Posts Tagged marksmanship

Marksmanship In Across Cultures

From Kulak:

The Taliban it seems are really bad shots. Of the 93 enemy sniper ops included in the Afghanistan data set 67 resulted in no Casualties at all, the insurgents or Taliban simply rode up on a motorcycle to some range, fired 1 or 2 shots that missed, and rode away. Of the remaining 26, 6 resulted in only enemy casualties, with the remaining 20 being something of a mess of friendly wounded and enemy casualties, in only one incident is a coalition fighter, a member of the 1st Royal Anglian, killed by sniper fire, and in two incidents are Friendly host nation forces killed, only one of which looks like a traditional sniper attack (the other is a messy assault that really stretches the definition).

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The NRA And Memorial Day

From NRA’s First Freedom:

When dedicating the Gettysburg National Cemetery in 1863, President Abraham Lincoln honored those who gave their “last full measure of devotion” to defending American freedom. A few years later, Americans began to commemorate “Decoration Day” on May 30 as a time to visit the graves of those who had given their lives during the Civil War. Later, Decoration Day became Memorial Day, honoring the sacrifices of all American soldiers.
Just a few years later another institution was created that is closely related to Memorial Day: the National Rifle Association.
Founded in 1871, the NRA began by dedicating itself to the safety of American soldiers. Because of the efforts of the NRA over the ensuing century and a half, many more American soldiers have been able to accomplish their missions and to return home alive.

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Girl Scouts Learn Gun Safety

From Merced County Times:

This year, River Oaks has kicked things up a notch with a new partnership with the Girls Scouts of the U.S.A. to provide monthly firearms training to the organization’s Heart of Central California (HCC) Council that represents more than 18,000 girls in the region.
Late last month, the first group of about 110 kids, ages 7 to 17, from as far away as Sacramento, gathered at the range for the first-ever session.

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Enhanced Marksmanship Program Shoot

A Marine assigned to Battalion Landing Team 2/5, 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit participates in an enhanced marksmanship program shoot aboard the amphibious dock landing ship USS Harpers Ferry (LSD 49). Harpers Ferry is part of the Denver Amphibious Ready Group conducting a fall patrol in the western Pacific Ocean. Photo by Petty Officer 2nd Class Joshua Wahl

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