Posts Tagged policy

Progressives: Do As I Say Not As I Do

From Foundation for Economic Education:

But as Applebaum notes, progressives are in fact making decisions based on self-interest—he uses the word “greed”—not altruism. This should come as little surprise, and it would be perfectly fine if progressives were acting on self-interest in a market economy; but they are not. They are using the law in perverse ways to their own benefit—all while maintaining the belief that they’re acting out of altruism.

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Gun Writer Starts New Website: The Reload

From The Washingtonian:

That’s why the Washington Free Beacon reporter is putting his livelihood on the line—his last day at the conservative outlet was Friday. As of today, he’s started the Reload, an independent publication based on the Substack model, where people subscribe directly to his reporting. But Gutowski, who’s a certified firearms instructor and who has been one of the best reporters to follow about the NRA’s turmoil, isn’t leaving the Beacon for Substack. He’s built the Reload himself for a couple thousand bucks—his biggest expense was buying the URL—and living on money he saved during the pandemic while he sees whether readers will follow him as he “explains the politics and the guns,” as he says.

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Allen West On Changing Demographics

From Huckabee:

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Strategy in Real Time: Dueling with an Enemy That Moves

Strategy in Real Time: Dueling with an Enemy That Moves is republished with permission of Stratfor.”

By Philip Bobbitt

Strategy is a two-way street. But many commentators act as though formulating a strategy is the same as solving a chess problem. Chess problems are artificially constructed arrangements on a chessboard where the goal is to find a series of moves that leaves the other side no room to evade a checkmate within three or four turns. The sorts of conflicts bedeviling us these days, however, are more like the game of chess itself, in which there is no determinate, continuous series of moves that will guarantee victory every time. Each new contest depends on the actions of the other side, how we react to them, how they respond to our reactions, and so on.

Ignoring this aspect of strategy seems to contribute to the widespread view that victory in warfare amounts to the destruction of the enemy, a facile assumption that is all too unthinkingly held. “Defeating the enemy” may be the definition of victory in football, or even in chess for that matter, but not in warfare. Victory in war is the achievement of the war aim, and if, after Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, we still think that victory is simply the devastation of our adversaries, we have a lot of reflecting to do. Read the rest of this entry »

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