Posts Tagged introduction

A Helpful Guide For Bringing A Newbie Shooting

From Open Source Defense:

So if your spouse is uncomfortable having a gun in the house, they probably just haven’t been exposed to guns in any context other than a violent news story or someone getting killed in a movie. If 100% of the times you’d seen a gun involved someone getting murdered, you’d be worried too.

The solution is to familiarize them. But someone’s first gun experience is high variance. A great experience can convert them, and a bad experience can turn them off for life. So how do you make sure it’s great?

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Welcoming New Gun Owners

From Dave Kopel:

Your friend probably has just one gun. Now is not the time to tell them why they should have bought some other gun. Save that for much later, if ever. Concentrate on helping your friend acquire proficiency with the gun they already have. 

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