Posts Tagged federal government

Jan. 6 FBI Whistleblower Receives Backpay and Security Clearance

From The Washington Post:

Mr. Allen had his security clearance suspended after the bureau accused him of having conspiratorial views about the Jan. 6, 2021, protest at the U.S. Capitol and of sympathizing with criminal conduct.

According to a November 2023 protected whistleblower disclosure sent by a SecD employee to lawmakers, Senior SecD officials Dena Perkins and Jeffrey Veltri launched an investigation against Mr. Allen because he emailed several news items within his office related to former President Donald Trump that were deemed conspiratorial.

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Was The FBI Prepared To Shoot Secret Service, Trump?

From The Federalist:

The FBI was authorized to use “deadly force” against former President Donald Trump when the Biden administration agency raided Mar-a-Lago in search of classified documents, according to newly unsealed court documents shared on X by independent journalist Julie Kelly.

A newly unsealed operations order reveals the FBI was authorized to use deadly force against the former president if need be, Kelly reported.

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Arkansas AG Backtracks On Demands From ATF Raid

From The Truth About Guns:

After the ATF shot and killed 53-year-old airport executive Bryan Malinowski in his home during a botched SWAT raid, Griffin had questions about the ATF’s use of force, which Malinowski’s family and most everyone else said was excessive. Griffin publicly called on ATF to release the videos from their bodycams, stating “information from a camera helps fill the vacuum of conspiracy and all this other stuff.”

However, a story published last week revealed that ATF agents wore no bodycams March 19 during their fatal raid, and since then, Griffin – not unlike the ATF agents he called out for their lack of transparency – has gone silent about the killing. Now, Griffin lets his spokesman field questions about ATF’s raid.

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FBI Claims White Supremacists Working With Islamists

From Ammoland:

The FBI defines RMVEs as “those that advocate for the superiority of the White race.” The document claims that Islamic “Foreign Terrorist Organizations” (FTOs) are likely discouraged from working with RMVEs due to distrust, but the FBI claims that some RMVEs are sympathetic to Islamists and want to pursue alliances with these groups. It seems like the FBI thinks these groups believe in the “enemy of my enemy is my friend” strategy. The FBI states that both RMVEs and FTOs are brought together by their anti-Semitism and their opposition to liberal Western democracy.

The FBI claims that RMVEs have sought an alliance with Islamic extremists to speed up the collapse of Western society through violence.

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FBI Whistleblower Says They Taught Him Pro-lifers Were More Dangerous Than Islamic Extremists

From The Federalist:

In an interview with the Tennessee Informer last month, Friend recalled his experience at the FBI Academy in 2014: “We were shown a video that was produced by the Southern Poverty Law Center.” The film, Friend said, “ranked people who oppose abortion, pro-life activists, as a greater threat than Islamists.”

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Fast and Furious Redux

From Ammoland:

U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) released a series of whistleblower documents that raise the ghosts of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ (ATF) ill-fated Operation Fast & Furious. That was the Department of Justice (DOJ) operation that allowed firearms to be illegally smuggled across the U.S. border to Mexico, except once they crossed, they were never tracked.

One of those illegally-trafficked firearms was used to murder U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.

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BoA Gave Up Customer Data Without A Warrant

From Open Source Defense:

As part of the oversight conducted by the Committee on the Judiciary and the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, the Committee and Select Subcommittee received testimony from retired FBI Supervisory Intelligence Analyst George Hill on February 7, 2023. Mr. Hill testified that Bank of America (BoA) provided the FBI — voluntarily and without any legal process — with a list of individuals who had made transactions in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area with a BoA credit or debit card between January 5 and January 7, 2021, and that individuals who had previously purchased a firearm with a BoA debit card or credit card were elevated to the top of the list regardless of when or where the purchase was made.

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ATF Budget Cut By $122 Million

From Gun Owners of America:

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The War Over The Second Amendment

From Zero Hedge:

Thomas Jefferson in particular was vehemently opposed to a standing federal army. Like the rest of the Founders, he believed it was the responsibility of a citizens militia of ordinary Americans to defend their state, or in the rarest of circumstances, the entire country from an outside threat. He also made it clear that an armed citizenry was the best defense against government tyranny. As president, Jefferson slashed military spending. He noted, “Standing armies [are] inconsistent with [a people’s] freedom and subversive of their quiet.” In 1789, the author of the Declaration of Independence wrote, “There are instruments so dangerous to the rights of the nation and which place them so totally at the mercy of their governors….Such an instrument is a standing army.” No wonder he’s now a hopeless dead White “racist.”

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Feds Attack Gun Owners As “Extremists” In Another Leaked Document

From National Review:

Federal law enforcement lumped together conservative positions on guns and immigration with violent extremism in guidance given to financial institutions to help them monitor people’s transactions, a congressional investigation found.

The House Judiciary Committee and its Weaponization Subcommittee released a report Wednesday detailing the efforts by federal agencies and large financial institutions to surveil Americans’ private financial transactions in the wake of the January 6 protests.

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Marines Are First Military Branch To Pass Financial Audit

From Defense News:

The milestone — something the Defense Department and the other armed services still have not achieved — comes after almost two decades of trying to prepare the Corps’ records and several failed audits along the way.

During this two-year audit, the Marine Corps had independent third-party auditors from Ernst and Young vet the value of all its assets listed on financial statements. The Corps also had to prove that every single item existed and was where the service said it was.

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The Bureaucrats Must Be Purged To Save The Republic

From The Federalist:

if we’re serious about re-constitutionalizing our system of government, the next administration must make slashing both the scope and scale of the executive branch — the citadel of the administrative state — its highest priority. If we fail in that objective, any and all wins we secure the next time we win at the ballot box will be erased by the next Democrat administration. It will happen immediately and by executive order and other means, as it did virtually on the first day of the Biden administration.  

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OK Sheriff Investigating ATF Raid Of FFL

From The Truth About Guns:

Oklahoma’s Pushmataha County Sheriff’s Office has opened an investigation into the ATF for their recent SWAT raid of one of their county’s most respected residents, Russell Fincher, PCSO Undersheriff Dustin Bray said Tuesday. 

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Texas Rallies Around Gun Dealer Targeted By ATF

From Ammoland:

A story published last month revealed that Harris was the latest home-based gun dealer to be targeted by the ATF. Harris and others say the ATF chose to harass and intimidate home-based dealers into voluntarily surrendering their FFLs because they know most lack the financial resources to mount a legal defense and fight back.

“The ATF didn’t follow their own protocols,” Harris said. “Now, they’re making up allegations.”

One of Harris’ longtime customers created a GiveSendGo account, which has raised nearly $20,000, although Harris will likely need much more.

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FPC Tells Supreme Court Chevron Deference Is Unconstitutional

From Ammoland:

“Chevron violates Article III by transferring from the judiciary to the executive the ultimate interpretative authority to say what the law is,” argues the brief. “It violates Article I by incentivizing Congress to abdicate its legislative duties and delegate legislative authority to the executive. As a result, Chevron accumulates legislative, executive, and judicial powers in a single branch of government—which the Founders considered the very definition of tyranny.”

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