The recovering soldier in this picture is Alabama Army Guard Maj. Randy Royer, who was wounded during the shooting at Fort Hood on 5 November 2009. The next evening, George and Laura Bush, who made a surprise (and unpublicized) visit to Maj. Royer.
George and Laura Bush spent a few hours meeting those injured in the shooting.
There’s an email floating around about this photo. According to Snopes, Mrs. Royer says that some of the details of the email are inaccurate.
According to Snopes, Mrs. Royer said:
“On Fri the 6th, Pres Bush and his wife made a visit to us, no frills, no press. It
was awesome. They are down-home, normal people . They were able to visit
with us and the other soldiers in the ICU . The pic was taken on my cell phone
and I had sent it to a few people and somehow it got around, but we don’t
know who or why the email was started.”