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Cornyn Backtracking On Gun Law

From Ammoland:

“Cornyn, Tillis, Colleagues Introduce Resolution to Block Unconstitutional Biden ATF Rule,” a Wednesday press release announces. Their intent is to “to strike down the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ (ATF) rule on the definition of ‘Engaged in the Business’ as a Dealer in Firearms, which ignores the law and congressional intent and flagrantly violates the Constitution to try to require anyone who sells a firearm to register as a federal firearm licensee.

”How can veterans John Cornyn, Thom Tillis, and other Republican “Vichycons” — who gave the antis the votes they needed — possibly claim to be surprised that enemies of the right of the people to keep and bear arms won’t stretch any inch given into a mile and then some? What did they think Chris Murphy had in mind, fast-tracking a bill after the high-profile Uvalde school massacre (where a maniac took predictable advantage of a “gun-free zone” while cops dithered in the hall for 78 minutes)?

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