Archive for September, 2013

This Is What It Has Come To In Some States…

Explain to me how the laws that led to the following video are “common sense”. This is just ridiculous…

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Coloring Book Sparks Muslim Outrage


Wayne Bell, the Publisher of Really Big Coloring Books, Inc., of Clayton, Missouri, says the company has seen a negative backlash against the coloring book “We Shall Never Forget 9/11: The Kids’ Book of Freedom.”

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U.N. Attempts to Impose Its Will on U.S.

From The New American:

Wildly overstepping its bounds while revealing a profound ignorance or disdain for America’s constitutional system of government, the United Nations demanded on September 3 that the Obama administration “nullify” Florida’s popular “stand your ground” law. Of course, the president cannot “nullify” anything, let alone state law — and especially not on meaningless orders from the UN.

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Senate to Approve “Real” Journalists, Drudge Explodes

Matt Drudge was none too happy about Democrats determining who is and who is not a journalist:

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NSA May Have Impersonated Google


Earlier this week, Techdirt picked up on a passing mention in a Brazilian news story and a Slate article to point out that the US National Security Agency had apparently impersonated Google on at least one occasion to gather data on people. (Mother Jones subsequently pointed out Techdirt’s point-out.)

A technique commonly used by hackers, a MITM attack involves using a fake security certificate to pose as a legitimate Web service, bypass browser security settings, and then intercept data that an unsuspecting person is sending to that service. Hackers could, for example, pose as a banking Web site and steal passwords.

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National Guard Member in Miss America Pageant

From The Washington Times:

During Sunday’s Miss America pageant, televised September 15 at 9 p.m. on CBS, Vail will be the first contestant not to cover her tattoos during the bathing suit and evening gown portion of the competition.

Vail’s body art is not subtle. The serenity prayer is tattooed on her right side, and covers the area from just under her arm all the way down to her hip in large old English style writing. Vail has another tattoo of the army medical corp. insignia on her shoulder. Both will be visible.


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NC Bill Prohibits Cops From Destroying Guns

From WRAL:

The measure, House Bill 714, says departments may sell or auction weapons, use them for training or otherwise re-purpose them, but they may not destroy a gun if it is legal to own and in good working order.

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Analytic Guidance: The Syria Crisis

Analytic Guidance: The Syria Crisis is republished with permission of Stratfor.”


Editor’s note: Periodically, Stratfor publishes guidance produced for its analysis team and shares it with readers. This guidance sets the parameters used in our own ongoing examination and assessment of events surrounding Syria’s use of chemical weapons as the crisis evolves into a confrontation between the United States and Russia. Given the importance we ascribe to this fast-evolving standoff, we believe it important that readers have access to this additional insight.

In the wake of President Barack Obama’s change of tack from a strike on Syria, the threat of war has not dissolved. It has, however, been pushed off beyond this round of negotiations.

The president’s minimalist claims are in place, but they are under serious debate. There is no chance of an attack on chemical weapons stockpiles. Therefore, the attack, if any, will be on command and control and political targets. Obama has options on the table and there will be force in place for any contingency he selects. Nothing is locked in despite public statements and rhetoric in Washington, London, Paris or Moscow. Read the rest of this entry »

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Silent Circle Comments on the NSA

Here is an excerpt of Silent Circle’s  editorial from their company blog:

We at Silent Circle believe these revelations and disclosures are some of the best things that could happen to the technology sector. In fact, the battle for your digital soul has turned strongly towards Privacy’s corner because we now know what we are up against. We are beginning to define the capabilities and tactics of the world’s surveillance machine. Before all of this -we speculated, guessed and hypothesized that it was bad –we were all way off. It’s horrendous. It’s Orwell’s 1984 on steroids. It doesn’t matter –we will win the war.

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Smokejumpers Documentary From NRA

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The NSA and the Obama Administration

Just after the revelations about the NSA’s encryption-breaking abilities, there is now a story that the Obama administration let the leash off the NSA in 2011. In the encryption story published by The Guardian, New York Times and Pro Publica there was an interesting nugget of information. The programs run by the NSA are named after Civil War battles. Does that mean that the NSA sees the American public as its enemy? I have no problem with the NSA doing what they do and focusing that effort outward but as soon as that capability is turned inward on our own citizens that is when we have a problem. There is that pesky Fourth Amendment to the Constitution that specifically prohibits looking at our “effects”:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Bruce Schneier, a security technologist, is now calling on engineers who work in the government or for companies that contract with the government to start blowing the whistle on these type of programs. This administration has a history of citing the dangers that certain citizens pose while ignoring the explicit threats from outside. Targeting Americans with these programs is unacceptable.

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Criminals Don’t Follow Laws

Here is a good article by Gary North discussing gun control and its ramifications.

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Both Colorado Senators Recalled!

The New York Times has the story:

The recall elections ousted two Democratic state senators, John Morse and Angela Giron, and replaced them with Republicans. Both defeats were painful for Democrats – Mr. Morse’s because he had been Senate president, and Ms. Giron’s because she represented a heavily Democratic, working-class slice of southern Colorado.


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Danny Lewin – First to Fight, First to Die – 9/11/2001

From: Slate

… But before any of the horror unfolded that day, a little-known act of heroism is likely to have taken place on Flight 11 when Lewin—an Israeli-American who served in one of the most elite counterterrorism units of the Israel Defense Force (IDF)—rose from his seat and engaged in a struggle with one of the terrorists to try to thwart the hijacking. During the struggle Lewin was killed, making him the very first victim of the 9/11 attacks.


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Self Defense For Women

From the Loadout Room:

Knowledge and preparation are the two keys to protecting yourself from sexual violence.   The violence can come from a friend, stranger or  a twisted mix of both as the problem of date-rape continues to grow.

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