Posts Tagged armed civilian

Study Shows Armed Citizens Better Than Police At Stopping Shooters

From The Federalist:

You’d never know it from watching television, but civilians stop more active shooters than police and do so with fewer mistakes, according to new research from the Crime Prevention Research Center, where I serve as president. In non-gun-free zones, where civilians are legally able to carry guns, concealed carry permit holders stopped 51.5 percent of active shootings, compared to 44.6 percent stopped by police, CPRC found in a deep dive into active shooter scenarios between 2014 and 2023.

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Armed Citizens Are Guardians Of Society

From Ammoland:

We will show how criminologists have been wearing ideological blinders that kept them from recognizing the benefits of armed civilians. We will cite research that shows Americans who own firearms do indeed protect their neighbors from criminal violence, and therefore, they should be seen as guardians. Using the logic developed by the criminologists, who believe that only unarmed guardians are beneficial to society, we will show that American firearm owners qualify as “guardians” just as much as, if not more than, unarmed civilians.

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What’s The Data On Civilians Stopping Shootings?

From The New American:

John Lott, head of the Crime Prevention Research Center, exposed the error on Wednesday in his report “How the FBI Undercounts Armed Citizen Responders to Mass Killers — and Media Play Along.” He reported that the FBI showed that only 11 out of 252 active shooter incidents in its database were stopped by an armed citizen.

But the FBI undercounted the number of incidents they collected between 2014 and 2021. According to Lott’s research, there were a total of 281 active shooter incidents, and 41 of them were stopped by armed citizens.

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Recent Shootings Stopped By Armed Citizens

From WSET ABC 13:

“In the last year, there have been 10 of these — what police say would have been mass public shootings — that would have been worse if not for the presence of somebody legally carrying a gun. Since the beginning of 2020, you have 23 of these instances that have been stopped,” Lott said. “They rarely get national attention.”

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Woman Shoots Attacker In Self Defense

From Bearing Arms:

Deputies in Lewis County, West Virginia say a woman who was being choked to death was able to get her hands on her pistol and shot her attacker; saving her life but ending his.

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Gun Controllers vs Black Protestors

From Bearing Arms:

Gun control advocates, on the other hand, won’t even acknowledge that these left-wing armed protesters, many of whom are black, even exist. To do so would put them into a terrible bind on the Left, which is all about lifting up black voices right now. How on earth could Shannon Watts scold Grand Master Jay of the Not F*cking Around Coalition for his black armed militia at a time like this? She’d be roasted as a Karen as soon as she hit send on her tweet. So instead, she and other anti-gun advocates just refuse to see or hear these black gun owners at all.

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Escaped Convicts Caught By Armed Civilians


Dubose and Rowe then fled into a wooded area and made their way to another nearby home. However, when the homeowner saw the inmates in his driveway, he held them at gunpoint and called his neighbor over for assistance. The two held the inmates at gunpoint until authorities arrived a short time later.

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