Archive for June, 2011

War on Terror Spending Tops $1 Trillion

Pentagon Crosses $1 Trillion Threshold In War On Terror Spending
(…Tony Capaccio, Bloomberg News
The Pentagon says it has spent at least $1 trillion prosecuting the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and defending the U.S. homeland, according to newly released Defense Department figures through April 30.

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Triple Canopy – Quiet Professionals Wanted

From: Triple Canopy


Quiet Professionals Wanted

We are seeking top performers who appreciate the opportunities that come with being a part of a growing international, security solutions leader, particularly those who operate best where expectations are high. We look for more than superior credentials; we need innovative team players who thrive in a fast-paced, global operations environment.

We employ corporate staff as well as operational full-time and intermittent employees throughout the world. Most positions require experience in one or more of the following areas: Read the rest of this entry »

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Buy a New SCAR 16S and Get $100 of Ammo

When you buy selected models of FN rifles, pistols and carbines between June 27 and August 31, 2011, FNH USA will reimburse you up to $150.00 for ammunition purchased at the same time from the same dealer.

It’s really that simple! Buy a new FN FNAR rifle, an FN SCARâ„¢ 16S carbine or an FN FS2000 carbine and you’ll be reimbursed for up to a $100.00 in free ammo. Buy BOTH a new FN PS90 carbine AND a new FN Five-seveN® pistol and you’ll get up to $150.00 in free ammo. Today’s high price of ammo is no longer an excuse not to add that great FN firearm you’ve been wanting to add to your gun collection today.

Remember, this is a very limited time offer so don’t delay. Check out these great FN guns at your local FNH USA dealer today. Visit to find an FNH USA retail dealer near you and for full promotion information and rebate forms.

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Obama’s Reasoning On Libya Criticized

Washington Post -David A. Fahrenthold
The White House has officially declared that what’s happening in Libya is not “hostilities.” But at the Pentagon, officials have decided it’s unsafe enough there to give troops extra pay for serving in “imminent danger.”


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Taliban Uses Children In Suicide Attacks

Use Of Children In Suicide Attacks Part Of ‘Ruthless’ Escalation For Taliban
The Taliban have begun using child suicide bombers in eastern Afghanistan, underscoring the increasingly brutal nature of the fighting in a volatile region that is emerging as the central front of the U.S.-led war.

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Development of Navy’s Advanced Weapons to End?

From Wired’s Danger Room:

The Free Electron Laser and the Electromagnetic Rail Gun are experimental weapons that the Navy hope will one day burn missiles careening toward their ships out of the sky and fire bullets at hypersonic speeds at targets thousands of miles away. Neither will be ready until at least the 2020s, the Navy estimates. But the Senate Armed Services Committee has a better delivery date in mind: never.

Both weapons are apples in the eye of the Office of Naval Research, the mad scientists of the Navy. “We’re fast approaching the limits of our ability to hit maneuvering pieces of metal in the sky with other maneuvering pieces of metal,” its leader, Rear Adm. Nevin Carr, told me in February. The answer, he thinks, is hypersonics and directed energy weapons, hastening “the end of the dominance of the missile,” Adm. Gary Roughead, the top officer in the Navy, told me last month. With China developing carrier-killer missiles and smaller missiles proliferating widely, both weapons would allow the Navy to blunt the missile threat and attack adversaries from vast distances.


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America is Losing it’s Grip – Gates

From: Newsweek

Aboard the Pentagon jet on his last foreign trip as secretary of defense, Robert Gates takes a moment to peer across the American horizon—and the view is dire: the U.S. is in danger of losing its supremacy on the global stage, he says.

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Ret. Col. Allen West Interview with Guns and Patriots

From Guns and Patriots

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“Come take them!”

“Come take them!”

– King Leonidas of Sparta, in response to King Xerxes of Persia’s demand that the Spartan army lay down their arms before the Battle of Thermopylae.

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LA Riots – Don’t steal from Korean Store

How LA Korean shopkeepers dealt with rioters and looters, 1992

“Although the day began relatively quietly, by mid-morning on the second day violence appeared widespread and unchecked as heavy looting and fires were witnessed across Los Angeles County. The Korean American community, seeing the police force’s abandonment of Koreatown, organized armed security teams composed of store workers, who defended their livelihoods from assault by the mobs.”

“The Korean men of that generation (my father’s) grew up in a Korea that was still a 3rd world nation and military service was mandatory. In short, they are tough and how know to use a gun.”

“I was best friends with the son of a Popular Korean market chain when this was happening. When the riots were going on, they had men on the roof of the grocery with AK-47’s and other assault rifles ready to take shit down.”

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Thigh Holster for Women’s Concealed Carry

From: Chics with Guns


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Airsoft Gun Control in California?

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Gates says NATO alliance in danger of breaking


Robert Gates calls it “aging out.” He’s not referring to his imminent retirement as defense secretary. He’s talking about a generational expiration date on the American embrace of Europe as a pillar of U.S. defense strategy.


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Army Writes New Manual on Preventing Civilian Deaths

“Danger Room has learned that an official with the Army’s Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute, Dwight Raymond, is drafting a manual on preventing civilian casualties. The manual, formally known as Army Tactics Techniques and Procedures 3-37.11, will provide practical advice for officers attempting to balance the difficulties of battling a shadowy insurgency while keeping civilians out of harm’s way. No such manual has ever existed before in the Army, or indeed across the entire military. Raymond anticipates publication by January 2012.

“If you have a short-term, short-sighted approach to conducting operations, and you try achieve mission success and you’re haphazard in terms of causing civilian casualties, that over long term jeopardizes your ability to accomplish the mission,” Raymond tells Danger Room. “That’s the key point.”

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Agent: I was ordered to let U.S. guns into Mexico

(CBS News)

WASHINGTON – Federal agent John Dodson says what he was asked to do was beyond belief.

He was intentionally letting guns go to Mexico?

“Yes ma’am,” Dodson told CBS News. “The agency was.”

An Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms senior agent assigned to the Phoenix office in 2010, Dodson’s job is to stop gun trafficking across the border. Instead, he says he was ordered to sit by and watch it happen.

Investigators call the tactic letting guns “walk.” In this case, walking into the hands of criminals who would use them in Mexico and the United States.

Documents show the inevitable result: The guns that ATF let go began showing up at crime scenes in Mexico. And as ATF stood by watching thousands of weapons hit the streets… the Fast and Furious group supervisor noted the escalating Mexican violence.

One e-mail noted, “958 killed in March 2010 … most violent month since 2005.” The same e-mail notes: “Our subjects purchased 359 firearms during March alone,” including “numerous Barrett .50 caliber rifles.”

Dodson feels that ATF was partly to blame for the escalating violence in Mexico and on the border. “I even asked them if they could see the correlation between the two,” he said. “The more our guys buy, the more violence we’re having down there.”

Video here:

“I accuse the U.S. weapons industry of (responsibility for) the deaths of thousands of people that are occurring in Mexico,” Calderon said.

How is it the weapon industry’s fault? Do they blame the auto industry for all of the car accidents in Mexico?

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