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Posts Tagged secretary of state
Former Civil Servant: Hillary’s Email Excuse is Laghable
From Politico:
In this case, which is truly unprecedented, no matter what Secretary Clinton would have one believe, she managed successfully to insulate her official emails, categorically, from the FOIA, both during her tenure at State and long after her departure from it—perhaps forever. “Nice work if you can get it,†one might say, especially if your experience during your husband’s presidency gives you good reason (nay, even highly compelling motivation) to relegate unto yourself such control if at all possible.
Pentagon Tried to Stop Secretary of State Clinton From Going to War in Libya
Posted by Brian in News, Threat Watch, Warriors on 2/Feb/2015 15:29
From The Washington Times:
Mrs. Clinton’s main argument was that Gadhafi was about to engage in a genocide against civilians in Benghazi, where the rebels held their center of power. But defense intelligence officials could not corroborate those concerns and in fact assessed that Gadhafi was unlikely to risk world outrage by inflicting mass casualties, officials told The Times. As a result, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates and Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, strongly opposed Mrs. Clinton’s recommendation to use force.
Instead of relying on the Defense Department or the intelligence community for analysis, officials told The Times, the White House trusted Mrs. Clinton’s charge, which was then supported by Ambassador to the United Nations Susan E. Rice and National Security Council member Samantha Power, as reason enough for war.
“The decision to invade [Libya] had already been made, so everything coming out of the State Department at that time was to reinforce that decision,†the official explained, speaking only on the condition of anonymity for fear of retribution.
NRA News on U.N. Arms Trade Treaty Signing
Posted by Brian in News, Threat Watch on 29/Sep/2013 08:20
Canada on the other hand refused to sign the arms trade treaty.
Opposition to U.N. Arms Trade Treaty in House of Representatives
Kerry Makes Fatal Error During Testimony
Don’t ever ask a general to say war isn’t actually war.
U.S. Congress Opposes U.N. Arms Treaty
Posted by Brian in News, Threat Watch on 8/Jun/2013 08:00
From FoxNews.com:
Still, gun-rights supporters on Capitol Hill warn the treaty could be used as the basis for additional gun regulations inside the U.S. and have threatened not to ratify.
Last week, 130 members of Congress signed a letter to Obama and Kerry urging them to reject the measure for this and other reasons.
The Benghazi Report and the Diplomatic Security Funding Cycle
Posted by Brian in News, Threat Watch on 28/Dec/2012 08:18
“The Benghazi Report and the Diplomatic Security Funding Cycle is republished with permission of Stratfor.”
By Scott Stewart
Vice President of Analysis
On Dec. 18, the U.S. State Department’s Accountability Review Board released an unclassified version of its investigation into the Sept. 12 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya. U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were killed in the attack, so the report was widely anticipated by the public and by government officials alike.
Four senior State Department officials have been reassigned to other duties since the report’s release. Among them were the assistant secretary of state for diplomatic security; two of his deputy assistant secretaries, including the director of the Diplomatic Security Service, the department’s most senior special agent; and the deputy assistant secretary responsible for Libya in the State Department’s Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs.
The highly critical report and the subsequent personnel reassignments are not simply a low watermark for the State Department; rather, the events following the attack signify another phase in the diplomatic security funding cycle. The new phase will bring about a financial windfall for the State Department security budgets, but increased funding alone will not prevent future attacks from occurring. After all, plenty of attacks have occurred following similar State Department budgetary allocations in the past. Other important factors therefore must be addressed. Read the rest of this entry »
NKorea tensions spike at Asian security forum
Posted by Jack Sinclair in News, Threat Watch on 24/Jul/2010 18:42

Ri Tong-il (C), spokeman for North Korean Foreign Minister Park Ui-chun speaks with mediaduring the sidelines of the 17th ASEAN Regional Forum in Hanoi July 23, 2010.
“HANOI, Vietnam- North Korea on Friday threatened the United States and South Korea with a “physical response” to planned weekend naval exercises as tensions with the communist nation rose in the aftermath of the sinking of a South Korean warship blamed on the North.
In Vietnam for a Southeast Asian regional security forum, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and a North Korean official traded barbs over the ship incident, the upcoming military drills and the imposition of new U.S. sanctions against the North.”