Posts Tagged women

Tessa Booth Talks Guns For Women

From Tessa Booth’s YouTube:

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Increased Gun Sales Still Dumbfounds Press

From CNN:

Jenn and Shelby are part of a growing number of Americans, particularly women and people of color, on an extended national gun shopping splurge – many for the first time.

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Women Only Sniper School

From Ammoland:

A Girl & A Gun welcomed 12 women who traveled to Grand Junction, CO, for the inaugural Sniper School event. Comprising riflecraft and fieldcraft instruction blocks, AG & AG Sniper School utilized several areas of the Cameo Shooting and Education Complex that served as the perfect backdrop for learning internal and external ballistics, wind, mirage, concealment, movement, angles, and more. Sniper/spotter teams engaged targets up to and beyond 2,000 yards in the mountainous desert terrain.

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Women Buying More Guns

From Discourse Magazine:

The executive director of A Girl and A Gun (AGAG) Women’s Shooting League is noticing that women are showing up to shoot more than ever before. “Every week, basically, we’re approached by a new instructor or range that wants to have a women-focused training program in their area,” Sandoval told Discourse.

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Walther Introduces PDP-F With Female Ergonomics

From Walther:


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Reddit CEO, Cathedral Operative, Now Grabbing At Straws By Creating New Epithets

From The Western Journal:

“At the end of the day, the free-speechers really just want to be able to use racist slurs,” she said, sharing a racist email.

“They really don’t care about sharing new ideas or encouraging freedom other than the freedom to harass other people off the platform,” Pao said.

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How To Talk About Guns

From NRA Women:

Thinking about the person to whom you’re talking and asking, “How have you understood or used firearms in your life?” will likely give you some information to help you tailor your conversation.

If I know that the woman with whom I’m speaking has never shot a firearm, and her family never owned one, I will talk about different things than, say, when talking to my friend whose dad doesn’t think shooting and hunting is ladylike. My advice is to strive to prevent others from feeling judged or ignorant. There are facets of people’s upbringing over which they did not have control. We can share how excited we are for them to learn, though! Personally, I try to let the positives that I find in shooting, competing, feeding my family through hunting—all the good things I see in firearms ownership—shine through in how I talk.

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Whistleblower: Lower Standards For Women In Military

From The Federalist:

The female captain dropped out of physically demanding combat controller course exercises several times, but unlike male trainees with similar difficulties, Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) officials kept extending special concessions to keep her in the program.

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A Woman’s Opinion On Concealed Carry

From Classic Firearms:

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3.5 Million Women Became New Gun Owners In Last Two Years

From CNS News:

Women have bought almost half of all guns purchased since the beginning of 2019, reported The Wall Street Journal on Sept. 16.

Preliminary results of the 2021 National Firearms Survey, obtained exclusively by The Journal, found that about 3.5 million women became new gun owners between January 2019 and April 2021. Approximately 4 million men purchased first-time guns during that period.

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Asian Woman Discusses Gun Rights And Self Defense

From Inquirer:

As a Chinese American woman born to immigrants from Hong Kong, I knew I was an outsider in the small, Upstate New York town where I grew up, but the differences seemed benign. The teasing I endured from classmates didn’t seem racially motivated, just cruel. As an adult, I dropped the foreign parts of my name and lost my native Cantonese language skills, feeling more American with every step. I rarely worried about being Asian. The times I was heckled with racist insults were few and far between. I lived a life free from threats of racist violence.

My gender, small stature, and periods of single life seemed more likely to attract harassment and crime. They were why I learned how to shoot guns, to fight using Brazilian jiu-jitsu, and otherwise defend myself against all of the normal sorts of threats that women worry about. In time, they were why I founded On Her Own, a social media project where I share what I’ve learned about how women can survive and thrive in today’s world.

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Celebrating Famous Women And Their Guns

From America’s First Freedom:

In the twilight of the nineteenth century, the U.S. frontier was a tenuous place to be; especially for women, as they were often left alone for long stretches of time to fend for the family. The nearest help for them might be miles away down dark and dusty roads.

But with all the struggles and insecurity for many of the women who came before me, it was also a time of tremendous social rebellion, autonomy, and discovery. It was a time when many women not only picked up firearms as a means of self-protection, but also when they laid the foundation for the rights we have today.

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Guns and Dating

From The Truth About Guns:

Pay attention to the woman’s background. This is where social media is a big help. 
I hate to use the word “stereotyping,” but if your lady friend is a big Bernie fan and lists her dream job as being a diplomat at the UN, it’s probably not the wisest approach to take her for a first date to the gun range.
But be careful not to fall into the trap of associating geography with anti-gun sentiment. I dated a girl from New York City who didn’t mind me owning guns at all. And I’ve met more than a few from red state America who support The House of Feinstein.

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Firearms Instructors Train Women For Free In Detroit

From Guns In The News:

Firearm Instructors united August 15th and 16th in Taylor – a Detroit suburb – to provide free firearm training to 1,938 metro-Detroit women. They answered a call for assistance by Rick Ector, a Detroit Firearm Instructor, who conducts an annual program to give women a free range safety briefing and a free shooting lesson. Last year, 814 local women were trained by the program. At that point in time, it was the program’s highest-ever attendance total.

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Disabled Woman Stops Home Invasion

From Ammoland:

At about 2:45 on Saturday afternoon, at the Carrington Place Apartments on FM 1960 West, in the 12700 block, a 53-year-old disabled woman resident used a firearm to stop a crew of criminals who were breaking into her home.

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