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Archive for September, 2013
Syria, America and Putin’s Bluff
Posted by Brian in News, Threat Watch on 10/Sep/2013 16:42
“Syria, America and Putin’s Bluff is republished with permission of Stratfor.”
By George Friedman
In recent weeks I’ve written about U.S. President Barack Obama’s bluff on Syria and the tightrope he is now walking on military intervention. There is another bluff going on that has to be understood, this one from Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Putin is bluffing that Russia has emerged as a major world power. In reality, Russia is merely a regional power, but mainly because its periphery is in shambles. He has tried to project a strength that that he doesn’t have, and he has done it well. For him, Syria poses a problem because the United States is about to call his bluff, and he is not holding strong cards. To understand his game we need to start with the recent G-20 meeting in St. Petersburg, Russia. Read the rest of this entry »
Syrian Woman Urges McCain To Vote Against War in Syria
A Syrian woman confronted Senator John McCain at a townhall meeting and here is the exchange:
Two Minutes Hate
Author Jason Reynolds compares the current culture with the culture of INGSOC in the novel 1984:
The Hate celebrates Ingsoc’s slogans—WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, and IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH—and helps stamp out thoughtcrime, i.e. the right to hold personal, unorthodox beliefs and value privacy, the very thing Winston secretly lives for. He’s actually a big fan of Goldstein. But even this devout intellectual heretic feels powerless to the overwhelming wave of emotion that ripples though the crowd and makes otherwise reserved and terse people start “leaping up and down…and shouting at the tops of their voices.â€Â  Take a look at a cinematic interpretation of this.
Senator Paul is Voting No on Syria
From Time.com:
War should occur only when America is attacked, when it is threatened or when American interests are attacked or threatened. I don’t think the situation in Syria passes that test. Even the State Department argues that “there’s no military solution here that’s good for the Syrian people, and that the best path forward is a political solution.â€
Article: ‘Oh S***’: Mom’s Quick-Thinking Gun Move Sends Carjackers Fleeing
‘Oh S***’: Mom’s Quick-Thinking Gun Move Sends Carjackers Fleeing
S.W.A.T. October 2013
In this issue:
Red Dots For Handguns
Plants As Home Security
Firearms Training Courses
Edged Weapon Class
SBR Twist Rates
Daniel Defense Tour
Del-Ton Evolution AR
Article: Spooks break most Internet crypto, but how?
Spooks break most Internet crypto, but how?
ThursÂday’s revÂeÂlaÂtion that US and British intelÂliÂgence agenÂcies are able to decode most InterÂnet trafÂfic was a transÂformÂing moment for many, akin to getÂting definÂiÂtive proof of intelÂliÂgent extraterÂresÂtriÂal life. It funÂdaÂmenÂtalÂly changed the assumpÂtions that many of us have about the tools hunÂdreds of milÂlions of peoÂple rely on to shield their most priÂvate inforÂmaÂtion from pryÂing eyes. And it chalÂlenged the trust placed in the peoÂple who build and proÂvide those tools.
NRA and ACLU Join Forces to Fight NSA Spying Program
Posted by Brian in News, Threat Watch on 8/Sep/2013 08:59
From Reuters:
In a brief backing the American Civil Liberties Union’s lawsuit against senior U.S. government officials, the NRA said the collection of vast communications threatens privacy and could allow the government to create a registry of gun owners.
Kerry Makes Fatal Error During Testimony
Don’t ever ask a general to say war isn’t actually war.
Citizens Must Have Access to “Weapons of War”
The anti-gunners have made the argument that no one should have a weapon of war. That is precisely what every citizen should have access to, but does not (AR-15s are not weapons of war). The BearingArms.com staff makes the case quite well:
Tenche Cox, Pennsylvania delegate to the Continental Congress, thrice explained the purpose of the Second Amendment to his fellow citizens. The first time was in The Pennsylvania Gazette, on Feb. 20, 1788.
The militia of these free commonwealths, entitled and accustomed to their arms, when compared with any possible army, must be tremendous and irresistible. Who are the militia? Are they not ourselves? Is it feared, then, that we shall turn our arms each man against his own bosom. Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birth-right of an American … the unlimited power of the sword is not in the hands of either the federal or state governments, but, where I trust in God it will ever remain, in the hands of the people
California Is Coming For Your Guns
The anti-gun bigots in the state of California continue to propose ludicrous laws that will make it harder for citizens to exercise their rights.
From Reason.com:
The piece detailed the California’s Department of Justice’s APPs (Armed and Prohibited Persons) program that sends armed agents to the doors of Californians “who at one time purchased firearms legally, but have since run afoul of the law.†It’s a first-in-the-nation program by which state officials cross-reference government crime databases. An agent might show up at the door of a person who legally purchased a gun, but was later deemed mentally ill or was convicted of domestic violence.