Posts Tagged covid-

Background Checks Hit Annual Record With 3 Months To Go

From Forbes:

With three months to go in the year, federal background checks for gun purchases have already hit an annual record, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, with the gun industry reporting that the sales surge has depleted inventory of popular firearms and resulted in shortages of ammo.
The FBI on Friday reported 2.89 million background checks for September, bringing this year’s nine-month tally to 28.82 million, surpassing the prior annual record of 28.36 million in 2019.

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Food Crisis In Latin America

From Bloomberg:

Today, Alonso said, breakfast, lunch and dinner all look about the same in his house in El Jocotillo: maybe a tortilla with salt; maybe a tortilla with beans; maybe a bowl of rice and beans. “We used to eat meat. Now, there’s no meat. We used to eat chicken. Now, there’s no chicken. We used to drink milk. Now, there’s no milk.” Even bread, he said, is off the menu. For tens of millions like Alon

For tens of millions like Alonso, the pandemic has exposed just how fragile economic status is worldwide. In many ways, nowhere has that been more apparent than in Latin America, where a resurgence of poverty is bringing a vicious wave of hunger in a region that was supposed to have mostly eradicated that kind of malnutrition decades ago. From Buenos Aires to Mexico City, families are skipping on

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