Posts Tagged snitches

Hawaii and Michigan Create Stasi-like Tip Line


In Hawaii on Thursday, Gov. Josh Green (D) announced the state Department of Law Enforcement has established a confidential “Gun Tip Line for people to make anonymous reports of illegal gun ownership and gun crimes.” Tipsters seeking to “drop a dime” can do so either via a call or text to a phone number or via the DLE’s website. Further, there is a downloadable app where tipsters can go so far as to submit photographs and videos to back up their report. 

Meanwhile, in Michigan, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) signed House Bill 5503 this week. The measure, an education funding bill, allocated $1 million in School Aid Funding to support a tip line for students to anonymously report “improperly stored firearms.” 

The bill also mandates the state’s Department of Education will develop educational materials related to improperly stored firearms, including the use of the tip line to report them, and distribute the materials to school districts statewide.

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