Archive for February, 2010

Should Congress be required to read all legislation prior to voting on it?

Interesting thread on Reddit:

tonster181: Regardless of political affiliation, isn’t it important that our representatives read the legislation that they are enacting prior to voting it into law?

I know in the private sector I’d never sign a contract without reading it in full. I sort of equate legislation with a contract, as they are binding documents into law and many congressmen (and women) don’t bother to even read what they are agreeing to or disagreeing with.

I find it abhorrent that congress would vote things into law without reading it. This is sheer laziness in my opinion.

largestinteger: One thing that might seriously help would be to adopt this line from the Constitution of the Confederate States of America.

“Every law, or resolution having the force of law, shall relate to but one subject, and that shall be expressed in the title.”

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Too Late To Apologize For Tyranny

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7.62×39 AR Upper

New Diablo Upper from Primary Weapons Systems

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New Radical Islamic tactic: exploding breast implants?

Agents for Britain’s MI5 intelligence service have discovered that Muslim doctors trained at some of Britain’s leading teaching hospitals have returned to their own countries to fit surgical implants filled with explosives.

Women suicide bombers recruited by al-Qaida are known to have had the explosives inserted in their breasts under techniques similar to breast enhancing surgery. The lethal explosives – usually PETN (pentaerythritol Tetrabitrate) – are inserted during the operation inside the plastic shapes. The breast is then sewn up.

Properly inserted the implant would be virtually impossible to detect by the usual airport scanning machines.

It just gets crazier and crazier.

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The best Democracy money can buy

Corporation Says It Will Run for Congress

Following the Supreme Court decision implicitly granting corporations the right to free speech (by determining that political spending is a kind of speech), a corporation has decided to take what it believes to be “democracy’s next step”: It is running for Congress.

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Ft. Hood report omits important factor: Islam

A senior Army strategist and Pentagon advisor finds it unacceptable that the recently released Defense Department review of the shooting rampage at Fort Hood, Texas, didn’t mention that the suspect’s Islamic faith might have been a motivating factor in the massacre.

According to a recent article in TIME Magazine, when the 86-page report was released late last month, it did not once mention Major Nidal Hasan by name or discuss whether the killings may have had anything to do with his Muslim faith.

“MIGHT have been a factor”?! Ya think? When you ignore a threat you make yourself vulnerable.  Political correctness can get someone killed. Why is this being buried?

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George & Laura visit Fort Hood: “no frills, no press”

The recovering soldier in this picture is Alabama Army Guard Maj. Randy Royer, who was wounded during the shooting at Fort Hood on 5 November 2009. The next evening, George and Laura Bush, who made a surprise (and unpublicized) visit to  Maj. Royer.

George and Laura Bush spent a few hours meeting those injured in the shooting.

There’s an email floating around about this photo. According to Snopes, Mrs. Royer says that some of the details of the email are inaccurate.

According to Snopes, Mrs. Royer said:

“On Fri the 6th, Pres Bush and his wife made a visit to us, no frills, no press. It
was awesome. They are down-home, normal people . They were able to visit
with us and the other soldiers in the ICU . The pic was taken on my cell phone
and I had sent it to a few people and somehow it got around, but we don’t
know who or why the email was started.”

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ACR Price Upsets Hitler


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Bogota’s bulletproof tailor

Colombian tailor Miguel Caballero specializes in making garments that enable the wearer to get shot at point-blank range with nary an injury besides, maybe, a bruised ego.

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Robinson Arms XCR

A possible competitor to the ACR


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Aimpoint At SHOT Show 2010

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Bushmaster Confirms ACR Will Offer 7.62×39 Option

Bushmaster answered some pressing questions on a forum recently.

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A Defensive Buildup in the Gulf

“This report is republished with permission of STRATFOR

By George Friedman

This weekend’s newspapers were filled with stories about how the United States is providing ballistic missile defense (BMD) to four countries on the Arabian Peninsula. The New York Times carried a front-page story on the United States providing anti-missile defenses to Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Oman, as well as stationing BMD-capable, Aegis-equipped warships in the Persian Gulf. Meanwhile, the front page of The Washington Post carried a story saying that “the Obama administration is quietly working with Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf allies to speed up arms sales and rapidly upgrade defenses for oil terminals and other key infrastructure in a bid to thwart future attacks by Iran, according to former and current U.S. and Middle Eastern government officials.”

Obviously, the work is no longer “quiet.” In fact, Washington has been publicly engaged in upgrading defensive systems in the area for some time. Central Command head Gen. David Petraeus recently said the four countries named by the Times were receiving BMD-capable Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) batteries, and at the end of October the United States carried out its largest-ever military exercises with Israel, known as Juniper Cobra.

More interesting than the stories themselves was the Obama administration’s decision to launch a major public relations campaign this weekend regarding these moves. And the most intriguing question out of all this is why the administration decided to call everyone’s attention to these defensive measures while not mentioning any offensive options. Read the rest of this entry »

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New Bomber Back From The Dead

The Defense Department has decided to resurrect a program for designing a new long range bomber. Could this be in response to the fact that Russia just unveiled their new stealth fighter?

In a press conference yesterday, Gates said the newly unveiled Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) renewed emphasis on the military’s need to counter “disruptive, high-tech capabilities” developed by future adversaries.

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DPMS SHOT Show 2010

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