Posts Tagged administrative state

Fisherman Case Could Destroy The ATF and The Administrative State

From Ammoland:

The cases are Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo and Relentless, Inc. v. Department of Commerce. The cases ask the Supreme Court to consider more than just the question of whether the government can force a private enterprise to bear the monetary costs of accommodating a government function. It challenges what’s referred to as the Chevron doctrine, a legal doctrine that arose from a previous Supreme Court decision that has over time given wide swath to federal agencies to sort of fill in the holes – if you will – of how the government is to enforce a law when the statute passed by Congress doesn’t explicitly dictate it. It basically allows unelected federal bureaucrats to create laws. Under the Chevron Doctrine, the federal judiciary gives deference to federal agencies’ interpretation of the law, and some would argue abdicate their constitutional responsibility to say what the law means.  Chevron deference is the lifeblood of the “administrative state.”

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The Bureaucrats Must Be Purged To Save The Republic

From The Federalist:

if we’re serious about re-constitutionalizing our system of government, the next administration must make slashing both the scope and scale of the executive branch — the citadel of the administrative state — its highest priority. If we fail in that objective, any and all wins we secure the next time we win at the ballot box will be erased by the next Democrat administration. It will happen immediately and by executive order and other means, as it did virtually on the first day of the Biden administration.  

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Bureaucrat Militias and the Threat To Freedom

From Law and Liberty:

In addition to the administrative agencies that we would expect to have militias, the Justice Department, Homeland Security, the Bureau of Prisons, and such, some unlikely federal bureaucracies actively train and use militias: IRS, Social Security Administration, Department of Education, Consumer Safety Products Commission, Bureau of Land Management, Department of Agriculture, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and a host of other agencies, both large and small. Sensational stories about the Environmental Protection Agency raids to enforce the Clean Water Act have surfaced in recent weeks; the Education Department has used its militia to terrorize citizens suspected of defaulting on student loans; and a few years ago, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, along with the militia from the Fish and Wild Life Service made a spectacular raid on a Miami business suspected of having violated the Endangered Species Act.

These raids were full-scale military operations to enforce administrative agency regulations. Government militias have become so active in the past several years that the rate at which they purchase ammunition for training purposes has caused widespread shortages in civilian markets—at times it has been almost impossible for civilians to purchase the most popular calibers used by government militias. What should we make of this dramatic expansion of the administrative state?

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