Posts Tagged michigan

Hawaii and Michigan Create Stasi-like Tip Line


In Hawaii on Thursday, Gov. Josh Green (D) announced the state Department of Law Enforcement has established a confidential “Gun Tip Line for people to make anonymous reports of illegal gun ownership and gun crimes.” Tipsters seeking to “drop a dime” can do so either via a call or text to a phone number or via the DLE’s website. Further, there is a downloadable app where tipsters can go so far as to submit photographs and videos to back up their report. 

Meanwhile, in Michigan, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) signed House Bill 5503 this week. The measure, an education funding bill, allocated $1 million in School Aid Funding to support a tip line for students to anonymously report “improperly stored firearms.” 

The bill also mandates the state’s Department of Education will develop educational materials related to improperly stored firearms, including the use of the tip line to report them, and distribute the materials to school districts statewide.

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Parents of School Shooter Sentenced To Decade In Prison

From Bearing Arms:

A Michigan judge went beyond the recommended guidelines on Tuesday when deciding how long James and Jennifer Crumbley will spend behind bars after being convicted for involuntary manslaughter in connection with the shooting at Oxford High School in Oxford, Michigan in November, 2021. The parents of the shooter will spend the next decade in prison before they’re eligible for parole, and could serve fifteen years in custody on the involuntary manslaughter charges, though sentencing guidelines suggested a seven-year sentence was more appropriate. 

The sentence isn’t a deterrent for the Crumbleys or for the actual perpetrator of the attack at Oxford High. Their kid is already going to spend the rest of his life in prison for killing four students and injuring seven other students and staff. This is about sending a message to other gun-owning parents. 

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US Nuclear Powerplant Restarted

From ZeroHedge:

In a move which may force the lunatic greens to storm the White House, on Wednesday the federal government announced that it would provide a $1.5 billion loan to restart a nuclear power plant in southwestern Michigan. NJ-based Holtec International acquired the 800-megawatt Palisades plant in 2022 with plans to dismantle it, but with support from the state of Michigan and the Biden administration, the emphasis has shifted to restarting the nuclear power plant by late 2025 instead. 

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FPC Defends Third Grader’s “Come and take it” Hat

From Bearing Arms:

According to a press release, last week the Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) announced their support of a lawsuit against several school officials. According to the FPC, a third-grader’s First and Fourteenth Amendment rights were violated when she was not allowed to wear her “Come and Take It” hat during their annual hat day. 

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Whitmer Vetoes Bill That Would Require Concealed Carry Permit Processing During Emergencies

From Bearing Arms:

In a letter to legislators Friday, the Democratic governor said the measure would have mandated that clerks issue licenses without regard to the scope or gravity of the emergency or whether in-person services would jeopardize clerks.

Republican Sen. Lana Theis called the veto disappointing for gun owners and said Second Amendment rights can’t be infringed.

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Anti-Trump FBI Agent Was Part of Michigan False Flag

From Wood TV:

One of the lead FBI agents on the federal kidnapping case involving Michigan’s governor didn’t just betray the badge off-duty, he also showed questionable judgment online by posting an obscenity-laden, anti-Trump tirade.

“If you still support our piece of s–t president you can f–k off,” began the 2020 post on Richard Trask’s personal Facebook page.

As Trask, 40, prepares to enter a plea Monday on charges he beat and choked his wife at their Kalamazoo County home, Target 8 investigators are revealing the contents of a vitriolic, Trump-bashing post on Trask’s personal Facebook page.  

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FBI Incriminated In Whitmer Kidnapping Plot, Questions Remain About Jan. 6

From American Greatness:

But an anti-lockdown protest in April 2020, which involved “Thor” and presumably other FBI assets, draws even more comparisons to January 6. Wearing a wire, “Thor” went to Lansing on April 30 to meet up with members of the “Wolverine Watchmen,” alleged militia members who would later be charged in the kidnapping scheme. After “Thor” communicated with his FBI handlers, according to a BuzzFeed investigation into the case, “something surprising happened. The Michigan State Police stood down and let the protesters—including those in full tactical gear—enter the building unopposed. They could even bring their guns.”

