get paid top dollar for setting up exactly the right user with exactly the right ad, and the user wins because they are only ever shown highly relevant ads that are tailored to their interests.

And as to the claim that users “like ads, so long as they are relevant,” the evidence is very strong that this isn’t true and never was. Ad-blocking is the most successful consumer boycott in human history. When Apple gave iPhone users a one-click opt-out to block all surveillance ads, 96 percent of users clicked the button (presumably, the other four percent were confused, or they work for ad-tech companies).

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Gun Control Is Dead Thanks To 3-D Printing

From Bearing Arms:

I’ve long argued that 3D-printed guns represent the death of gun control. After all, if the purpose of gun control is to keep firearms out of the hands of certain people–be that just criminals or, in time, everyone–the existence of 3d printers and the files one would use to make firearms means you’ll never accomplish that goal.

Anyone who wants a gun can get a gun and there’s absolutely nothing anyone can do to stop it.

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NY Attacks First and Second Amendment With One Law

From Ammoland:

New York is tackling the 3D-printed gun community by trying to ban the 3D printing of firearms and prevent the sharing of computer-aided design (CAD) files.

New York State Senator Brad Hoylman is sponsoring the bill. The Democrat says he wants to “attack the manufacture” of 3D Printed firearms. It would not only make it a felony to print guns but also ban the intentional sharing of files, raising First Amendment concerns. Writings like the Anarchist Cookbook and the guide to build a Luty machine gun have been determined to be protected speech. Many believe that these files are also protected speech.

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History Of 3D Printed Guns

From The 3D Print General:

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