Posts Tagged senate

Anti-Gun Senator Convicted Of Bribery

Menendez, a Democrat who represented New Jersey’s 13th Congressional district from 1993 until he stepped up to the Senate in 2006, was indicted on corruption charges last year and found guilty by a federal jury this week on 16 different charges ranging from extortion and conspiracy to bribery and wire fraud. This sets up the sitting lawmaker for as much as 223 years in prison if sentenced to the maximum penalty. 

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Anti-Gun Senator Cornyn Should Not Be Senate Leader

From Bearing Arms:

Sen. John Cornyn handed the Biden administration a huge win by working with the White House to pass the Safter Communities Act. He went against his party’s usual stand on gun control and managed to spearhead an effort to get it passed in the Senate, which had been where gun control went to die.

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Dianne Feinstein, Gun Hater, Dead At 90

From AP:

Feinstein died on Thursday night at her home in Washington, D.C., her office said on Friday. Opening the Senate floor, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announced that “earlier this morning, we lost a giant in the Senate.”

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GOA Sends Letter To Senate

From Ammoland:

On Friday, a group of Gun Owners of America (GOA) industry partners known as the No Compromise Alliance sent a letter to Congress opposing the proposed so-called “assault weapons” ban (H.R. 1808) and the repeal of Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (H.R. 2814).

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AZ Senate Candidate Blake Masters Says Gun Control Is Dead

From Real Clear Politics:

Finally, he concluded that gun control is obsolete – “I think it’s dead politically. I think it’s dead technologically.” Despite the efforts of the president, Masters believes that the accelerating pace of innovation has forever eclipsed regulators who seek to rein in ghost guns. “Because as the stuff gets easier, anyone’s just going to be able to print a gun. And pretty soon it won’t take 30 minutes, and pretty soon it won’t be hard, and I regard that as a welcome development.”

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Sen. Kennedy Unmasks Biden Judicial Nominees with Failure to Answer One Question

From Senator Kennedy:

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Senator Cruz Calls Out Biden Nominee Rachel Rollins Who Refused To Prosecute Criminals

From Senator Cruz:

Senator Cruz’s Statement On Rachel Rollins:

Sen. Cruz pointed to her policy while serving as District Attorney for Suffolk County, where she declined to prosecute certain dangerous crimes and pushed for ‘reallocating’ police funding. He then urged his Democrat colleagues to consider the safety and security of their constituents and vote against this radical nominee. Read excerpts of his remarks in committee below.

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Chipman Wrong For The ATF

From National Review:

Chipman is an activist, but the ATF needs an administrator. Chipman would raise the temperature of the gun-control debate, when precisely the opposite is needed. Chipman has shown poor judgment — from engaging in racially tinged office politics to allowing himself to be used as an instrument of public relations by a Beijing-run propaganda program — and the ATF, of all federal agencies, has had more than enough of poor judgment over the years.

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Impeachment Drafted Against Potential ATF Director Chipman

From The Truth About Guns:

Republican in the House, however, are preparing in case the worst happens. They’ve drawn up a preemptive impeachment resolution should Senate Democrats manage to drag Chipman over the confirmation line.

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Senate Votes Against Ending Afghan War

From The Hill:

The proposal, which was also sponsored by Sen. Tom Udall (D-N.M.), would remove troops from Afghanistan within a year and give them a $2,500 bonus. It would also repeal the 2001 authorization for the use of military force once U.S. troops have left the country. 

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Patriot Act Reform Fails By One Vote

From Ars Technica:

A majority of senators—59 out of 100—supported the amendment. But under the Senate’s dysfunctional rules, it takes a 60-vote supermajority to end debate on a proposal like this and move to a vote. So even though a majority of senators supported the amendment, it did not become part of the reauthorization bill.
Four senators—Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), Patty Murray (D-Wash.), Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), and Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) missed the vote. The amendment would have passed if any of them had voted “yes.”

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Dems Not Satisfied With Gun Control Go After Body Armor


U.S. Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-NY, announced his legislation on Sunday to require FBI permission before anyone except law enforcement could buy what he termed “sophisticated body armor,” setting a bar that would require a clear purpose, such as an occupational requirement, for the buyer to seek the safety equipment.

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Suppressor Ban/Confiscation In U.S. Senate


Sen. Bob Menendez last week announced his plan to introduce what he terms the Help Empower Americans to Respond (HEAR) Act when Congress goes back to work on Monday. His bill would reportedly provide some narrow exceptions for “certain current and former law enforcement personnel” and others while outlawing the more than 1 million currently legal suppressors in the country.

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Bill Introduced To Prevent Conflict With Gun-Free Schools Act


The Constitutional Carry States’ Rights Act was filed last week by U.S. Sen. Mike Rounds, a South Dakota Republican, who stressed the state’s pending permitless concealed carry law could pose an issue for those passing near school zones. In short, the federal Gun-Free School Zones Act bans carrying firearms within 1,000 feet of a school zone, with an exception for those with a carry permit. Supporters of the bill fear that those practicing legal constitutional carry may not meet that exception.

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Senator Wants To Disenfranchise Adults Under 21


U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein intends to introduce a bill to Congress that would ban the sale of “high capacity” magazines and “assault weapons” to adults under age 21.

Feinstein, a California Democrat who is the ranking minority member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said on Monday that she intends to propose the legislation in coming days.

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