Archive for category Books

Smokejumpers Documentary From NRA

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Is it Time for the 6x45mm Cartridge?

Is it Time for the 6x45mm Cartridge?

Patrick Sweeney takes a new look at this 1960’s wildcat for the AR platform in his 2010 book The Gun Digest Book of The AR-15 Volume 3.

Below is an excerpt.

By Patrick Sweeney

The original caliber for the AR-15 wasn’t the .223/5.56, it was a slightly smaller cartridge. The .222 Special delivered the kind of performance that the designers wanted, which was basically a 50-grain bullet at under 3,000 feet per second.

The Army, trying to keep the AR away and keep the M14 in the running, kept moving the goalposts. Finally, they insisted that the bullet used had to penetrate a steel helmet at a distance farther than their own research had indicated soldiers fired on opponents. The special got stretched and boosted, until the 55-grain FMJ was at 3,100 fps.

And there it stood, until the mid-1980s, when the SS109 came about. That was intended for use against swarms of Soviet infantry in Western Europe. What, there never were swarms of Soviet infantry in Western Europe? Musta worked.

Seriously, the expectation was that the Soviets would roll West, and the NATO allies would be faced with Russian, East German, Polish and who knows who else mechanized infantry piling out of their BMDs, BMPs, and BTRs, lining up and assaulting the NATO positions. They expected to face lots of targets, and not only armed ones, but armored infantry. So, the push was for armor-piercing performance, leading to the SS109 and the later M-855, with a 10-grain steel penetrator tip inside.

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Combat Shooting and Tactics (CSAT)


3615 Press Road or FM 2863
Nacogdoches, TX 75964

Paul Howe

Paul Howe

Paul Howe

Paul Howe

Owned and operated by Paul Howe, Developer of the CSAT AR rear sight and the GAT Glass Assault Tool. Author of Leadership And Training For The Fight: A Few Thoughs On Leadership And Training From A Former Special Operations Soldier and The Tactical Trainer: A Few Thoughts On Training And Training Management From A Former Special Operations Soldier.

MSG  Paul Howe demonstrating the CSAT AR rear sight and the GAT Glass Assualt Tool at his school in Texas.


The Modern Warrior Reading List

Sheepdog Reading List:

On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society

On Combat, The Psychology and Physiology of Deadly Conflict in War and in Peace

Living The Martial Way

Philosophy of Fighting

Kishido: The Way of the Western Warrior

Living Behind The Shield

U.S. Marine Corps Close Combat Manual

Krav Maga

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