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Fenix Ammunition Takes A Stand Against Selling To Police

From En Bloc Press:

Fenix Ammunition shared a Penalty Notice from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services on Twitter the other day. Apparently a police officer “was dispatched” to their business in November of 2020. What prompted this dispatch is unclear. The police officer, Matthew Chaylaszek, reported seeing a sign on the door that read “We do not wear masks, make your own decisions.” Chaylaszek says he entered the shop and saw the owner, Justin Nazaroff, unmasked and helping a customer. Now, come January, they’ve been fined $1,000 by the State of Michigan for the mask violation. As a result, Fenix Ammunition has suspended ammo sales to law enforcement agencies.

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Michigan Businesses Revolt Against Governor

From LifeZette:

The owners of the Joe Vicari Restaurant Group have brought together hundreds of restaurant owners from all over the state who are ready to fight Whitmer’s latest orders with everything they have.

“I called my restaurant groups in southeastern Michigan to band together,” Joe Vicari, the president and owner of the restaurant group, told Fox Business. “We had about 400 restaurants come together.”

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Big Boy Removes Franchise From Owner Refusing Covid Restrictions

From Headline USA:

 A Big Boy restaurant in Michigan’s Thumb region has lost its name after the owners refused to stop indoor dining as part of statewide restrictions to slow the spread of the coronavirus.

Customers were greeted Friday with Sandusky Diner instead of Sandusky Big Boy, the name for 35 years. The company that grants franchises took action. Big Boy restaurants are known by their statue of a boy in checkered overalls holding a burger over his head.

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Michigan Bill Banning Guns In Capitol Fails

From Bearing Arms:

Two bills banning guns inside the state Capitol are now in a committee that a state senator says is “where bills are sent to die.”

See, as noted in Wednesday’s post, she claims that the openly-carried firearms were about intimidation and presented it as though that was the motive behind her bill.

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Firearms Instructors Train Women For Free In Detroit

From Guns In The News:

Firearm Instructors united August 15th and 16th in Taylor – a Detroit suburb – to provide free firearm training to 1,938 metro-Detroit women. They answered a call for assistance by Rick Ector, a Detroit Firearm Instructor, who conducts an annual program to give women a free range safety briefing and a free shooting lesson. Last year, 814 local women were trained by the program. At that point in time, it was the program’s highest-ever attendance total.

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Michigan Gov Gave Contact Tracing Contracts To Dem Groups

From Daily Wire:

“Whitmer’s office gave the ‘green light’ for a COVID-19 contact tracing ‘arrangement’ she denied knowledge of and canceled amid outcry over a contractor with Democratic ties,” Bridge Magazine, a local Michigan publication, reported. “Emails obtained through a public records request appear to show Michigan officials tried to avoid controversy by shifting work to apolitical subsidiaries of firms with known partisan leanings.”

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Elites Hate That Normal People Have Guns

From The Washington Post:

Thus do right-wing extremists exploit America’s lax gun laws for political gain. Of course, the open carrying of rifles or handguns is a recipe for intimidation and potentially deadly confusion, even when not politically motivated. If shots ring out on a street full of armed pedestrians, how are the police supposed to identify the culprit?

On the whole, though, no state worthy of the name can permit exceptions to its monopoly on legitimate deployment of armed force like those in Michigan or North Carolina. Surely no sensible interpretation of the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms would say a state must tolerate them.

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LA Times Threatened By Citizens Protesting With Guns

From LA Times:

Only in the U.S., and no other civilized democracy, does a supposed right to take up arms against a duly elected government garner a measure of respect from politicians, the courts and the court of public opinion. No tenable reading of the Constitution supports it.

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