Allowing Postal Service To Ship Ammo Will Undermine Anti-gun States’ Restrictions

From Bearing Arms:

In a recent article, I talked about cloning pro-abortion states’ “Shield Laws” in the context of ammunition. The basic idea is that if pro-abortion states get to undermine anti-abortion states’ laws by shipping abortion pills, why shouldn’t pro-Second Amendment states copy the idea and undermine the unconstitutional laws of anti-Second Amendment states by shipping ammunition?

The postal service is one of the few federal services that is constitutionally mandated in Article 1, Section 8, Clause 7. Everyone, including gun owners, pays taxes to support this constitutionally-mandated service. In other words, it’s OUR postal service, not just the gun control supporters’ personal courier.

The ban on USPS shipping ammunition is obviously a political restriction, not a technical one, and can be traced back to the Gun Control Act of 1968. But, for argument’s sake, let’s say that the ban on USPS shipping ammunition is based on technical reasons associated with hazardous materials. In that case, the postal service should be mandated to build the capability to handle ammunition shipments like UPS and FedEx.

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