Posts Tagged revolution

New York Has Been Anti Gun Since The Founding

From Ammoland:

Sure, the State ratified the Nation’s Bill of Rights, which prominently included the natural law right codified in the Second Amendment. However, New York’s elder statesmen who agreed to that were likely never happy doing so.

They probably only did so to avoid many Americans inferring justifiably that the State was a viper’s nest of “Tories” (Loyalists to the Crown). At the War’s conclusion, they may have continued to harbor bad feelings about the fledgling Nation. Drawing this conclusion is not unsound.

New York alone furnished about 23,000 loyalist Red Coat troops, perhaps as many as all the other colonies combined.

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Gun Banners Claim: More Gun Control Needed To Prevent Civil War

From Ammoland:

The 32-page study, which is titled “Defending Democracy: Addressing the Danger of Armed Insurrection,” not only revisits and revises the Jan. 6th protest – even though no protesters were armed and the only casualty was 35-year-old Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt, who was shot and killed by Capitol Police – it resurrects actual armed insurrections from American history, such as Shays’ Rebellion of 1786, the Whiskey Rebellion of 1791 and the American Civil War.

The three authors, who are all attorneys with a history of paid anti-gun activism, clumsily raise the insurrection boogeyman to push for additional regulations for carrying firearms, tactical training prohibitions, additional gun-free zones, expanded Red Flag laws, and the repeal of state preemption statutes, which has long been a major goal of the gun ban industry. Preemption laws prevent local jurisdictions from enacting their own gun-control regulations, which would result in a patchwork of gun-free zones.

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The Marxist Goal Is To Ban Civilian Arms

From Ammoland:

What Mao meant was only the Communist Party should be allowed to have guns. For a Marxist revolution to succeed, the people must be disarmed.  The left in the United States has long pushed for the disarmament of the population. Recently, the left has primarily pushed for the banning of those arms that are commonly available and most suitable for militia use.

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Regular Americans Are Being Radicalized By The Actions of The Elites

From The Federalist:

The echelons of power within the government, the media, and throughout society appear to be wittingly or unwittingly nurturing the seeds of another Timothy McVeigh as they continue to target their political opponents. They are crafting the playbook for the very forces they claim to counter.

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The Elite Fear The Poor Masses Rising Up

From Ammoland:

“’The Pitchforks Are Coming… For Us Plutocrats,’ Seattle-based ‘One-Percenter’ Nick Hanauer writes in an open letter on Politico to his ‘fellow zillionaires,’” I wrote several years back for JPFO. “He’s evidently feeling more than a little guilty about his wealth, and thinks he can make everything better and keep the mob he fears his fellow Americans have become from devouring him by raising the minimum wage.”

Therefore, he can’t have that mob armed, which was no doubt one of his considerations when joining with Bill Gates and Michael Bloomberg to impose registration-enabling prior restraints (masked as “background checks”) on gun purchases in Washington State.

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A Unique Revolution


Our Revolution was truly revolutionary in another respect. It was a revolution by the wealthy and privileged, not the starving poor with nothing left to lose. Men like Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, Madison, Dickenson, Romney, and the other Founding Fathers mostly represented the wealthy privileged class of American Colonists. They enjoyed just about all of the benefits that serving the king could bestow but found that without freedom and liberty a full belly and a life of material ease was worthless. In 1776, these men anticipated and rejected the promise of socialist governments that came more than 200 years later which also offer a measure of material prosperity in exchange for individuals surrendering all political rights to the state.

By the end of the Revolutionary War, many of these men would find their fortunes destroyed. But they attained their freedom and made a new country too.

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The Morality Of Self Defense

Review by Miguel Faria:

The morality of individual self-defense, collective rebellion in revolution, and engagement in collective military action are topics discussed succinctly and engagingly in this book, as justified by our Judeo-Christian inheritance, a main pillar of Western civilization. Kopel, who is a civil rights attorney and a constitutional law professor, not a moral philosopher (much less a moralist), has achieved what myriad other experts have tried to do but have failed because of preconceived notions, biases, and selective interpretation of Biblical passages and historical events, as well as political immersion while engaging in theological obscurantism. Fortunately, this is not the case with Kopel’s more tolerant approach and research that lead to the attainment of truth. 

