Archive for category Ammo

Home Defense Ammo From Federal Premium

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Jeff Quinn tests Federal Premium “Guard Dog” 9mm home defense ammo.

An effective, light-recoil defensive round – but don’t count on a light, defensive load not going through sheet rock and hitting a neighbor or family member on the other side. “You are responsible for every bullet that comes out of your gun.”

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Buy a New SCAR 16S and Get $100 of Ammo

When you buy selected models of FN rifles, pistols and carbines between June 27 and August 31, 2011, FNH USA will reimburse you up to $150.00 for ammunition purchased at the same time from the same dealer.

It’s really that simple! Buy a new FN FNAR rifle, an FN SCARâ„¢ 16S carbine or an FN FS2000 carbine and you’ll be reimbursed for up to a $100.00 in free ammo. Buy BOTH a new FN PS90 carbine AND a new FN Five-seveN® pistol and you’ll get up to $150.00 in free ammo. Today’s high price of ammo is no longer an excuse not to add that great FN firearm you’ve been wanting to add to your gun collection today.

Remember, this is a very limited time offer so don’t delay. Check out these great FN guns at your local FNH USA dealer today. Visit to find an FNH USA retail dealer near you and for full promotion information and rebate forms.

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Is it Time for the 6x45mm Cartridge?

Is it Time for the 6x45mm Cartridge?

Patrick Sweeney takes a new look at this 1960’s wildcat for the AR platform in his 2010 book The Gun Digest Book of The AR-15 Volume 3.

Below is an excerpt.

By Patrick Sweeney

The original caliber for the AR-15 wasn’t the .223/5.56, it was a slightly smaller cartridge. The .222 Special delivered the kind of performance that the designers wanted, which was basically a 50-grain bullet at under 3,000 feet per second.

The Army, trying to keep the AR away and keep the M14 in the running, kept moving the goalposts. Finally, they insisted that the bullet used had to penetrate a steel helmet at a distance farther than their own research had indicated soldiers fired on opponents. The special got stretched and boosted, until the 55-grain FMJ was at 3,100 fps.

And there it stood, until the mid-1980s, when the SS109 came about. That was intended for use against swarms of Soviet infantry in Western Europe. What, there never were swarms of Soviet infantry in Western Europe? Musta worked.

Seriously, the expectation was that the Soviets would roll West, and the NATO allies would be faced with Russian, East German, Polish and who knows who else mechanized infantry piling out of their BMDs, BMPs, and BTRs, lining up and assaulting the NATO positions. They expected to face lots of targets, and not only armed ones, but armored infantry. So, the push was for armor-piercing performance, leading to the SS109 and the later M-855, with a 10-grain steel penetrator tip inside.

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Winchester 64gr Power Point Recall

This Winchester ammo has been blowing up ARs and has injured Police Officers.

From: WInchester


WINCHESTER® RANGER® LAW ENFORCEMENT 223 Remington 64 Grain Power-Point®

Olin Corporation, through its Winchester Division, is recalling six (6) lots of its RANGER® 223 Remington 64 Grain Power-Point® (PP) centerfire rifle ammunition (Symbol Number RA223R2).

Lot Numbers (last four characters): DK01, DK11, DK21, DK31, DK41, and DK51

Through extensive evaluation Winchester has determined the above lots of RANGER® Law Enforcement ammunition may contain incorrect propellant. Incorrect propellant in this ammunition may cause firearm damage, rendering the firearm inoperable, and subject the shooter or bystanders to a risk of serious personal injury when fired.

DO NOT USE WINCHESTER® RANGER® 223 REMINGTON 64 GRAIN POWER-POINT® AMMUNITION THAT HAS A LOT NUMBER ENDING IN DK01, DK11, DK21, DK31, DK41 or DK51. The ammunition Lot Number is ink stamped inside the right tuck flap of the 20-round carton, as indicated here:

To determine if your ammunition is subject to this notice, review the Lot Number. If the last four characters of the Lot Number are DK01, DK11, DK21, DK31, DK41 or DK51 immediately discontinue use and contact Winchester toll-free at 866-423-5224 to arrange for replacement ammunition and free UPS pick-up of the recalled ammunition.

This notice applies only to RANGER® 223 Remington 64 Grain Power-Point® centerfire rifle ammunition with lot numbers ending in DK01, DK11, DK21, DK31, DK41, and DK51. Other Symbol Numbers or Lot Numbers are not subject to this recall.

