Posts Tagged deep state

Veterans Administration Refuses To Abide By Legislation

From Bearing Arms:

We’ve covered the fact that the VA is inhibiting some vets from exercising their gun rights, reporting those who get fiduciaries–people who help them manage their money–and making them ineligible to exercise their gun rights despite no actual due process.

And to make it worse, officials claim they will not comply with legislation that would prevent that.

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Anti-Gunners Use Trump Assassination Attempt To Push More Bans

From Bearing Arms:

After narrowly dodging a bullet from an AR-15 rifle, former US President Donald Trump, now vying for the 2024 presidential bid under the Republican banner, may find himself pondering anew on his stance regarding gun rights. The attempt on Trump’s life at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday night casts a significant shadow over the upcoming Republican National Convention, set to begin on Monday in Milwaukee. Trump has often championed the cause of citizen gun ownership, yet amid mass shootings events before, there were fleeting moments where he entertained the notion that some form of regulation might be prudent.

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Supreme Court Overturns “Chevron”, Restraining Power Of Bureaucrats

From The Truth About Guns:

The Supreme Court’s decision is particularly noteworthy for gun owners, as it curtails the regulatory authority of the ATF. The ruling effectively limits the ATF’s ability to interpret and enforce regulations without explicit congressional authorization, even when pushed by a presidential administration hostile to the Second Amendment.

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Jan. 6 FBI Whistleblower Receives Backpay and Security Clearance

From The Washington Post:

Mr. Allen had his security clearance suspended after the bureau accused him of having conspiratorial views about the Jan. 6, 2021, protest at the U.S. Capitol and of sympathizing with criminal conduct.

According to a November 2023 protected whistleblower disclosure sent by a SecD employee to lawmakers, Senior SecD officials Dena Perkins and Jeffrey Veltri launched an investigation against Mr. Allen because he emailed several news items within his office related to former President Donald Trump that were deemed conspiratorial.

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Was The FBI Prepared To Shoot Secret Service, Trump?

From The Federalist:

The FBI was authorized to use “deadly force” against former President Donald Trump when the Biden administration agency raided Mar-a-Lago in search of classified documents, according to newly unsealed court documents shared on X by independent journalist Julie Kelly.

A newly unsealed operations order reveals the FBI was authorized to use deadly force against the former president if need be, Kelly reported.

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GOA Shows ATF’s Decades Of Misconduct

From Gun Owners of America:

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FBI To Arrest Blaze Journalist Over Jan 6 Investigation

From The Federalist:

On Tuesday, investigative reporter Steve Baker revealed that following months of delay, federal authorities informed his legal team there is a signed warrant for his arrest and that he is to self-surrender for “alleged J6 crimes” in Dallas, Texas, on Friday morning. Baker has been at the forefront of reporting on the more questionable aspects of the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol.

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The Bureaucrats Must Be Purged To Save The Republic

From The Federalist:

if we’re serious about re-constitutionalizing our system of government, the next administration must make slashing both the scope and scale of the executive branch — the citadel of the administrative state — its highest priority. If we fail in that objective, any and all wins we secure the next time we win at the ballot box will be erased by the next Democrat administration. It will happen immediately and by executive order and other means, as it did virtually on the first day of the Biden administration.  

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Article III Project Statement About FBI Destroying Clinton Foundation Investigation Docs

From The Article III Project:

“The FBI knew then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had an illegal home server with America’s most classified secrets, almost certainly hacked by our worst enemies. The FBI also knew Hillary’s illegal home server contained evidence of the Clinton Foundation’s illegal pay-for-play bribery schemes. The FBI knew Hillary obstructed justice by destroying this server in the face of a congressional subpoena.

“So what did the FBI do? The FBI destroyed the remaining evidence. And the FBI colluded with 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, President Obama, Vice President Biden, the Obama Attorney General, the Obama CIA director, and others to launch the baseless Russian collusion hoax against presidential candidate Donald Trump. The resulting bogus Crossfire Hurricane investigation led to 3 years of hobbling the Trump presidency.

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Biden and Obama Were Aware Russia Investigation Was A Hoax

From Breitbart:

Then-President Barack Obama and then-Vice President Joe Biden were personally briefed by then-CIA Director John Brennan in 2016 that the CIA had evidence of Hillary Clinton planning to falsely link then-presidential candidate Donald Trump to Russia, according to a report by Special Counsel John Durham released Monday.

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Former FBI Head Says Conservatives Are The Same As Islamists

From The Federalist:

McCabe likened conservatives to members of the Islamic Caliphate: “I can tell you from my perspective of spending a lot of time focused on the radicalization of international terrorists and Islamic extremist and extremists of all stripes… is that this group shares many of the same characteristics of those groups that we’ve seen radicalized along entirely different ideological lines,” he said.

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Anti-Trump FBI Agent Was Part of Michigan False Flag

From Wood TV:

One of the lead FBI agents on the federal kidnapping case involving Michigan’s governor didn’t just betray the badge off-duty, he also showed questionable judgment online by posting an obscenity-laden, anti-Trump tirade.

“If you still support our piece of s–t president you can f–k off,” began the 2020 post on Richard Trask’s personal Facebook page.

As Trask, 40, prepares to enter a plea Monday on charges he beat and choked his wife at their Kalamazoo County home, Target 8 investigators are revealing the contents of a vitriolic, Trump-bashing post on Trask’s personal Facebook page.  

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What Really Happened On January 6?

From The Federalist:

It is well-established by now that U.S. intelligence agencies use informants, lies, and leaks to frame people, causes, and political opponents of the regime. This is so well-established that it would be surprising if the one Capitol riot Democrats are pursuing did not include FBI or other federal spy state provocateurs. And if that’s the case, then our country is in deep, deep sh-t.

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Deep State Intelligence

From Chronicles Magazine:

It should be stressed that the American intelligence “community” is a scary misnomer, bearing in mind that we are talking of a gigantic apparat which is literally capable of surveilling every spoken and written word everywhere.

Tucker Carlson accused the FBI in his evening program on Fox News—three weeks before he accused the NSA of reading his emails—of setting up and fanning the disturbances on Capitol Hill on Jan. 6. There have been several dozen participants in those events—whom the state-controlled narrative insistently calls rioters or even insurrectionists—who have been shielded from any legal consequences, who have been spared criminal proceedings which are applied with gusto to others. This would be in accordance with the years-long practice of the Federal Bureau of Investigation to incite crimes and felonies, to encourage individuals to plot criminal acts, in order to arrest them—and then to claim credit for having prevented those acts….

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