Posts Tagged gun owners

Make Sure Your Gun Owning Friends Are Registered To Vote

This is surprising, shocking, and altogether unacceptable. Voting is a Sacred Right and a tremendously important responsibility. The Arbalest Quarrel looked into the failure of millions of gun owners to register to vote. We learned that Ten Million American gun owners have not registered to vote in the 2024 U.S. Presidential election. This is no small number and can have a decisive impact on the outcome of Federal Elections.

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New Gun Owners Since 2020 Equals The Population of Florida

From NSSF:

Firearm industry data has revealed something astounding. In a major shift since 2020, a population the size of Florida has become first-time, brand-new gun owners. That’s right – more than 22.3 million people who previously had decided firearm ownership wasn’t for them looked around, decided they didn’t like what they were seeing, jumped off the fence and lawfully purchased a gun at retail.

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Parents of School Shooter Sentenced To Decade In Prison

From Bearing Arms:

A Michigan judge went beyond the recommended guidelines on Tuesday when deciding how long James and Jennifer Crumbley will spend behind bars after being convicted for involuntary manslaughter in connection with the shooting at Oxford High School in Oxford, Michigan in November, 2021. The parents of the shooter will spend the next decade in prison before they’re eligible for parole, and could serve fifteen years in custody on the involuntary manslaughter charges, though sentencing guidelines suggested a seven-year sentence was more appropriate. 

The sentence isn’t a deterrent for the Crumbleys or for the actual perpetrator of the attack at Oxford High. Their kid is already going to spend the rest of his life in prison for killing four students and injuring seven other students and staff. This is about sending a message to other gun-owning parents. 

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Feds Attack Gun Owners As “Extremists” In Another Leaked Document

From National Review:

Federal law enforcement lumped together conservative positions on guns and immigration with violent extremism in guidance given to financial institutions to help them monitor people’s transactions, a congressional investigation found.

The House Judiciary Committee and its Weaponization Subcommittee released a report Wednesday detailing the efforts by federal agencies and large financial institutions to surveil Americans’ private financial transactions in the wake of the January 6 protests.

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Court Rules California Can Continue Revealing Gun Owner Information To “Researchers”

From Ammoland:

“California’s Department of Justice had been permitted to share ‘identifying information of more than 4 million gun owners’ collected by the state during the background check process for firearms purchases with ‘qualified research institutions,’ ostensibly to aid in the study of gun-related accidents, suicides and violence.”

The “personal information” includes “names, addresses, phone numbers, and any criminal records, among other things.” What “other things”?

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More Americans Than Ever Live In House With A Gun

From The Washington Post:

Last week, NBC News presented a surprising bit of data: for the first time in its two decades of asking, a majority of respondents to its national poll indicated that they lived in a home with a firearm. In 2013, a poll of American adults found that 42 percent lived in households in which there was a gun. In the most recent poll, questioning registered voters, 52 percent said they did.

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Actual Gun Ownership May Be Closer To 60%!

From The Washington Examiner and The Reload:

At the lowest end, it’s likely that at least 40% of Americans own guns, according to a groundbreaking study of those who lie to pollsters about firearms.

The study from Rutgers University’s New Jersey Gun Violence Research Center is spreading like wildfire in the industry, which for years has tried to accurately estimate United States gun ownership and determine why polls show support for gun control, but then there is little follow through when legislation is proposed.

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Gun Owners Lie To Polls, Skewing Results

From Reason:

“The implications of false denials of firearms ownership are substantial,” claim the authors. “First, such practices would result in an underestimation of firearms ownership rates and diminish our capacity to test the association between firearm access and various firearm violence-related outcomes. Furthermore, such practices would skew our understanding of the demographics of firearm ownership, such that we would overemphasize the characteristics of those more apt to disclose. Third, the mere existence of a large group of individuals who falsely deny firearm ownership highlights that intervention aimed at promoting firearm safety (e.g., secure firearm storage) may fail to reach communities in need.”

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Concealed Carry Expo Shows The Changing Demographics of Gun Owners

From The Federalist:

According to the National Shooting Sports Foundation, 2020’s record-breaking surge in new gun ownership was more than just a spike. An NSSF survey of gun retailers found that 40 percent of Americans making firearm purchases were buying one for the first time, and of those first-time buyers, 40 percent were women. Gun stores also found that 58 percent of firearm purchases were by black men and women, “the largest increase of any demographic group.”

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The Bruen Case Is Exposing The Left’s Racism

From The LA Times:

But the governor and lawmakers could fail in their efforts, and the Supreme Court’s ruling could stand. And then, California could be forced to confront a reality that has long made many self-proclaimed liberals uncomfortable: Black people — potentially a lot of us — legally carrying guns in public.

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California AG Leaks Gun Owner Info

From The Reload:

The California Department of Justice’s 2022 Firearms Dashboard Portal went live on Monday with publicly-accessible files that include identifying information for those who have concealed carry permits. The leaked information includes the person’s full name, home address, date of birth, and date their permit was issued. The data also shows the type of permit issued, indicating if the permit holder is a member of law enforcement or a judge.

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Their “Solution” Is Always To Restrict Ownership and Increase Bans


By contrast, proposals to raise the minimum purchase age for long guns at least have something to do with the Buffalo and Uvalde attacks, since both shooters were 18 years old. But it is hard to see how that policy can be reconciled with the Second Amendment unless you assume that 18-to-20-year-olds, unlike older adults, do not have a constitutional right to keep and bear arms. Two federal appeals courts recently rejected that proposition, citing a long tradition of gun ownership by young adults.

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First Time Gun Buyer: Younger and Minority

From The Trace:

Pandemic first-time gun buyers are younger and more diverse. That doesn’t mean they’re more receptive to gun reform. Americans bought more than 40 million guns in 2020 and 2021, the two highest sales years on record, according to our gun sales tracker. About 5 percent of adults in America purchased a gun for the first time between March 2020 and March 2022, according to a new survey from NORC at the University of Chicago, bringing the total number of adults living in armed households to 46 percent. More diverse, younger, but with similar views

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Diversity In Gun Owners Is Good News For Gun Rights

From The Economist:

More gun-owners, especially new ones, look like Ms Evans. Of the 7.5m Americans who bought firearms for the first time between January 2019 and April 2021—as gun-buying surged nationwide—half were female, a fifth black and a fifth Hispanic…

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2021 National Firearm Survey

From Gun Curious:

30.2% of gun owners have owned an AR-15 style rifle.

That’s some 25 million people. This is the first survey that I can recall that asked about ownership of this particular rifle. The results confirm its popularity.

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