Proposed Muslim Centre near 9/11 Site Protested in NYC

“Is it disrespectful to the citizens of New York City to build a Muslim centre?  Atlas Shrugged blogger & “birther”  Pamela Geller doesn’t want a proposed centre/mosque built near Ground Zero, but Mayor Michael Bloomberg does.”

Does it really matter whether you call it a community centre or a mosque? Sure it does. A community center sounds so…nice…and innocent.

But first, forgive me for this little detour: yeah, it looks like many Americans do object to a proposed centre/mosque built near Ground Zero – does the fact that some of those objecting are “birthers” make their objections to this “community center” any less valid? And will politicians hear those concerns or dismiss them as the ranting of “birthers”?

Tip: if you want to minimize the impact of a group that disagrees with you, come up with a name to mock them and do everything you can to ridicule them. This way you won’t have to actually answer any questions.

(And no, I’m not going to waste your time discussing the “birther” issue, it doesn’t even matter which side of that little shouting match I lean towards. Mostly I’m just getting tired of the name calling. I was tired of it in first grade, and it’s especially tiring when adults use that juvenile tactic rather than making a case for their opposing view.)

Now back to my initial comment:

How stupid do they think we are?

Oh, Gee, Golly, isn’t it Swell that this nice Egyptian Guy is getting into “community development” and helping our city? He’s not trying to Islamicize anybody. Gosh, no – he’s a “community developer”. Maybe he’ll help us fundamentally change America.

Tip: if you want to minimize the impact of a group that disagrees with you, come up with a name to mock them and do everything you can to ridicule them. This way you won’t have to actually answer any questions.

And, regarding the “community center”:

“Look, we’re building this big, beautiful statue of a horse. Go ahead, drag it inside your city. It’s a monument. See? We really can get along. You’re big and strong, relax, you don’t need to worry – why would you think you need to worry about a statue of a horse? Look at it, what a beautiful monument…”

BTW: you’re not paranoid if someone really is out to get you.

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