Posts Tagged civilian

Flash Bangs For Civilians

From Ammoland:

The “Bang Saber” is a flashbang for civilian use. It might not be quite as effective as a military or LE Noise Flash Diversionary Device (NFDD), but it has the distinct advantage of being both a reusable and a civilian legal flashbang

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Train with Trident

From the Trident Training Group website:

TridentTrident Training Group is committed to providing private citizens, corporations and government agencies with the tools they need to navigate life safely and effectively while maximizing physical potential.  Our leadership and cadre’s experience and backgrounds range from U.S. Navy SEALs, Army Rangers, U.S. Marine Corps  and several Federal Law Enforcement Agencies.  At Trident we incorporate realistic training scenarios and use the most up to date tactics and techniques preformed by operators in the field.  It is our goal to enable our clients to achieve their personal goals in fitness and personal defense.  With our unique facilities and cadre, we work together with our clients to ensure they accomplish their next level of performance.

Trident Training Group

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Ops Gear Tactical DVDs has training DVDs for civilians and law enforcement. Here is a sample:

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