Posts Tagged michigan

Anarchy in Detroit

From Reason TV:

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Gun Legislation In Progress

  • URGE GOVERNOR’S OFFICE TO VETO SB 1315 . . . NSSF is urging all California sportsmen, retailers and firearm owners to contact Gov. Brown’s office and urge him to veto SB 1315, which would repeal the current state preemption over local laws affecting the manufacture, sale, possession or use of Airsoft, BB or pellet guns in the County of Los Angeles and in any city located within the county. SB 1315 would allow each local government to adopt its own different local ordinances and set a dangerous precedent that could spread to the rest of the state and to all firearms as well. Please contact the governor and urge him to veto SB 1315.

  • PRO-GUN REFORM LEGISLATION MOVING IN MICHIGAN . . . Last week, the Michigan Senate Judiciary Committee approved legislation to repeal Michigan’s “permit-to-purchase” (HB 5225) and the state’s registration requirement for handguns. HB 5225, along with companion bills HB 5498 and HB 5499, seeks to make substantive changes that will benefit federally licensed retailers and their customers. NSSF is urging you to please begin contacting your state senator and ask him or her to support HB 5225, 5498 and 5499.

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Michigan 3 Gun

Michigan 3 Gun


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