Posts Tagged culture

Skeet Shooter Banned By Meta

From The Truth About Guns:

Just last week, NSSF highlighted the Big Tech bias against the USA Shooting, when YouTube and Meta shadow-banned McKenna Geer, a Paralympic shooter who will represent Team USA in Paris for the 2024 Paralympics.

“I have always feared the day the media would censor my sport and speech just because I use firearms,” Greer wrote on Instagram after her account was blocked. “That day has finally come.”

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Bill Would Ban Excise Taxes On Guns and Ammo

From Bearing Arms:

Idaho Sen. James Risch and California Rep. Darrel Issa are the primary sponsors of the “Freedom from Unfair Gun Taxes Act”, which Risch says would block states from imposing new excise taxes on the sale of firearms and ammunition that channels the revenue to gun control efforts. 

In a press release, Issa stated, “For years, extreme state policies and governors, including from my home state, have targeted the fundamental Second Amendment rights of our fellow Americans. California’s new imposition of a ‘sin tax’ on firearms and ammunition equates a core constitutional freedom with gambling or drug use. Enough is enough. That’s why Sen. Risch and I are joining forces to introduce this key legislation and stop any state tax that seeks to raise the price of self-defense out of reach for any American.”

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TV Shows Now Attacking Legal Gun Possession

From Bearing Arms:

Why are two characters in search of “the perfect nanny”? Lopez fired her nanny towards the beginning of the episode because a gun fell out of the nanny’s purse. The way ABC set the stage made the nanny look like a rogue cowboy. A purse got moved and the gun fell out of it, not in a holster or anything.

If there were to be a complaint here, it’d revolve around ways a person could achieve responsible off-body carry. But that’s not how it all went down. “What the hell is a gun doing in your purse?” Lopez asked the nanny. She replied, “It’s for protection. I have a permit.” Lopez declared, “Not in my house you don’t.”

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Today’s Corporate Press Would Have Snitched On The Founding Fathers

From The Federalist:

Legacy media outlets don’t want social media users to post online anonymously because they want them to face retribution for what they post — even if it’s true.

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56 Months of Over 1 Million Background Checks

From Breitbart:

March 2024 ended with more than 1.4 million National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) checks for gun sales, stretching the current streak of more than one million background checks to 56 months.

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Gun Banners Plan To Insert Propaganda Into TV/Film

From Ammoland:

“This approach of utilizing the entertainment industry to model safe practices is one of the successes of ‘Show Gun Safety,’ a campaign launched by the advocacy group Brady United, which is now partnering with television studios across the country,” a one-sided CNN publicity piece masked as news promotes.

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The Undermining Of The American Military and Police

From The Federalist:

One of the numerous reasons for the decline of the Roman Empire was an overreliance on foreigners serving in its military. American leadership would be wise to heed that lesson.

Rather than learn from these past mistakes, America’s political leaders seem destined to repeat them. Case in point: the halls of Congress, where Democrat Rep. Pat Ryan of New York and Republican Rep. John James of Michigan introduced legislation earlier this month to fast-track a path to citizenship for foreign nationals who sign up to serve in the U.S. military. Both congressmen indicated the measure was crafted to alleviate the military’s recruiting crisis.

LA Police Using Illegal Immigrants:

The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) is hiring illegal border crossers with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals status and equipping them with guns to police American citizens in California.

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Marksmanship In Across Cultures

From Kulak:

The Taliban it seems are really bad shots. Of the 93 enemy sniper ops included in the Afghanistan data set 67 resulted in no Casualties at all, the insurgents or Taliban simply rode up on a motorcycle to some range, fired 1 or 2 shots that missed, and rode away. Of the remaining 26, 6 resulted in only enemy casualties, with the remaining 20 being something of a mess of friendly wounded and enemy casualties, in only one incident is a coalition fighter, a member of the 1st Royal Anglian, killed by sniper fire, and in two incidents are Friendly host nation forces killed, only one of which looks like a traditional sniper attack (the other is a messy assault that really stretches the definition).

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The Case For AR15 Story Hour

From Handwaving Freakoutery:

Here’s the idea.

Get a guy in a Hawaiian shirt, a desert camo plate carrier, a helmet, night vision goggles, and an unloaded and safely carried AR-15 battle rifle, to sit on a chair in a library and read kids books to them, totally unrelated to guns. Fox in Socks, Berenstain Bears, whatever. Acclimate the kids to being around an AR-15, the way DQSH acclimates children to transgenders. That’s it. Nothing more.

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Obama: Attitudes About Guns Have To Be Reshaped

From CBS News:

“Guns are as common as garden tools in certain communities,” Burleson responded.

“So, us being able to listen to and speak to those traditions while saying, ‘Yes, but that’s not incompatible with us doing something about just the flood of military-grade weapons on the streets. We can do something about that,'” Obama said. “What MBK is also about is recognizing that it’s not an either/or question – either we eliminate all guns, or there’s nothing we can do about violence. It’s a recognition [that] it’s a both/and problem.”

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You Might Be A Hoplophobe If…

From Ammoland:

People with irrational fears of guns express those fears in several ways. They may experience guns as having lives of their own. They think a gun will jump off the dark shelf and attack on its own.

The hoplophobe sees them as death-dealing murder machines, though it remains a “girl’s gun” to many of us. Unfortunately, hoplophobia doesn’t end there.

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What Is The Correlation Between God and Guns?

From The Truth About Guns:

As a religion professor, I’ve come to know many students from other countries who identify as Christian. I realized they were puzzled at some of the things Americans often bundled into their faith – things these international Christians didn’t consider relevant to their own religious identity.

One issue in particular sparked a question from a South Asian Christian student: Why did American evangelicals seem to have such an affinity for firearms? For example, Pew Research indicates 41% of white evangelicals own a firearm, compared with 30% of people in the U.S. overall. This unsettled the student, since they shared much of the same theology, and they wanted to know more about this connection.

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Poll: Americans Prefer Living In Gun Communities

From Bearing Arms:

This is confirmed by a new RMG Research poll conducted by Scott Rasmussen, which shows that 62% of likely voters say they would prefer living in a community where people are allowed to own firearms. On the flip side, a quarter of voters (25%) say they would rather live in a gun-free community. 13% of voters said they were unsure.

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A Slow Economy May Cause Businesses To Be More Acommodating

From The Truth About Guns:

Now, we’re seeing that FedEx is falling on hard times, with their stock tumbling last week (UPS stock took a hit, too). This obviously wasn’t caused by their newly restrictive “ghost gun” policies, as that revenue is a tiny fraction of a rounding error to a company like FedEx. But it does signal a tightening economy and possibly a further downturn that could put all kinds of businesses in a difficult position.

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Tips For New Media Gun Advocates

From Ammoland:

It’s not difficult to do since smartphone technology and social media can make anyone a journalist.

It doesn’t matter what platform you use to publish a story – social media, a website, a podcast or a YouTube channel – because a hard-hitting pro-gun story generates buzz, and buzz generates action. Public officials don’t like their switchboards overwhelmed with irate callers or their inboxes overflowing with angry emails.

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