Posts Tagged gun ban

Gun Groups Want Repeal Of Post Office Ban

From Bearing Arms:

The Firearms Policy Coalition and the Second Amendment Foundation are teaming up once again, this time to take on the federal statute that treats all postal facilities as “sensitive places” where guns are banned. 

In a new lawsuit filed in a federal court in Texas, the Second Amendment groups, along with two Texas gun owners, allege the prohibition on firearms is a direct infringement on the right to bear arms. 

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Commerce Department Bans Firearm Exports

From The Truth About Guns:

On April 26, the BIS published an Interim Final Rule that cements the supposed 90-day firearm export “pause” (it has been in effect for 180 days already) into permanent policy while also creating additional regulatory burdens.

In response to the announcement, the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) said the rule entrenches the Biden Administration’s “whole of government” attack and “is intended to hobble the firearm industry’s ability to compete in the international market under the false pretense of advancing U.S. national security.”

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Mass Civil Disobedience Over Illinois Gun Law

From Bearing Arms:

It’s now been a week since the deadline passed for Illinois gun owners to register their now-banned “assault weapons”, and the big question at the moment is which agencies, if any, are actually enforcing the new law. We’ve seen plenty of sheriffs and some state’s attorneys publicly say that they won’t be arresting or charging anyone for non-compliance, and as my colleague Tom Knighton reported on Friday, the Illinois State Police has said much the same; they won’t be actively looking for those they know have guns but failed to register them, though if a state trooper finds someone in possession of an unregistered firearm they may still make an arrest.

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Gun Ban For 18 to 20-yr-olds Ruled Unconstitutional

From Ammoland:

A federal district court judge from the Northern District of West Virginia ruled that banning 18 to 20-year-olds from buying handguns from federal firearms licensees (FFLs) is unconstitutional.

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Oregon Gun Ban Overturned

From Bearing Arms:

Judge Raschio explained in his ruling that the measure violates an Oregonian’s right to bear arms, particularly the section that would ban high-capacity magazines.

“The court finds that the large capacity magazine ban effectively bans all firearm magazines fixed or attached which is unconstitutional under any application of said law,” the decision reads.

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California Goes All In On Gun Banning


The state Senate on Wednesday approved a measure to amend the U.S. Constitution to spread California gun control mandates coast to coast.
The Democrat-controlled body easily passed Senate Joint Resolution 7 in a 24-11 partisan roll call, sending it to the California Assembly for likely concurrence. The measure is the first legislative step to the adoption of a U.S. Constitutional amendment, calling for a rare Convention of States to study the proposal. 

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Group Slanders Pro-Gun Youth As Racist

From The Truth About Guns:

“Furthermore,” the authors noted, “a young person’s access to guns, identification with gun culture and exposure to media relating to guns correlated with concerning beliefs like support for male supremacy, belief that the Second Amendment gives individuals the right to overthrow the government, higher levels of racial resentment and post-traumatic stress disorders.”

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Colorado Law That Bans Gun Sales To Adults 18-20 Blocked


The 44-page temporary restraining order halts the effective date of Senate Bill 23-169. The bill was passed earlier this year by the Democrat-controlled Colorado General Assembly and signed into law by Gov. Jared Polis, a Dem who was elected last year with the assistance of a $2.7 million campaign push by the Everytown anti-gun group. 

The law increases the threshold age to legally purchase a firearm in the Centennial State from 18 to 21, with narrow exceptions for those who are active-duty military or certified law enforcement. The lawsuit, brought by two adults aged 18-20 allied with the pro-2A Rocky Mountain Gun Owners group, challenged the constitutionality of the measure, arguing it infringed on the right to keep and bear arms.

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New Jersey Bans Almost Every Gun Because Of Poorly Written Legislation

From The Truth About Guns:

The bill was ostensibly intended to outlaw firearms without serial numbers. It banned homemade guns, 3D printed guns, even possession of the files for running a 3D printer or CNC machine for making firearms. It even outlawed slingshots, fer Chrissakes.

I talked to Mr. Nappen this afternoon and he tells me the law is quite clear that for a firearm to be legal in New Jersey, it has to have a serial number and the serial number must have been imprinted by a federally licensed firearm manufacturer.

That means your Daisy BB gun — which under the state’s expansive and idiotic gun control laws is actually considered a firearm — may have a serial number on it, but Daisy isn’t a federally licensed gun maker. As a result that Red Ryder in your kid’s closet now makes you a felon.

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Gun Banners’ New Tactic: Expand The NFA

From Bearing Arms:

As Democrats ramp up their demands for a ban on modern sporting rifles, progressive columnist and talk show host Thom Hartmann thinks he’s found a more practical way to make semi-automatic firearms off-limits to the average American; expanding the National Firearms Act to include all semi-autos and require owners to pay a $200 tax in order to possess a Glock pistol or an AR-15.

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Washington AG Now Harassing Gun Stores Via Lawfare

From The Truth About Guns:

Now we are learning that the Attorney General’s office is widening the scope of their investigation, not based on a documented, willful violation by a retailer, but rather scooping up all records and communications from wholesalers nationwide.
The latest target, Davidson’s, Inc, is an Arizona-based wholesaler that supplies retailers nationwide. The state, through its Consumer Investigative Demand (CID), has asked Davidson’s to supply all invoices, transfers, and communications of all matters with Washington-based firearms retailers going back to January 1, 2022. That’s is six months before the ban took effect and three months before the ban was even passed as law.

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Gun Ban Introduced Again


U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the 89-year-old California Democrat on her sixth controversial term in office, introduced the proposed new federal Assault Weapon Ban this week. The 126-page measure would ban the sale, transfer, manufacture, and importation of “military-style assault weapons” and “high-capacity magazines and other high-capacity ammunition feeding devices.”

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Gun Restrictions Begin In Brazil As Communist President Takes Power

From Ammoland:

“Brazil’s Supreme Court on Wednesday banned registered gun-owners from carrying firearms in the federal district until after the inauguration of President-elect Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, in reaction to recent episodes of political violence,” Reuters reported Wednesday. “Justice Alexandre de Moraes temporarily suspended licenses that permit hunters, marksmen and collectors to carry guns, firearms and ammunition in the region where the capital city of Brasilia is located.”

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Gun Ban Could Destroy Canada’s Hunting Tourism

From Bearing Arms:

In Dale Clark’s estimation, the money brought into New Brunswick by non-resident hunters — Americans or others — has never been fully appreciated.

“It is a multi-million dollar industry in the province that is not being recognized by our government, federal or provincial,” said Clark, president of the New Brunswick Professional Outfitters and Guides Association.

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Canadian Government Gets Trolled With Gun Ban

From The Truth About Guns:

A Florida gun designer was shocked to discover his primitive single-shot gag gun landed on the Canadian government’s list of firearms to ban in the country.

“Butt Master” designer and sole owner Mark Serbu commented on the creation’s “absurd” inclusion in Canada’s controversial legislation to curb gun violence Thursday on “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”

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