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Bureaucrat Militias and the Threat To Freedom

From Law and Liberty:

In addition to the administrative agencies that we would expect to have militias, the Justice Department, Homeland Security, the Bureau of Prisons, and such, some unlikely federal bureaucracies actively train and use militias: IRS, Social Security Administration, Department of Education, Consumer Safety Products Commission, Bureau of Land Management, Department of Agriculture, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and a host of other agencies, both large and small. Sensational stories about the Environmental Protection Agency raids to enforce the Clean Water Act have surfaced in recent weeks; the Education Department has used its militia to terrorize citizens suspected of defaulting on student loans; and a few years ago, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, along with the militia from the Fish and Wild Life Service made a spectacular raid on a Miami business suspected of having violated the Endangered Species Act.

These raids were full-scale military operations to enforce administrative agency regulations. Government militias have become so active in the past several years that the rate at which they purchase ammunition for training purposes has caused widespread shortages in civilian markets—at times it has been almost impossible for civilians to purchase the most popular calibers used by government militias. What should we make of this dramatic expansion of the administrative state?

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Cuban Exile: Communism Kills

From Cuban Exile Quarter:

The first leader of the Soviet Union, Vladimir Lenin on October 2, 1920 in a speech to Russian communist youth stated:  “The class struggle is continuing and it is our task to subordinate all interests to that struggle. Our communist morality is also subordinated to that task. We say: morality is what serves to destroy the old exploiting society and to unite all the working people around the proletariat, which is building up a new, communist society.” This is at the heart of communist morality, the ends justify the means, a profound immorality and a pillar of international communism.

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How The First and Second Amendments Are Linked


The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution didn’t appear out of thin air. In fact, it’s practically plagiarized from the English Bill of Rights. Parliament adopted that in 1689 for one specific reason: to protect the religious freedoms of Puritans and other “low-church” Protestants. They’d been persecuted, legally, by British kings for more than a century. So Parliament included in the bill the proviso that “no Protestant” could be denied the right to carry arms. The link between gun rights and religious freedom was spelled out in the text. (Alas, it left us Catholics out — but that got fixed in the American version, a century later.)

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George Washington: Illegal Militia Founder

From Reason:

Without formal legal authorization, even from the Continental Congress, Americans began to form independent militias, outside the traditional chain of command of the royal governors. In February 1775, George Washington and George Mason organized the Fairfax Independent Militia Company.

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What’s The Probability Of Civil War

From Medium:

I claimed a 37% lifetime chance based on raw historical data, and caught flack, but the consensus among those particular risk analysis professionals is around 35% in the next decade. Let’s unpack that incredible figure for a second, with a little mathematics. I derived my 37% lifetime estimate based on an annual chance of 0.59% per year. If their 35% chance per decade estimate is accurate, using the same math (as done before, but backwards), they’d be looking at a 4.3% chance per year. Mr. Mines thinks it’s bigger.

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The Case For Owning An AR-15

From Medium:

There’s a common misconception in the media about the eventuality for which the preppers are exactly prepping. That’s because they’re a diverse group, and prep for many different things. No, they aren’t planning for a revolution to overthrow the government. (Most of them, anyway.) Mostly they’re planning to keep themselves and their families safe while someone else tries to overthrow the government. That, or zombies. (More on zombies below.)

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Resisting Tyranny With The Second Amendment

From Vox:

The Second Amendment does not create a right of revolution against tyranny. That inherent right is universal. As stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the United Nations in 1948, “[I]t is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law.” The Universal Declaration was influenced by the Declaration of Independence, thanks in part to the US delegation led by Ambassador Eleanor Roosevelt (who carried her own handgun for protection).

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The Leftist Case For Gun Rights

From The American Conservative:

Between 1792 and 1848, French rebels forced three monarchs from power after bloody street fights. The Russian Bolsheviks overthrew the tsar and crushed the White Armies to establish the Soviet Union. In the years after World War II, Algeria fought for and won its independence from France.

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