Posts Tagged anchor babies

Mexican ‘Anchor Babies’

by “Lu”

“These anchor babies then have to be educated. The bill for their education goes to taxpayers, and even more money is spent to educate them because so many only speak Spanish and have to have special programs to help them learn English.

Many are behind developmentally also because they are not exposed to the early childhood learning experiences they need.

I love kids. I taught for 30 years, but the United States cannot take on the expense of providing for children of illegal immigrants when it is slowly taxing our resources to the breaking point.

I fail to understand why Mexican citizens cannot pressure their government to improve and work harder to help improve it. There are more regular citizens than drug lords and politicians. If they united, they could take back their government. Improve Mexico instead of bringing the United States down to the level of Mexico.”


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Across Texas, 60,000 babies of noncitizens get U.S. birthright

By SHERRY JACOBSON / The Dallas Morning News

“As Republican members of Congress press for changes to the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, preventing automatic citizenship for babies born to illegal immigrants, opponents insist the debate is not really about babies.

Still, the debate could resonate in Texas, where not only 1.5 million illegal immigrants are estimated to reside but at least 60,000 babies are added to their households annually.

Parkland Memorial Hospital delivers more of those babies than any other hospital in the state. Last year at Parkland, 11,071 babies were born to women who were noncitizens, about 74 percent of total deliveries. Most of these women are believed to be in the country illegally.”

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