Posts Tagged nyc

SCOTUS Creates Dangerous Precedent By Declaring NY Gun Case Moot

From Bearing Arms:

The 6-3 ruling saw Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Brett Kavanaugh siding with the liberal wing of the court, while Justices Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, and Neil Gorsuch dissented from the opinion, arguing that the decision “permits our docket to be manipulated in a way that should not be countenanced.”

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Supreme Court To Hear NY Gun Case

From The Truth About Guns:

The Supreme Court is turning to gun rights for the first time in nearly a decade, even though those who brought the case, New York City gun owners, already have won changes to the regulation they challenged.

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Gun Control Groups Flood Supreme Court Case With New Arguments


Over a dozen new legal briefs were posted Monday in the case brought by gun owners challenging the constitutionality of the Big Apple’s “premises permit” scheme, a local New York City law that drastically restricts the ability to leave one’s premises with a firearm. The new filings come from five Senate Democrats — Sheldon Whitehouse, Mazie Hirono, Richard Blumenthal, Richard Durbin, and Kirsten Gillibrand as well as 139 Dems in the House, with the lawmakers taking New York’s side.

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NY’s Insane Gun Laws

From Bearing Arms:

A 64-year-old Deerfield homeowner was charged with illegal firearm possession and arrested after he used a gun he’d inherited from his deceased father to kill two repeat burglars. Then upon his release from a jail a couple of days later, he found himself homeless because his house had been condemned.

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NY Hopes To Avoid Supreme Court By Dumping Law

From The Truth About Guns:

Until the Supreme Court agreed to hear the dispute, the city had defended the regulation vigorously and successfully, winning in two lower courts. In inviting public comment on the proposed changes, the Police Department said it continued to believe the regulation “furthers and important public-safety interest.”

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NY Law Headed To Supreme Court

From USA Today:

Gun rights groups are using New York City restrictions that may be repealed as a rallying cry to press the Supreme Court for a major expansion of its Second Amendment precedents.

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Gun Rights Groups File Brief In NYC Gun Case

From The Truth About Guns:

The Second Amendment Foundation and Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms have been joined by four other rights groups in an amicus curiae brief to the U.S. Supreme Court in support of a challenge to New York City’s restrictive handgun law that prohibits handguns licensed in the city to be taken outside the home.

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Supreme Court Takes NY Gun Case

From Reason:

The Supreme Court has agreed for the first time since 2010 to take up a case related to the Second Amendment. That case is New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. City of New York, which was discussed in an April 2014 Reason feature “Five Gun Rights Cases to Watch.” The case has been crawling through the courts ever since.

The lawsuit challenges New York City laws that restrict—unreasonably so, to the plaintiffs—the right of licensed New York handgun owners to carry their guns outside city limits. As I wrote back in 2014, the city’s law “demonstrates the picayune restrictions on a core constitutional right that localities still indulge in after Heller—even when the laws in question will reduce the safety of citizen gun ownership, in this case by making gun training and practice more difficult.”

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NYC Racial Bias In Gun Permits

From The Daily Caller:

Back in April, attorney Peter Howard Tilem, wrote on the New York Criminal Attorney Blog that in February of 2017, “during a hearing at the NYPD License Division offices before an NYPD hearing officer, a Detective assigned to the investigation section of the License Division testified under oath about using dismissed arrests as a basis to recommend revocation of an African-American license holder’s license.”

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NY Gun License Corruption


Paul Dean faces up to five years in prison for orchestrating a bribery scheme between at least three dealers and law enforcement officials in the city’s licensing department to fast-track applications for gun permits and overlook certain clients’ violent criminal histories.

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Gov. Cuomo Criticized For Anti-NRA Stance

From Bearing Arms:

In April of this year, though, state regulators told insurers and banks they oversee to look at their relationships with gun rights groups. They warned of “reputational risks” in their “dealings” with the NRA.

“Nice little business you have here,” the state seemed to be saying to banks and insurers. “It’d be a shame if something happened to it.” The state has left little doubt that it was loaded for bear.

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NYC Gun Fee “Violates Equal Protection”

From The Gun Mag:

The lawsuit challenges New York City’s $340 fee for a three-year handgun license, which is the highest such fee imposed for a gun possession license anywhere in the United States. SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan Gottlieb noted that the fee anywhere else in the entire state of New York is $10, but the city is exempted from that law, The city’s higher fee, he said, “discourages city residents from exercising their civil rights while violating the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.”

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Gun Grabbers Are Liars


The problem for gun control advocates is that they keep promising that no way will registration lead to confiscation of firearms, even as it does just that. The Brady Campaign’s Dennis A. Henigan accuses the National Rifle Association of peddling “fear” for even raising the possibility. In the New York Times, Charles Blow calls such concerns “cultural paranoia.”

Yet gun owners seem to have legitimate worries. Hundreds of New York City residents are receiving, and publicizing, letters demanding the surrender, not of scary “assault weapons,” whatever arbitrary definition may locally apply to that slippery term, but of target rifles and cowboy guns.

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NYC Attempting To Hide Crime Info From Public

From RT:

Each of the 77 New York City police precincts have been ordered to stop providing the media with information about the crimes that take place under their jurisdiction in what is considered by critics as a severe curtailing of the city’s transparency.

Speak no evil, see no evil, hear no evil.

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Police Charge Suspect For Shooting Civilians That They Shot

From The New York Times:

An unarmed, emotionally disturbed man shot at by the police as he was lurching around traffic near Times Square in September has been charged with assault, on the theory that he was responsible for bullet wounds suffered by two bystanders, according to an indictment unsealed in State Supreme Court in Manhattan on Wednesday.

This is what happens in the era of “it’s not my fault”.

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