Posts Tagged machine guns

SCOTUS Nixes Bump Stock Ban

From The Truth About Guns:

In his opinion for the majority, Justice Clarence Thomas wrote what most people who understand and are familiar with firearms have been thinking all along.

“Semi-automatic firearms, which require shooters to reengage the trigger for every shot, are not machine guns,” Justice Thomas wrote. “This case asks whether a bump stock—an accessory for a semi-automatic rifle that allows the shooter to rapidly reengage the trigger (and therefore achieve a high rate of fire)—converts the rifle into a ‘machine gun.’ We hold that it does not.

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Supreme Court Justices Reveal Their Ignorance On Guns In Oral Arguments

From The Federalist:

The key differences between automatic and semiautomatic weapons with bump stocks were largely lost on the justices, especially Ketanji Brown Jackson and Elena Kagan, who repeatedly insisted bump stock-equipped guns can fire up to 800 rounds a second. They, along with the government’s legal team, repeated the lie that semiautomatic rifles with modifiers could fire hundreds of shots (in Kagan’s words, “a torrent of bullets”) each moment. Cargill lawyer Johnathan Mitchell corrected them multiple times.

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More Reasons To Kill NFA and GCA

From The Truth About Guns:

Really, the laws banning and heavily restricting machine guns are pointless and arbitrary when both citizens and cops can’t tell the difference between rapid semi-auto fire and machine gun fire. The lives lost to no-knock raids are likewise a bigger drain on society than any criminal justice gains. On top of all that, the NFA and the GCA don’t comply with the NYSRPA v. Bruen decision.

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How To Destroy The NFA

From Ammoland:

The first step is well underway. It is to educate the gun culture and the general public about the history and failure of the National Firearms Act. When people learn the history and the effects of the act, support for it evaporates.

When people understand the NFA is the result of a political compromise that did nothing to stop crime; but results in thousands of Americans being punished for peaceful acts, support for the NFA drops to politically irrelevant numbers. Support for the NFA is fairly wide, but very shallow, propped up by the dominant Media and their creation and proliferation of false narratives.

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Larry Vickers Charge Shows Why We Need To Repeal The NFA and Other Gun Laws

From Ammoland:

The indictment alleges that, beginning in at least June 2018 through at least March 2021, the defendants conspired to acquire machineguns and/or other restricted firearms, such as short-barreled rifles, by falsely representing that the firearms would be used for demonstration to law enforcement agencies, including the Coats Police Department and the Ray Police Department. The indictment further alleges that Hall, Sawyer, and other conspirators signed law letters with no expectation that the weapons would ever be demonstrated to their respective law enforcement agencies.

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FRTs Are Not Machine Guns

From Armed Attorneys:

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NYT Wants To Blame Increased Shootings On Glock “Switches”

From The New York Times:

These makeshift machine guns — able to inflict indiscriminate carnage in seconds — are helping fuel the national epidemic of gun violence, making shootings increasingly lethal, creating added risks for bystanders and leaving survivors more grievously wounded, according to law enforcement authorities and medical workers.

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DOJ Attempting To Silence Reporter

From Ammoland:

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ATF Goons Seizing Forced Reset Triggers

From MrGunsNGear:

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Matt Hoover Convicted Of Free Speech

From MrGunsNGear:

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Rep. Gaetz Introduces Bill To Abolish ATF

From Gateway Pundit:

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) introduced legislation to abolish the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) after a controversial ruling that would make millions of American gun owners into criminals.

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The Incremental Plan To Destroy The NFA

From Ammoland:

The first step is well underway. It is to educate the gun culture and the general public about the history and failure of the National Firearms Act. When people learn the history and the effects of the act, support for it evaporates.

When people understand the NFA is the result of a political compromise that did nothing to stop crime; but results in thousands of Americans being punished for peaceful acts, support for the NFA drops to politically irrelevant numbers. Support for the NFA is fairly wide, but very shallow, propped up by the dominant Media and their creation and proliferation of false narratives.

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Vice Interviewed The NFA Review Channel

From NFA Review:

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Court Rules Bump Stocks Are Not Machine Guns


The Circuit, which controls Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, and Tennessee, handed down a 60-page opinion in the case of Gun Owners of America, Inc. v. Merrick B. Garland this week. The crux of the issue to the court was that the ATF – effectively part of the executive branch of government – enforces laws rather than makes them, with that authority reserved for the people acting through their elected representatives in Congress.

“Congress could amend the statute tomorrow to criminalize bump-stock ownership, if it so wished,” said Judge Alice M. Batchelder for the majority, which was joined by Judge Eric E. Murphy. “But as judges, we cannot amend [the statute]. And neither can ATF. This is because the separation of powers requires that any legislation pass through the legislature, no matter how well-intentioned or widely supported the policy might be.”

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Gun Banners Want To Restrict Rifles Like Machine Guns

From The New Republic:

Could shooting ranges be the future of Bushmasters, of SKS rifles and AR-15s and AR-10s? It seems the thought experiment we need in Second Amendment debates, where pro-gun advocates warn that federal ownership registries and licensing are the sine qua non of government tyranny. Yet the United States has successfully depleted the supply of machine guns, as well as the ease and attractiveness of their use by criminals, with exactly these measures: a gun database and a thoroughgoing application process. (That said, the left should be as wary as libertarians—perhaps more so these days—of the potential risks that gun registries run as a tool of discrimination and harassment; one need not sympathize, as some on the gun right do, with David Koresh and the Branch Davidians to acknowledge that the ATF has abused its oversight powers before.)

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