Posts Tagged raids

ATF Raids Continue To Threaten Americans

From The Truth About Guns:

During the 30 years that have passed since ATF’s botched raid in Waco, Texas, which led to 82 civilian deaths – including 28 children – and four federal agents, the agency appears to have forgotten that when it picks fights for no reason and uses excessive force, law-abiding Americans pay with their lives. 

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Civilians 29 Times More Likely to be Killed by Police Than Terrorism

From The Free Thought Project:

What went wrong? In the 19070’s SWAT teams were estimated to be used just a few hundred times per year, now we are looking at over 40,000 military style “knock and announce” police raids a year.

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US war protesters cry foul over FBI terrorism raids

CHICAGO: Anti-war protesters have claimed their homes and offices were raided by the FBI on Friday in an attempt to silence dissent in the US.

An FBI spokesman confirmed agents searched six locations in Minneapolis and two in Chicago as part of an investigation into ”activities concerning the material support of terrorism”.

Special Agent Steve Warfield of the Minneapolis branch of the FBI declined to confirm who was raided, saying only that the warrants remained sealed. ”There’s no imminent threat to the community,” Warfield said. ”We did not plan on making any arrests and we did not make any arrests.”

Activist Mick Kelly, an organizer of a huge anti-war rally on the opening day of the 2008 Republican National Convention, said the FBI had kicked down his door about 7am on Friday after he had already left for work.

”To me this is harassment of anti-war activists and leaders who have spoken against US intervention in Latin America and the Middle East,” Kelly said. He insisted he had ”absolutely not” been involved in any illegal activities.

”I am angry,” she said. ”I want people to know that the government is targeting people for our ideas.”

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