Posts Tagged drug use

Fifth Circuit Says It’s Unconstitutional To Ban Pot Users From Gun Possession

From Ammoland:

The government tried to use laws from the founding era that disarmed people who felt they were dangerous. One example that was given is the banning of British Loyalists from having firearms. The judges rejected that argument, stating that the ban on marijuana users owning firearms would be more akin to the founders banning people who drank alcohol from owning guns. The judges pointed out that the founders drank copious amounts of alcohol. The judge stated the government may be able to prevent someone who is intoxicated from carrying a firearm. Still, Ms. Connelly was not under the influence of drugs at the time of the arrest and was not a dangerous person.

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Marijuana Legalization Puts Gun Rights In Jeopardy

From The Truth About Guns:

As more states increasingly legalize the recreational use of marijuana—24 states according to CBS News currently do—the move has put gun owners who like to toke and can legally do so according to their state’s permittance into a legal conundrum when purchasing a firearm: How to honestly answer question 21(f) on ATF Form 4473 without committing perjury and leave the store with their firearm? The answer is, they can’t.

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Hunter Biden Verdict Splits Gun Community

From The Truth About Guns:

The case has led to an interesting split of opinions among gun rights advocates. Figures like Eric Blandford and CJ Grisham argue the law used against Biden is unconstitutional and that his prosecution sets a dangerous precedent for gun owners. They admit they face pushback from conservative circles, where supporting Biden is seen as controversial. Blandford explains, “Of course, people are going to say, ‘Why do you support Hunter Biden? He’s the enemy.’”

In contrast, the NRA supports Biden’s prosecution, stating it exemplifies the need for firearm prohibitions for drug users. John Crump over at AmmoLand notes the division within the gun community: some advocate for equal legal treatment, while others oppose prosecuting anyone under what they see as an unjust law.

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