Posts Tagged bureau of alcohol tabacco and firearms

Temporary Restraining Order Issued For ATF

From The Truth About Guns:

The gross overstep by the Justice Department (DOJ) and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), which basically outlaws private gun sales and was set to take effect on Monday, has been challenged in court in a number of different lawsuits. On Sunday, in the case State of Texas v. BATF,  the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas approved a temporary restraining order on the Final Rule that states it may not be enforced against the individual plaintiff in the case, citizens of the of Texas, and members of Gun Owners of America, Gun Owners Foundation, the Tennessee Firearms Association and the Virginia Citizens Defense League.

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Armed Attorneys on Supreme Court Frame and Receivers Case

From Armed Attorneys:

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Texas’s Suppressor Challenge To Be Heard By Fifth Circuit

From Ammoland:

The lawsuit by the State of Texas, challenging the federal requirement to pay taxes and register homemade silencers, is moving forward in the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. Oral arguments are scheduled for April 29, 2024. The case is now known as Paxton v Dettelbach.

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GOA Shows ATF’s Decades Of Misconduct

From Gun Owners of America:

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ATF Stats Prove “Universal” Background Checks Won’t Work

From Ammoland:

“Universal” background checks are “universal” in name only and don’t stop criminals from stealing firearms, getting them on the black market, or getting them from straw purchasers. On April 8, ATF published a report on the agency’s firearm trafficking investigations. The “trafficking channel” for roughly two-thirds of the reported cases (65-percent) were “trafficking in firearms by a straw purchaser or straw purchasing ring,” “trafficking in firearms stolen from an FFL,” or “trafficking in firearms stolen from private persons.” For those unfamiliar with the term, “straw purchasing” is when a person buys a firearm, lying on ATF Form 4473 and undergoing a background check, on behalf of a person prohibited from possessing firearms.

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Arkansas AG Wants ATF Bodycams From Raid

From Ammoland:

Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin has serious questions for ATF officials about their botched March 19 SWAT team raid, which killed Little Rock Airport executive director, Bryan Malinowski, in his home. And if ATF has bodycam footage of the fatal raid, Griffin wants to see that, too.

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ATF Budget Cut By $122 Million

From Gun Owners of America:

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ATF Inspector Violated Their Authority To Deny Gun Purchase

From The Truth About Guns:

In a small, but significant example of more government overreach, an ATF Industry Operations Investigator violated the Second Amendment rights of a central Florida man last month when he ordered a gun dealer to halt a pistol sale because he believed the purchaser possibly smelled of marijuana.

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The ATF Must Go

From Bearing Arms:

Calls for the reform or abolishment of the ATF grow louder and louder. Just last week, an article published by the Second Amendment Foundation makes the case for undoing the damage done by the Biden Administration. It’s a roadmap for the next president, but not one that will alter the current course of the ATF or stop future abuses. And while I’m on board with undoing Biden’s dirty work, I don’t think it’s enough. It’s my view that undoing the years of Biden Administration overreach and utter disdain for the Constitutional rights of American citizens will not be enough. The ATF, as it is currently defined, has got to go.

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ATF Raids Continue To Threaten Americans

From The Truth About Guns:

During the 30 years that have passed since ATF’s botched raid in Waco, Texas, which led to 82 civilian deaths – including 28 children – and four federal agents, the agency appears to have forgotten that when it picks fights for no reason and uses excessive force, law-abiding Americans pay with their lives. 

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Rep. Gaetz Introduces Bill To Abolish ATF

From Gateway Pundit:

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) introduced legislation to abolish the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) after a controversial ruling that would make millions of American gun owners into criminals.

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ATF “Clarifies” What Is A Firearm

From Guns and Gadgets:

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ATF Targets Objects Rather Than Criminals

From Bearing Arms:

One of our favorite three letter agencies is at it again. A recent report by attorney Dillon Harris of the Prince Law Offices noted that the ATF has been sending out new nasty grams to alleged customers that may have purchased Forced Reset Triggers and or so-called solvent traps. It’s not exactly known at this time how the ATF procured customer information, but the agency that’s so fond of murdering dogs and sending out malicious Valentine’s Day greetings seems to have the firm Harris is a member of without the lack of clients.

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ATF Plans To Create Millions Of Felons With Pistol Brace Ruling

From Ammoland:

AmmoLand News has uncovered information showing that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) is planning to force gun owners to register firearms with pistol braces as a National Firearms Act (NFA) ATF Form 1 item.

The document (embedded below) was uncovered in a budget justification from the ATF to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). This form confirms the leaked information AmmoLand News has heard for months from our inside sources at the ATF.

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Congressmen Demand Investigation Into FFL Revocations

From The Truth About Guns:

Twenty-five Republican Congressmen – including every Republican member of the House Judiciary Committee – sent a letter Wednesday to Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Acting Director Gary Restaino, demanding an explanation for “the Department’s broad and unprecedented effort to revoke Federal Firearms Licenses (FFLs) from law-abiding business owners throughout the country.”

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