Posts Tagged voting

Make Sure Your Gun Owning Friends Are Registered To Vote

This is surprising, shocking, and altogether unacceptable. Voting is a Sacred Right and a tremendously important responsibility. The Arbalest Quarrel looked into the failure of millions of gun owners to register to vote. We learned that Ten Million American gun owners have not registered to vote in the 2024 U.S. Presidential election. This is no small number and can have a decisive impact on the outcome of Federal Elections.

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A New Strategy For Gun Rights

From Bearing Arms:

In my previous article, I talked about how the migration of just 2% of New York gun owners to Pennsylvania can change presidential elections. What if a similar strategy of concentrated fire is replicated nationwide? In other words, what if Second Amendment advocates do what Free Staters have done nationally?

There is an advantage that gun owners have: there are a LOT more of us – close to 100 million – than there are committed libertarians. Since the last presidential election, around 22.3 million people have become first-time gun owners. That gives us a lot of power nationally although our power within states varies. Some states have a higher concentration of us resulting in “wasted votes,” while others have too few of us resulting in our rights getting trampled.

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Poll: Americans Admit To Possible 2020 Election Fraud With Mail-in Ballots

From The Federalist:

The Heartland Institute/Rasmussen survey, which was conducted from Nov. 30 to Dec. 6, asked likely voters who cast ballots in 2020 questions about fraudulent activities, without telling them such actions were a form of voter fraud. The results were stunning. One in five people who voted by mail admitted to engaging in at least one kind of potential voter fraud, seriously calling into question the security of widespread mail-in balloting.

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Another Attempt To “Fortify” An Election

From Rolling Stone:

Over the past year, Team Biden has been conducting war games, crafting complex legal strategies, and devoting extensive resources to prepare for, as one former senior Biden administration official puts it, “all-hell-breaks-loose” scenarios. The preparations include planning for a contingency in which Biden’s margin of victory is so razor-thin that Trump and the GOP launch a tidal wave of legal challenges and political maneuvers to rerun his 2020 election strategy: declare victory anyways, and try to will it into existence.

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CPA Group Says Accounting Rules Could Secure Elections

From Zero Hedge:

“What we want to do is make sure that eligible voters can find it very easy to vote, and people who are not eligible to vote can’t,” retired Marine Reserve Col. Frank Ryan told The Epoch Times. “Then, we want to make sure that every vote that is cast is counted.”

Even if every state right now has a system that is working, if the people of the United States have a suspicion that there’s a problem, it lends to the fact that people will then walk away and say that we have an unfair election,” he said. “Maybe the CPA, by their involvement, can establish a system that will say [that] we have set up something that guarantees that it’s fair.

“Even if it turns out the results are the same, people will trust it.”

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Dem Congresswoman Violates Election Law In Front Of Media

From Ammoland:

The reported incident took place at Jan Kaminis Platt Regional Library in South Tampa. Castor, who was not there to cast a vote, reportedly entered through the exit with a news media crew embedded with her campaign.

Castor violated the 150-foot exclusion zone, which prohibits candidates and campaign officials from campaigning at polling locations and is a violation of the law. Additionally, walking in through the exit is also in itself a violation of Florida election laws.

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States Violated Their Own Laws In 2020

From Lifesite News:

“States across the country changed election policies and procedures last minute. Due to the pandemic, election officials claimed these emergency actions and deviations from election laws were necessary,” he explained. But we now know those changes were, in fact, violations of the law.

For example, the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) authorized a multitude of local officials to set up ballot drop boxes.

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San Jose Wants To Crackdown On Foreign Money In Elections But OKs Illegal Immigrants To Vote

From Bearing Arms:

On Tuesday afternoon the San Jose City Council voted 9-1 — with Councilmember Dev Davis dissenting and Councilmember Maya Esparza absent — to bring back a proposed law that would require corporations to certify they aren’t influenced by foreign interests before making contributions to campaigns or independent expenditure committees.

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Gov Murphy Advisor Caught Saying They Have To Lie To Voters Who Care About Rights.

From Project Veritas:

They’re all in to that shit. My rights, my shit.

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The Lies About Guns vs Voting

From Reason:

Sen. Alex Padilla (D–Calif.) recently claimed that it is easier in some states to acquire a rifle than it is to cast a ballot. This false claim ignores the reality of gun control in America. Despite widespread misconceptions held by gun control advocates, guns are the most heavily regulated consumer good in the country. Millions of Americans are federally prohibited from not only possessing a gun for even a fleeting moment, but also from possessing even a single bullet. 

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Twitter Locks Account of Former DNI Over Voter Fraud Warning

From Breibart:

Twitter locked the account of former acting Director of National Intelligence Ric Grenell after he shared an image of ballots sent to him by a friend living in California, who says they were addressed to his parents — who he claims have been dead for ten years.

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Tulsi Gabbard Pushes Dems To Acknowledge Voter Fraud

From Red State:

Hawaii Democrat Tulsi Gabbard might have been the last of the Democrats who had any sense of propriety and integrity, and while many would disagree with her politics, her ability to understand right and wrong can’t be overlooked.
For instance, as Democrats were doing their level best to ignore or make more excuses for the Project Veritas story that exposed the voter fraud helping Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar’s reelection, Gabbard was actually making statements denouncing the very obvious and provable fraud that was taking place right there, on video, for the world to see.

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Gun Views Are The Most Reliable Voting Predictor

From The New York Times:

Over all, gun-owning households (roughly a third in America) backed Mr. Trump by 63 percent to 31 percent, while households without guns backed Mrs. Clinton, 65 percent to 30 percent, according to SurveyMonkey data.
No other demographic characteristic created such a consistent geographic split.

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Gun Sales May Not Translate To Votes

From The Trace:

Yamane cautioned that acquiring a gun does not guarantee a shift in attitude toward firearms regulation and that Americans are too politically entrenched for the high sales alone to swing the debate or bring about a further loosening of laws. “A huge influx of new gun owners is not going to change the political dynamics of California, for instance, or Oklahoma,” Yamane said.

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Allen West On Changing Demographics

From Huckabee:

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