Posts Tagged license to carry

Gun Groups Want Repeal Of Post Office Ban

From Bearing Arms:

The Firearms Policy Coalition and the Second Amendment Foundation are teaming up once again, this time to take on the federal statute that treats all postal facilities as “sensitive places” where guns are banned. 

In a new lawsuit filed in a federal court in Texas, the Second Amendment groups, along with two Texas gun owners, allege the prohibition on firearms is a direct infringement on the right to bear arms. 

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Man With No Hands Qualifies For Carry Permit

From Fox 4:

An Austin man is now licensed to carry a gun despite not having arms. His instructor says it took a few hours to teach the student, and he passed with flying colors.

“It brought me to tears, I wanted to cry because I was happy that I was able to help this young man,” said Central Texas Gun Works owner Michael Cargill. “He wanted to be able to protect himself.”

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North Carolina Proposes Dangerous Regulations For Concealed Carry Classes

From Bearing Arms:

The North Carolina Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission is the body that oversees (among other things) the roughly 2,600 firearm instructors throughout the state, and several months ago the commission got an earful from many of them over proposed rules that would have introduced sweeping changes and additional burdens for anyone teaching a concealed carry course. As drafted, the rules would have required every instructor to give the state 30 days’ notice before hosting a concealed carry course as well as keeping a list of all attendees for up to two years afterward; information that would have to be handed over to the state during the course of any investigation into the instructor.

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Texas Car Owners Shoot Thieves

From Bearing Arms:

This isn’t the first defensive gun use we’ve covered recently involving nearly identical situations. In fact, it’s not even the first story of this kind from San Antonio. A similar incident took place back in April when the owner of a stolen truck used his Apple AirTag to track down its location, only to be fired upon by the suspected car thief.

Another similar situation played out in Harris County, Texas just hours before the defensive gun use in San Antonio, where authorities say another suspected car thief was shot and killed by the rightful owner early Thursday morning.

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NY Times Misrepresents Gun Class Training And Maligns Instructors

From New York Times:

Instructors repeatedly told me that a big part of their job was to make people feel vulnerable, to make them aware of dangers they were not conscious of before to understand that bad things can happen at any time. One instructor told me he encourages students to carry their gun at all times. If students say they plan to leave it in the car, he responds, “So what you’re telling me is the only time you are ever going to get attacked is if you are in your car?”

The instructors describe a world teeming with violent and deranged individuals. And not just any individuals. The scenarios cluster around the public spaces of racially diverse cities. “More often than not,” an instructor who had been a high-ranking police officer said, the place you’re likely to be attacked is “in an urban part of society.” Another instructor, also a former police officer, tells students to keep their gas tanks filled at least halfway to avoid situations in which “it’s the middle of the night and you need to get gas in downtown Houston.”

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Concealed Carry Permits Increase Over 10%

From Ammoland:

The report, from CPRC founder and President John Lott, Carlisle E. Moody Research Director and Professor at the College of William & Mary, and research associate Rujun Wang, says the spike represents “a 48% increase since 2016,” and amounts to “a 10.5% increase over the number of permits we counted a year ago in 2020.”

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Armed Customers Fend Off Attack

From Bearing Arms:

Authorities say after the suspect fired into the front of the bar, he then walked to the rear of the building, where several armed citizens confronted him and exchanged fire. None of the armed citizens were injured in that volley, and the suspect and his two friends fled the area after being met with the armed response.

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Why Buy A Hi-Point?

From The Truth About Guns:

Hi-Points are to firearms design what Olive Garden is to Italian food. They’ll get the job done and…that’s about it. No surprise, then, that Hi-Point’s guns rarely appear on the top of anyone’s want firearms list. Our reviews have been a mixed bag where HP’s guns are concerned. The C9 pistol didn’t fare well. But the 1095 TS 10mm carbine and the Yeet Cannon G1 did better. But there are at least three good reasons (besides their lifetime warranty) to buy one.

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Database Of NY Gun Permit Cases Including Bribery For Gun Licenses

From 2Aupdates:

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Illinois Non Resident Carry Permit Law Challenged

From The Truth About Guns:

Eighteen state attorneys general have joined in an amicus brief to the U.S. Supreme Court supporting a Second Amendment Foundation petition for writ of certiorari seeking high court review in the case of Culp v. Raoul, which challenges the refusal by Illinois to take applications from non-residents for an Illinois carry license.

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Criminals vs Armed Citizens

From Cato Institute:

Federal and state lawmakers often oppose repealing or amending laws governing the ownership or carrying of guns. That opposition is typically based on assumptions that the average citizen is incapable of successfully employing a gun in self-defense or that possession of a gun in public will tempt people to violence in “road rage” or other contentious situations. Those assumptions are false. The vast majority of gun owners are ethical and competent. That means tens of thousands of crimes are prevented each year by ordinary citizens with guns.

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Good Guys Kill Church Attacker Within Seconds

From The Federalist:

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Campuses Still Safe After Carry Laws Pass

From The Washington Examiner:

Two anti-gun professors wrote in the Washington Post that “campus-carry laws will invite tragedies on college campuses, not end them.” Another liberal professor, writing for the New York Times, warned that “when there are more guns around, there is more risk – it’s as simple as that.”
The trouble with such predictions is that they tend to be tested as time goes by. And as it turns out, they simply weren’t true. Students just aren’t waging the gun battles that anti-gun activists expected. A new report from the College Fix looked into this narrative, and it came up empty.

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Carry Permits At Record High


The 62-page report, compiled by the Crime Prevention Research Center, shows that 1.4 million more permits and carry licenses were issued in the last year, bringing the number of active holders to some 18.66 million. This represents an 8 percent growth from 2018’s figures and a serious 304 percent increase since 2007.

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Killers Need To Fear Return Fire

From Reuters:

More El Paso residents than ever before crowded into a class over the weekend to become certified to carry a concealed gun in public in Texas after this month’s mass shooting at a Walmart store that killed 22 people.

The vast majority of people at the classes were Hispanic; El Paso is a predominantly Latino city. Police say the accused gunman deliberately attacked Hispanics in the Walmart.

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