Posts Tagged united states

Corporate Press Hates America and It’s Founding Symbols

From The Federalist:

The meaning behind the “An Appeal To Heaven” flag, a pine-tree-adorned symbol used by squadrons of the Continental Navy during the Revolutionary War, is rather innocuous. George Washington’s secretary Col. Joseph Reed created the flag in 1775 to publicly display “an appeal to God to save the colonists from the King’s oppressive ruling.”

The same outlets fomenting fake scandal about the alleged Alito flag have never taken issue with any Americans displaying Black Lives Matter, Ukrainepro-terrorist, and rainbow flags, despite their connections to anti-American agitation. The New York Times, however, suggested the historic “An Appeal To Heaven” flag was associated with a “push for a more Christian-minded government.”

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Guns Liked More Than Capitalism According To Survey

From Bearing Arms:

Some phrases, like “national parks”, “honesty”, “freedom”, and “responsibility” are favored by large majorities of both self-identified Republicans and Democrats, but “Second Amendment” is one where there’s a notable gap in favorability between the left and the right. Still, more Democrats and Republicans have a favorable view of the Second Amendment than “capitalism” and “billionaires”, according to the Ipsos poll

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More Americans Need Start To Hunting

From The Federalist:

Hunting is an undervalued way to develop the manly character our Founding Fathers thought to be essential to our republic’s survival. The experience of braving less-than-ideal weather, sitting patiently in the woods, and calming your nerves as you set your sights on a trophy animal certainly builds character. Hunting also forces you to come face to face with the uncomfortable reality that your food comes from an animal’s death. In an economy where meat comes nicely packaged in plastic at the grocery store, there is a real lack of men who have both the practical know-how and the intestinal fortitude to hunt, butcher, and process meat.

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The Conspiracy To Use International Law To Attack Gun Rights

From Bearing Arms:

The parents of a student killed in the shootings at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida have teamed up with Brady’s former chief litigator to file a “first-of-its-kind” complaint with the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, alleging that “US gun policy violates basic human rights law” and deprived the Joaquin Oliver of his right to life.

In this case, Lowy and plaintiffs Manuel and Patricia Oliver, who founded the anti-gun group Change the Ref after their son was murdered, aren’t asking a U.S. court to rule that the Second Amendment is a violation of human rights. Instead, they’re taking their argument to an international body that has no real jurisdiction over the United States.

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Canadian Govt Is Killing More People Than American Firearm Suicide

From Bearing Arms:

The Assisted Suicide Rate in Canada is 4.45 times the Firearms Suicide Rate in the United States

While there were about 3,839 suicides per year in Canada in 2020, there were 13,500 assisted suicides in Canada in 2022. With a population of about 38.25 million people, that implies an assisted suicide rate of 35.294 per 100,000 people. The total suicide rate is about 45.

The assisted suicide rate in Canada in 2022 is about 4.45 times the firearms suicide rate in the US in 2021 (the latest year for both numbers). Even if you take Canada’s assisted suicide rate in 2021, when the program was ramping up, there were 10,500 assisted suicides, for a rate of 27.5 per 100,000 people. That is 3.46 times the US firearm suicide rate. 

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Trust In Military At 20 Year Low

From The Federalist:

Conducted by Gallup from June 1-22, the survey found that over the past five years, an increasing percentage of Americans are now “less likely” to voice “a great deal” or “quite a lot” of confidence in the U.S. military. According to the poll, 74 percent of Americans expressed such sentiments as recently as 2018. That number has since declined to 60 percent, marking the lowest level since 1997.

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German Immigrant Discusses Guns In Germany vs USA

From Gun Owners Radio:

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What Is The Correlation Between God and Guns?

From The Truth About Guns:

As a religion professor, I’ve come to know many students from other countries who identify as Christian. I realized they were puzzled at some of the things Americans often bundled into their faith – things these international Christians didn’t consider relevant to their own religious identity.

One issue in particular sparked a question from a South Asian Christian student: Why did American evangelicals seem to have such an affinity for firearms? For example, Pew Research indicates 41% of white evangelicals own a firearm, compared with 30% of people in the U.S. overall. This unsettled the student, since they shared much of the same theology, and they wanted to know more about this connection.

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Gun Manufacturers Want Mexican Lawsuit Dismissed

From Reuters:

A U.S. judge on Tuesday questioned whether allowing Mexico to sue U.S. gun manufacturers for facilitating the trafficking of weapons to drug cartels would open the door to other countries suing them, including Russia over firearms used by Ukrainians in the ongoing war.

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2021 National Firearm Survey

From Gun Curious:

30.2% of gun owners have owned an AR-15 style rifle.

That’s some 25 million people. This is the first survey that I can recall that asked about ownership of this particular rifle. The results confirm its popularity.

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CNN Uses China To Defend Gun Control

From CNN:

“When my friend told me about the shooting, I thought it was the United States,” one person wrote on the Chinese social media platform Weibo. Another user wrote, “Using a gun to kill people in China? Am I watching an American movie?”

That disbelief widely reflects how rare gun crime is in China — in contrast to it being a daily reality in the US.

The difference is stark when it comes to public safety. Despite being the world’s most populous country, with 1.4 billion residents, China only records a few dozen gun crimes a year. And more broadly, violent crime has continued falling, reaching its lowest level in 20 years in 2020, according to state-run news outlet Xinhua.

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The Politicians Continue To Play Checkers In Foreign Policy


Incredibly, Secretary of State Blinken said that Chinese influence in Afghanistan could be a positive thing if China sought a “peaceful resolution of the conflict,” and a “truly representative and inclusive” government. Yet, China doesn’t have a government that could be called “representative and inclusive” by anyone. So, why would they work towards one in Afghanistan?

Yet, it’s not unlikely that the Taliban held meetings with the Chinese intelligence service that could have aided in Taliban planning and operations.

Anyone who understands diplomacy and espionage can do the math and see that the Taliban are solidly backed by China. This could have emboldened them to take back Afghanistan in true blitzkrieg style as they did.

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The World After Afghanistan

From Spiked Online:

While a new regime in Afghanistan offers opportunities, this is still the Taliban we’re talking about. It is still a brutal Islamist movement, committed to the rule of Sharia law. And, insofar as it backs and inspires other Islamists, the Taliban still poses a significant security threat to all those regional powers hoping to take advantage of its retaking of power.

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Allies Question US Resolve After Afghanistan

From The Washington Post:

The Taliban’s stunningly swift advances across Afghanistan have sparked global alarm, reviving doubts about the credibility of U.S. foreign policy promises and drawing harsh criticisms even from some of the United States’ closest allies.

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Rewriting The Second Amendment Continues

From The Federalist:

Just like every other aspect of the American Founding, the ratification of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is rooted in nothing more than white supremacy. Or at least, that’s what scholar Carol Anderson wants you to believe.

In her latest book, “The Second: Race and Guns in a Fatally Unequal America,” Anderson argues that the “well regulated Militia” inscribed in the Second Amendment was created to provide states with a mechanism to quell potential slave uprisings.

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