If you have any questions concerning this RANGER® Law Enforcement ammunition recall please call toll-free 866-423-5224, write to Winchester (600 Powder Mill Road, East Alton, IL 62024 Attn: RA223R2 Recall), or visit our website at

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Ammo Ban Overturned in California

From The Volokh Conspiracy:

The lawsuit alleged that, “It is practically impossible, both for those subject to the law and for those who must enforce it, to determine whether any of the thousands of different types of ammunition cartridges that can be used in handguns are actually ‘principally for use in’ or used more often in, a handgun. The proportional usage of any given cartridge is impossible to determine, and in any event changes with market demands.”

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Barret 6.8 Ammo and Mags

When it comes to defending yourself, you have to be able to depend on your rifle. You can eliminate all doubt when you equip your REC7® with Barrett’s 30-round 6.8 SPC rifle magazine. These magazines are constructed of high-carbon steel and heat-treated to ensure dependability and extended service life. Barrett machine-tumbles the magazine to remove burs and create smooth feeding. Designed to meet Barrett’s standard of perfection, this magazine will keep your REC7 supplied when you need it most.

When you choose a Barrett magazine, don’t forget to fill it with genuine Barrett ammunition. 6.8 SPC is available for the high-capacity magazines, and .50 BMG M33 Ball for the full line of Barrett’s legendary .50 caliber products.

Check out this 30-round magazine, and the full line of Barrett ammunition, in the Barrett online store.

PO Box 1077 Murfreesboro, TN 37133 / 615.896.2938 T / 615.896.7313 F /


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SureFire’s New High Capacity AR Magazines

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Short discussion of shotgun loads for home defense

There’s a lot of discussion out there, weighing the pros and cons of using birdshot or buckshot for a home defense situation. It seems to boil down to varying opinions on either the uncertain stopping power of birdshot, or the danger of over-penetration with buckshot. Here’s an interesting take on the subject:

“The 12 gauge shotgun is the most devastating and lethal weapon yet devised for inflicting rack and ruin at close range.  A safe bet for ammunition selection is to use the 2-3/4-inch 00 buckshot load.  The impact of one of these shot shells is essentially equivalent to getting hit with a nine round burst from a submachine gun.
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FBI Gel test of various rounds: 12 guage shotgun, 000 Buckshot

Through 3/4 inch plywood and into ballistic gelatin

“Going by various nicknames such as : “street sweeper” and “riot gun”, the 12 gauge shotgun, using buckshot, has a well-earned reputation for effectiveness during close-range shooting events.

Good pump action shotguns from Mossberg, Remington and others may be purchased for no more than $300 – about a third of the asking price of the AR-15 and similar rifles and having a terminal effectiveness far out of proportion to the price of the gun itself.

Using a standard 10 pellet, 000 buckshot load, one shot from a 12 gauge is equal to a 10-shot burst from a 9x19mm submachinegun – with all FMJ bullets impacting at almost the same instant.”

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Home defense shotgun ammunition, the basics

“…[once] a home defense shotgun has been put together, the question remains: What should we feed it?

First, let’s ask ourselves why a shotgun is being used for home defense. Understanding that will help us make the ammunition choice. A shotgun has some advantages that make it desirable as a home defense weapon.

While any firearm powerful enough to use for defense will penetrate most walls, shotguns are slightly less likely to over penetrate.

A shotgun has the ability to fire a shell with multiple projectiles, increasing the likelihood of a solid hit and thus of stopping the threat. Some say the ominously large bore and unique sound of the action tend to make bad guys choose another activity… one far away from you and your family.”

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Hornady Critical Defense Ammo


Hornady Critical Defense Ammo

Hornady Critical Defense

Conventional hollow points have always had issues with the cavity becoming clogged with fibers from clothing, rendering them ineffective in terms of expansion in soft tissue after they encounter the clothing barrier. But Hornady’s Critical Defense cartridge plugs this with their closely-guarded rubber material making for a clean penetration and predictable expansion with every shot.

As of 10-May-2010 available at Cabelas.


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Ammo to Go

Good prices on ammo of all kinds.

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.50 TAC Round

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5.56 and .223 Ammo – Everything You Need to Know

Below are some direct links to an OUTSTANDING FAQ from The Ammo Oracle at

It is a very comprehensive collection of information on .223 and 5.56 ammo.

The AR15.COM Ammo Oracle

History and Basic Design of .223 and 5.56 Ammunition.

Performance of .223 and 5.56 Ammunition.

Terminal Performance of .223 and 5.56 Ammunition.

.223 and 5.56 Ammunition Testing

Selection of .223 and 5.56 Ammunition.

Ammunition recommendations from the authors of the Ammo-Oracle.

Purchase and Storage of .223 and 5.56 Ammunition.

Legal questions.

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