Posts Tagged washington state

Media Admits Washington Gun Law Not Working

From Bearing Arms:

Washington ranks ninth in the country for gun-law strength, according to Everytown for Gun Safety this year, making it one of the strictest states. The Legislature passed a law earlier this year which requires gun owners to report stolen firearms to law enforcement within 24 hours or face a fine of up to $1,000.

Yet despite Washington’s relatively strict gun laws, children are still obtaining guns.

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Police Officer Fired For Helping Family Transfer Firearms

From The News Tribune:

Sgt. Larry Whelan was summoned to the 600 block of 1st Street for a welfare check after it was reported the sick man’s dog was running loose and a neighbor spotted the blood. Bill Johnston, the 72-year-old homeowner who Whelan knew, had cancer. He was lying inside near the door in filth with an apparent stomach tumor but reportedly able to talk with Whelan.

Whelan, a 33-year veteran of the town’s dozen-member Department of Public Safety, was fired in February for his actions in the aftermath of the Aug. 19 welfare check, according to investigative records obtained by The News Tribune. The records detailed the circumstances that led to the veteran sergeant coming under scrutiny.

The gestures Whelan said were intended as acts of goodwill were red flags to some within his own department, records show. The transfer of firearms particularly raised concerns, three members told Thomas. They found it problematic that Whelan hadn’t authored a report, documented any gun serial numbers or taken the firearms into the station.

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Washington State Mag Ban Unconstitutional

From The Truth About Guns:

A Washington state judge declared the state’s prohibition on high-capacity ammunition magazines unconstitutional, sparking immediate appeal actions that keep the law in force for the present, as reported by The Seattle Times and cited by the Associated Press. Cowlitz County Superior Court Judge Gary Bashor’s ruling on Monday challenged the 2022 law, which bans magazines holding more than 10 rounds, on grounds of violating both the U.S. and Washington state constitutions. However, the law remains active following an emergency appeal by Attorney General Bob Ferguson, upheld by the state Supreme Court.

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Trap Shooting Becoming A Popular High School Sport Bodes Well For Gun Rights

From Fox News:

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Washington AG Now Harassing Gun Stores Via Lawfare

From The Truth About Guns:

Now we are learning that the Attorney General’s office is widening the scope of their investigation, not based on a documented, willful violation by a retailer, but rather scooping up all records and communications from wholesalers nationwide.
The latest target, Davidson’s, Inc, is an Arizona-based wholesaler that supplies retailers nationwide. The state, through its Consumer Investigative Demand (CID), has asked Davidson’s to supply all invoices, transfers, and communications of all matters with Washington-based firearms retailers going back to January 1, 2022. That’s is six months before the ban took effect and three months before the ban was even passed as law.

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Amazon Moving It’s Employees Out Of Seattle After Crime Spike

From The Truth About Guns:

The online sales behemoth that embraces gun control and defunding police is now witnessing the effects of those policies. Amazon is moving its employees out of one of its downtown corporate buildings over concerns of rising crime.

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Firearms Policy Coalition Seeking Plaintiffs In Washington Mag Ban


However, before the ink is dry on the prohibition, the Firearms Policy Coalition issued a call for potential plaintiffs from among Washington residents that could be impacted by the ban. 

“By enacting the unconstitutional SB 5078, the State of Washington has further restricted the fundamental human rights of Washington residents and visitors by banning the transfer and other conduct related to so-called ‘large capacity’ magazines,” said the group in a statement. “FPC condemns this latest act of state aggression and will not allow this law to go unchallenged. To that end, FPC Law will be taking aggressive action to fight this immoral law and seek to have it enjoined and declared unconstitutional.”

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When Marijuana and Guns Come Together

From The Truth About Guns:

KING5 in Seattle reported on a pot shop that’s hired armed security following a pair of armed robberies in recent months. They must have found the only pot shop in America that didn’t already have a guard with a gun. Then again, many pot shops in Washington State advertise themselves as “no guns” locations for customers. They also (obviously) have recreational pharmaceuticals and, thanks to banking regulations, deal exclusively in cash, making them ideal targets for violent criminals.

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Washington Residents Buying Magazines Who Don’t Own Guns

From KIRO:

“People who don’t even buy guns are coming in and buying magazines just because they might buy a gun someday,” said Teasdale.

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Twitter Locked Account of Republican Candidate

From Reclaim The Net:

Twitter suspended the account of Joe Kent, a Republican congressional candidate from Washington state for tweeting in support of gun rights. He had to delete the tweet to recover his account.

“We will never give up our gun laws,” Kent tweeted. “Gun laws are infringements of our god given rights.WA state is back at it, a week ago we caught the board of health discussing forced quarantine, now the legislature going after our 2A. No 2A + forced quarantine = Australia.”

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Almost Half of Seattle Police Could Be Fired Over Vax Mandate

From NY Post:

The city is poised to fire as many as 403 officers, about 40 percent of the 1,000-person force, for failing to take the COVID-19 jab by an Oct. 18 deadline, according to local reports.

“The environment has been pretty toxic and negative,” an unnamed officer told Fox 13 News. “Not just from this whole mandate, but prior to that as well. I’m not sure this would be a good place for me to work long-term for my mental health. It has been very stressful.”

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Washington To Ban Firearms At Protests And State Capitol

From Crosscut:

Over opposition from Republicans and gun-rights activists, both houses of the Legislature have passed a ban on weapons within 250 feet of protests or on the Capitol campus in Olympia. Backers say empowering police to remove or arrest armed onlookers addresses widespread complaints from demonstrators and reduces a bona fide safety risk.

After a year of protests in Portland and Seattle about police brutality and defunding the police Washington State now wants to give the police more power? The entire Northwest is schizophrenic. They don’t know what they want.

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Washington Court Rules Safe Storage Law Violates Preemption Law

From Ammoland:

A Washington State Appeals Court panel has unanimously held that a so-called “safe storage” ordinance adopted by the City of Edmonds and challenged by the Second Amendment Foundation, National Rifle Association and three private citizens violates the state’s 36-year-old model preemption law.

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Washington Governor Hypocrisy

From The Post Millennial:

Governor Inslee has ordered up to 750 members of the National Guard to help with security on Monday. The governor’s office said that at least some of the troops on duty Monday will have their weapons.

However, this summer when violent riots rocked downtown Seattle, Inslee sent National Guard troops to the area unarmed.

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Seattle Council Considering Poverty As An Excuse For Theft

From Policemag:

The idea, referred to as the poverty defense, was discussed Tuesday by the Seattle City Council’s Public Safety Committee after it was introduced by City Council member Lisa Herbold and Anita Khandelwal, the King County’s director of the Department of Public Defense.

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