Archive for February, 2010

Ayaan Hirsi Ali – Radical Islam and the American Left

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Do you want these people on YOUR streets?

In the name of multi-culturalism? This is why Geert Wilders says, “We must not tolerate the intolerant.”

This is how they react because they don’t like critical CARTOONS?!

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Rick Rescorla, man of honor, warrior; his story of valor and sacrifice.

“I’ll leave as soon as I make sure everyone is out” – Rick Rescorla

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Taliban bombmaker identified – he’s a Brit!

The British forces in Afghanistan have identified a bombmaker after neutralising an unexploded IED.  After sending DNA traces back to the UK for analysis, the bombmaker was identified as a British Muslim.  More than 50 British soldiers have already been killed by IEDs in Helmand Province, and over 200 have been seriously wounded.

But, he’s a Brit, isn’t he loyal to his home, his country? Or does the toxic ideology of radical Islam trump the patriotism of a citizen?

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Aussies don’t want Islamic school

Christian leaders in Camden, NSW, have argued that an Islamic school should not be built in their town because Islam is a political ideology that regards shariah law as being superior to national law, and it regards followers of any other religion as being inevitably at enmity with it.  Islam, they claim, is incompatible with the Australian way of life.

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“If something is true, how can it be illegal?” – Geert Wilders

“I would like to begin by saying that of all our attainments, freedom is the most precious and most vulnerable.

I have nothing against Muslims. I have a problem with the Islam and the Islamization of our country because Islam is at right angles to freedom.

“It is not only the right, but also the duty of free people to speak out against any ideology that threatens freedom.”

Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States, was right: “The price for freedom is eternal vigilance.” – Geert Wilders

Full text of his speech here:

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The Crime of expressing an opinion – Pat Condell

“When the Truth is against the Law, there is something wrong with the Law.”

“Put an end to the multi-cultural lie and to give the Dutch people back their country – and that’s why he’s facing trial. Can I say that?” – Pat Condell

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The NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action works on behalf of all citizens in defense of the second amendment.

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Luby’s to the Legislature

New book about the shooting in a Texas Luby’s that led one woman to fight for less restrictive handgun laws.

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Turkish Girl Buried Alive For Talking To Boys

16-year-old Medine Memi was found dead with soil in both her stomach and lungs, and minor bruising on her body. Memi was buried alive because she spoke to boys, something that is punishable by death in the community she belonged to.

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Pictures From SHOT Show 2010

Here are some pictures from the range on media day

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Death threats from followers of “The Religion of Peace”

Theo van Gogh

The Muslim man interviewed in the YouTube video below says, regarding Geert Wilders, “He should take lessons from people like Theo van Gogh.”

Theo van Gogh was a Dutch film director, film producer, columnist, author and actor. He was the great-grandson of Theo van Gogh, who was the brother of artist Vincent van Gogh.

Van Gogh worked with writer Ayaan Hirsi Ali to produce the film Submission, which was critical of the treatment of women in Islam. On 2 November 2004 he was assassinated by Mohammed Bouyeri, a Dutch-Moroccan Muslim.

Freedom of religion is a good thing – killing and threatening to kill anyone who criticizes your religion is NOT a good thing. Wilder’s assertion is that we should not tolerate the intolerant, that Radical Islam is a serious threat.

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Geert Wilders facing criminal charges – for telling the truth about radical Islam.

Wilders is one of a dozen European politicians voicing voters’ concerns at the growth of radical Islam on the continent. He told the judges that he has nothing against Muslims, but that he does oppose the “Islamization” of the Netherlands because he believes “Islam is diametrically opposed to freedom.”

Wilders has requested that no more Muslim immigrants to be allowed in his country.

Col. Bob Maginnis (USA-Ret.) argues that Wilders is simply telling the truth.

“When you find that the continent of Europe…is beginning to implode and be overtaken by immigrants, most of which are Muslim, and they’re building their own communities, refusing to inculcate the culture, refusing to embrace the language and insist upon changing the entire facade of western Europe, no wonder you have this gentleman in the Netherlands, this politician who [argues that] the Islamization of the Netherlands is something that is upon us, and if we want to save our culture, we’d better do something about it.”

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Is lying about the Medal of Honor “free speech”?

An organization dedicated to honoring the nation’s prisoners of war and missing in action service members is outraged that a federal law against lying about military medals is facing First Amendment challenges.

A California judge rejected the motion to dismiss a charge against Xavier Alvarez of falsely claiming he received the Medal of Honor, the nation’s highest military decoration.

Chuck Schantag, chairman of the P.O.W. Network, says

“As a veteran of Vietnam who did get wounded in ’68, I have a problem with this,” he argues. “They want to steal our honor, but they don’t want any of the pain it took to get it. And to actually challenge this law as free speech is absolutely ludicrous, unbelievable.”

Many of those making the false claims have used fraudulent records to gain V.A. benefits. “We’ve seen cases where phonies have collected better than a half-million dollars of our tax dollars in benefits,” Schantag notes.

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Urban Survival Guides

US Army Survival Manual

SAS Urban Survival

Disaster Self Defense

Tom Brown’s Field Guide

Rural Ranger

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