Posts Tagged ignorance

SCOTUS Nixes Bump Stock Ban

From The Truth About Guns:

In his opinion for the majority, Justice Clarence Thomas wrote what most people who understand and are familiar with firearms have been thinking all along.

“Semi-automatic firearms, which require shooters to reengage the trigger for every shot, are not machine guns,” Justice Thomas wrote. “This case asks whether a bump stock—an accessory for a semi-automatic rifle that allows the shooter to rapidly reengage the trigger (and therefore achieve a high rate of fire)—converts the rifle into a ‘machine gun.’ We hold that it does not.

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Anti-Gun Org Investigated For Breaking Guns Laws

From Ammoland:

“ New Mexico Sheriff has opened an investigation into whether anti-gun group illegally purchased guns in violation of Universal Background Checks during a “buyback” and failed to destroy these firearms in a legal manner,” Gun Owners of America commented when forwarding the NMPGV announcement. “YOU CAN’T MAKE THIS STUFF UP.”

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Spokane Sheriff Says Constitutionalists Are As Dangerous As ISIS

From Chuck Baldwin Live:

On the front cover of Washington State’s August 2015 “Inlander” magazine, Spokane County Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich is shown hands on hips standing on top of the “Don’t Tread On Me” (Gadsden) flag. The title of the article is “Daring To Tread.”

The sheriff and at least one of his deputies have verbalized opinions that “constitutionalists” are threats to the sheriff’s office, the federal government, and to the country itself. Sheriff Knezovich even went so far as to compare “constitutionalists” with the Sunni Muslim terror group ISIS. The deputy indicated that the presence of armed “constitutionalists” in the county was the principal reason why the sheriff’s office was amassing military equipment. When asked to name names as to who he was referring to, Spokane County’s highest-ranking law enforcement officer (Sheriff Knezovich) named Washington State Representative Matt Shea and radio talk show host Alex Jones (who resides in Texas, not Spokane County, Washington).

Add a historical and constitutional ignorance with a personal lust for power, and sheriffs and police chiefs across the country readily buy into the DHS propaganda. The result is men like Sheriff Knezovich and his deputy.

From Inlander Magazine:

This week’s cover story has a lot of accusations being thrown around: It has Spokane County Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich warning that “folks that want to overthrow the government,” accusing a local state Rep. Matt Shea of “preaching hate and falsehood,” of getting elected based on fear. He doesn’t call Shea terrorist or a white supremacist, but he does warn that anti-government rhetoric could inspire anti-government violence.

It also has a state representative predicting government collapse, accusing the sheriff of lacking integrity, and saying things like “I’m going to submit today, that the Southern Poverty Law Center — and the sheriff that backs them — is the most dangerous organization in this country.”

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CO Legislator Has No Idea How Firearms Work

This is an unbelievable case of the blind leading the blind. The people who want to ban firearms don’t understand the very basic functions.


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